Soul Evolution System

Chapter 85 Taking a Little Breath

When our group returns to the laboratory I see more vehicles parked here. Yuriko-san or Soichiro must have arrived while we were feeding some zombies. As I approach, unfortunately I realize that it was Soichiro who decided to come to help us, haa ... it seems today is not my lucky day.

"What happened? Where did you go?"

Soichiro asks anxiously.

"... I just had to take care of some unimportant issues, but since you're here let's organize the people so we can go back to our camp"

I answered unenthusiastically

"…it's okay"

Soichiro answers me affirmatively without asking any more questions and began to organize people together with other soldiers to get on the trucks.

After preparing to leave, I saw the two men who wanted to find their relatives, then I decide to get off the car go to them.

"Take this, it will be useful to you"

I handed a beretta to each of them and they immediately took the arms, and I proceeded to explain how to use them. I also give them one last piece of advice, although it may sound a bit cruel it was something very sensible... if the world was different I would only wish them luck in their search, but after seeing the house of the cannibals I wanted to do a help them a little.

"These guns have 15 bullets... use them well, if you find yourself in a situation where you are surrounded by zombies and you only have one bullet left, aim the gun at your head and shoot... it will prevent you from a lot of suffering"

The two swallowed their saliva loudly and trembled when they heard my words and nodded. With nothing more to do for them, I went back to my car.

I instructed the driver to stop the car at the entrance of the laboratory so I can use my poke-ball and pick up the Venus, with that done the caravan of vehicles set course for MLDW.

During the whole trip I just closed my eyes and tried to rest. After some time Saeko informs me that we have arrived at MLDW. When I open my eyes, I see the walls and the tents of our camp, with people doing their usual routine... I must say that Venus gives a lot of presentation to this since the camp doesn’t look presentable.

With that in mind, I take out my poke-ball again and let out the Venus. Its sudden appearance surprises customers and those in charge of the store. The cars stop in front of the castle and people started to get off.

After getting off the car I saw the other 2 leaders who were left behind the camp walking towards us. Our group does the same and also started walking towards them.

"It seems that unexpected things happened in the laboratories... but it is good to have more people joining us. With them being scientists, they will be very helpful for the departments of Kurisu-san and Shisuka-san"

"You are right Yuriko-san, many things happened... but for now Yoshioka will be the one responsible for processing all the people we brought. I need to go to my room and rest"

"Okay, I'll take care of them. Also, this is the inventory of everything we collected at the city's military base."

"Hmn? I understand, have a good rest Alexander-kun"

I took the papers that Yoshioka handed me and stored them in my inventory... Yuriko-san seems to find my attitude a little strange but doesn't ask anything and as I walk inside the castle she tells me that.

Before going through the castle doors remember something I had to say to them, so I turn to talk to them again.

"Communicate with the biggest camps we have contact with on the radio... we have to conduct a meeting with them tomorrow afternoon, it's time to try reducing the number of zombies in the city and they can help"

"Okay, I'll take care of it... I just don't know if they want to participate in that as many of those camps will probably find it very risky."

"...Yuriko-san, you just have to tell them that if they participate, there will be advantages for them. Also, whether if they come or not is ok, but if they choose to stand by, tell them to not expect us to rescue them if things get difficult in their camps"

Having nothing more to say I went to my room and I threw myself on the fluffy bed. After relaxing for a few moments, I examine the papers that Yoshioka gave me, at first glance looking at the amount of things written, it seems like it was a great harvest.


5x Type 10 tanks

8x Type 96 troop transport vehicles

10x Komatsu LAV

20x Military Jeeps

3x Bell AH-1 Cobra helicopter

Weapons and military objects:

750x Howa type 89

250x M-16

1,000x Heckler and Koch USP

50x Heckler & Koch PSG1

15x Type 97 anti-tank rifles

1,500 military suits of carbon nanotubes

10x Howa type 96

10x Panzerfaust 3

5x FH-70

100x Rocket 110mm

10,000x hand grenades

5,000,000 5.56mm bullets

2,000,000 9mm bullets

1x assembly line for 5.56mm and 9mm bullets




The more I continued reading, the richer I felt… without a doubt, I can now have a very well equipped small army. Also, all this was totally free! I didn't have to pay a single crystal or Gold for them.

What also surprised me was that we obtained a bullet assembly line, including enough material to manufacture bullets. I won't have to worry about supplying bullets for the camp for a time, of course, that will be after implementing and training workers.

It was really a great harvest. The only regrettable thing is that the vehicles will have to wait before we can use them, but with all the mechanics and Hirano working on them, it won't take long until they’re all operational.

"Are you okay, Alex-san?"

While I was still reading the documents Yoshioka gave me, the door of my room opens and Saeko immediately enters while asking me.

"Hmn? Oh, Saeko-chan… yes, I just wanted to clear my mind a little, don't worry."

Upon answering, she approaches the bed where we sleep and sits on it while smiling at me. Saeko must have been worried for me because of what happened in that house since she saw that I was the one who was disturbed the most at that time, that's why I answer while also smiling to reassure her.

Keeping her gaze on me she begins to crawl on the bed until she reaches me, then she positions her body above me to be head to head with the four limbs extended on each side of me holding her.

This left Saeko in a position that makes her long bluish hair fall on the side of her face and back down, we looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds and then I extended my right hand towards her, leaving the papers I held on the side of the bed. I stroke her cheek for a while, then rub my thumb against her lips.

As if she couldn't take it anymore, she holds my hand to stop my movements, but in the next instant she slowly lowered her face until we kiss. In response, I peck her fleshy lips a little and with my arm that she didn't hold I wrap her waist to press her against my body.

As a result of my action, the full weight of her body rest on me... instead of being uncomfortable and feeling the burden of having her lying on me, I can only enjoy her warmth and softness pressing against me, but as if that would not be enough for me, I tighten her with more force on the waist to increase the sensations that her body transmits me.

"Hmmm ~"

I don't know if it's because of the lack of air or the strength I used to hug her, but Saeko lets out a groan that is repressed by my lips that continued to suck hers.

I continue kissing her for a few minutes and then to allow both of us to breathe I separate from her, but not before biting her lower lip a little with my teeth.

"Ha ... ha ... I'm glad that what happened before didn't affect you so much"

Well, without a doubt that was one of the worst or even the worst thing I've seen so far... I almost went crazy with emotions at that moment. It was good that my “emperor will” skill was activated, probably trying to protect my mental state.

But my emotions has not completely calmed down, in fact, when she mentioned that subject, I still remember images of what I saw on that occasion, so my desire to continue playing with her vanishes.


I put strength in my arms to lower Saeko from above me and lay her to my side by turning my body while I hug her, seeing the doubt in her face, I explain while I press my head in her chest.

"Now I just want to rest, Saeko-chan… let me sleep like this for a while"

"Fufufu, it's alright. Rest Alex-san"

With Saeko’s hands caressing my hair I try to fall asleep to forget everything that happened on this day, then before I realized it, I fell asleep..

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------


The next morning I am the first to wake up because I fell asleep for the rest of the afternoon and part of the night. Looking through the windows of my suite I realize that it is still dark outside, I get up, trying not to wake up Saeko who is hugging me and the other girls who came to sleep on the bed without us noticing.

Outside of the castle, I can only see the illuminated areas of the walls and the pink section... those girls really work hard. I can see the school that is still under construction and Haruna-san's dog, and beside it is Alice-chan's puppy.

Seeing this, I remembered that there is one thing I that wanted to do, but due to lack of time I ended up forgetting it. Now that everyone is still asleep now may be the best time to do it, so I

walk in the direction of the dogs.

Because of their good sense of smell and hearing, they immediately notice me. The little one quickly comes running towards me while the big one continued to lie down and even turns its head to the other side as if trying to ignore me ...

"Tch, ungrateful. Doing that after I let you rest so you can digest the crystal you swallowed, maybe I should make you work even more so that you can understand your place. You should be like this little one and be happy every time you see me... what was your name? or Maybe Alice-chan hasn't given you one yet? "

I decided to give the same treatment to the big dog and ignored it, concentrating more on the little one, I hold the puppy up at the height of my head while I ask it and then it barks happily as if trying to answer my words.

"I promised you I would give you a partner, right? This one here should be enough, so you won't be so moody once I steal your master"

The big dog stops ignoring me when it heard my words, but instead of getting happy it starts growling, transmitting me through the tamer's bond that the puppy I’m holding is also a male... now that I look closely that is right...

"Well ... your master's son has a partner from the same gender and he doesn't complain about that... you should learn from him"


The big dog barks at me, telling me something like "Don't compare me with that fool" ... that is very cruel, you know? Now even a dog feels superior to Komuro. Well, let's put that aside and do what I intended when came here.

The puppy at my feet ducked its ears as if it were scolded, the bark must have scared it... it's still a normal dog after all.

"Do you think he can eat this?"

I take out a crystal with the value of 5 and show it to the two dogs, immediately they begin to smell it, the little one surely out of curiosity while the big one as if evaluating it.

After a few seconds, Haruna-san's dog nodded its head, but even with the approval I feel somewhat restless about giving it to the puppy... what happens if it explodes? Alice-chan will surely be sad.

"Well, if the puppy explodes it will be your fault, so I will tell the others that you ate it"


….I put the crystal into the puppy's mouth until it swallowed it, then I move back a few steps while observing its reaction.

The seconds pass and the puppy, apart from the discomfort it feels from swallowing the crystal, doesn’t seem to show any kind of reaction... is that a good thing, isn't it?

Suddenly, the puppy collapses, so I quickly kneel to check it while being a little worried

"E-eh? He died! Don't die doggy! Alice-chan will be sad if you do!"

Looking more closely I see that it’s still breathing ... in fact, he seems asleep. This is a relief, haaa.

"You are a lucky dog ... for a moment there I thought that I would really have to say that you had eaten the puppy"


"Don't get mad, in the end I didn't have to resort to that, so we can all be happy now."

I take the puppy and placed it next to the large dog that was still lying in the same place. Although it complained earlier, I know it is glad to have a partner.

"Take care of the puppy, dog"

After saying that, I returned to the castle and stayed near the entrance, waiting for the dawn and the other people to wake up. Being one of the people in charge of dealing with the affairs of the castle, the first I see is Yoshioka, he also sees me and walks towards me.

"Good morning Alexander-san, you woke up very early today"

"Yesterday, I slept through almost all afternoon so I couldn't keep sleeping even if I wanted to. What are the things that we have to do today?"

"Since the people who arrived yesterday are mostly scientists, I have to check if they can be integrated into the departments of Biology and Technology"

"... for the biology department choose only women"

"…all right"

The biology department is Shisuka's place of work and I’m worried that she might be taken advantage of. Let's be realistic, she may follow some bad man if she was offered candy. ...And no, it's not because I get more jealous with her than with Kurisu

Yoshioka looks at me for a few seconds and sighs while accepting my conditions for the recruitment for the biology department, I'm sorry to make your job more difficult.

"Also in the afternoon we will conduct a meeting with the leaders of other camps"

Oh, I forgot about that... we will see how many of these camps join our cause. They have become accustomed to dealing with zombies so they are much better than recruiting unexperienced people in our camp to become soldiers.

"It seems that there will be no expeditions today... Yoshioka, you have to fix the cars and weapons in a showy way once these leaders arrive, it is better that we imprint them with confidence… or even fear would be fine"

"...I can arrange the soldiers to show up in a showy way, but the vehicles ...many are still inoperable so I will have to bother you to move them"

"Okay, I'll take care of that you take care of the rest"

While I was talking with Yoshioka, more people begin to show up to do their daily routines, including Saeko who should also have had enough. Upon seeing her arrive, Yoshioka decided to leave to do his preparations and then Saeko sits next to me.

While we talk with each other about any topic, we wait for the other girls to wake up to go to the dining room and eat together.


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Hello everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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