Soul Evolution System

Chapter 91 Second phase of the plan

The next morning everyone in the camp gets up very early. Groups of soldiers started preparing to go to the sattelite camp in the center of the city and boarded their assigned vegicles. My group takes a TR-12 and continues behind the caravan that is formed.

When we entered the city, the streets are empty and there are no zombies scattered from every direction. Our group and the others with whom we formed an alliance did a good job in achieving this, even so, the main problem is still the center and the port of the city but if everything goes as planned, the situation will change for the better in a few days and we would no longer have to worry about this, or at least the zombies in the area near MLDW will stop being a problem...

We arrived at our destination. Its appearance remained unchanged since the last time we used this camp, it wouldn't be productive to strenghten its defences since its just a temporary camp. In case a zombie horde attacks, the instructions given to the soldiers occupying this camp is to abandon the place immidiately and report back to MLDW. Its good that they didn't have to resort to that and the situation was very quiet.

The only difference from the last time it was used is the addition of a small shop just like in MLDW. The main product sold here were antidotes. It was a request from the other camps in order for them to avoid having to go towards the edge of the city just have to get antidotes.

"Sir, several leaders of other camps are already waiting in the meeting room"

When I went out of the vehicle, a soldier moves quickly to where I am and reports to me.

"I understand, once Yuriko-san and Soichiro arrive, inform them too. I will wait for them inside"

"Yes, sir"

That explains the various cars that were outside the camp, they must belong to those leaders who came early.

After that small exchange, my group and I went towards the meeting room...


"Finally you have come, Alexander-kun... as you can see several of us are eager to start"

Upon entering, the first one who greet me is the young leader Tanaka-san. This month I was able to make friends with him and I even received several tips from him, but the girls always frown whenever they see him... this cannot be avoided since he has a reputation for being a playboy.

"Do not be impatient, we will wait for Yuriko-san and Soichiro to arrive before we can start, dot worry they won't take long."


Finished saying that I go to one of the main seats in this table and sat down. Several leaders greet me and some didn't even waste time to praise me repeatedly. In response, I simply smiled at them and closed my eyes to wait for the others. This is something I learned from being in these kind of situations. When I do this, the others keep silent trying not to bother me... but, everything has an exception.

"Tell me something, Alexander-kun ... how far have you come with those beauties? It also seems that a new one joined your group... she looks dangerous..."

Tanaka-san who was sitting near me whispers, but since this is a closed place it can still be clearly heard by everyone here.

"... we're still on the same level as before... it has been a busy month so unfortunately I couldn't spend time wih them"

When I heard his question, I wanted to boast immediately that I got a beautiful mature woman to fall in love with me... it is a pity that her son is here and is paying close attention to what I'm talking about with Tanaka-san, so I had to hold back from saying so...

"... well, you're still young. You should not hurry to enjoy the pleasures of life with them... but there should be no problems to you things to a higher level of kisses and caresses, for example-"

" You, stop throwing strange ideas at Alex! He's jus 12 years old you know? If we were in the world before the apocalypse, what you're doing would be illegal and Something very serious!"

Kurisu intervenes in our conversation while staring angrily at Tanaka-san. Saya and Rei also nod strongly and looks at Tanaka-san like he's an insect. It seems that he is used to this kind of treatment because he just simply smiles without caring much about this.

"Changing the subject, you are not the most suitable one to determine if when a girl is dangerous. You are a man who was stabbed by the girls you have a relationship with you know?"

"Hahaha, you're right about that"

"It was probably for lying to a girl just to take her to bed, so when she found out that you had several other women, you got what you deserved."

"No, I did not lie... they did not ask me and I saw no reason to mention that!"

Although I decide to change the subject to lighten the mood of the girls when Rei hears what we're talking about she justifies the girls who stabbed him... at first, I thought he had been honest with his girls and they were just being brutal, but judging form his words just now it wouldn't be strange for his girls to act like that.

"Garbage! Get away from Alex!"

"Alex-san is better than people like you"

When my girls found out about Tanaka-san's situation they stared at him again, this time it doesn't even seem like they're looking at a living creature. As Kurisu says, they see him like a pile of filthy and smelly garbage... even Leona who usually doesn't have an expression like Scythe, do the same as the other girls.

"I'm sorry for being late"

"Let's finish this fast so we can eliminate all those zombies"

The only thing that saves Tanaka-san is the arrival of the Takagi couple who entered the meeting room. The girls stopped glaring at him and focused on the meeting.

Since most of the things are prepared, we just need to carry out the plan. This meeting is nothing more than a review of the operation.

After a few minutes of discussion, we got up from the table, separated into our groups, and went to our designated streets.

Yuriko-san went to the left, and Soichiro on the right. My group and I went to the main street which is in the center of the Takagi couple.

Several Jeeps and other armed cars are parked at the end of the street assigned to my group. The other streets across were blocked with wires meshe or metal fences, so there is only one way to go.

In addition, on the asphalt several centimeters above the ground there are some things held in small stakes that would cause any person to feel a chill down their spine just by seeing them... in fact, I am really reluctant to walk near those objects.

I can only trust the words of Hirano who developed those things and the system for all this. He assured me that these things would only do their job once they are activated, but still, all the people who walked near those things advanced carefully trying not to touch them.

It was like going through a minefield... there probably isn't much difference between this and that. The first who advanced are people armed with rifles and guns since our main objective is to make as much noise as possible in order to attract a large number of zombies and have them follow us in this street. While we were walking towards the center of the city, I see all the work that several people did during this month. To be able to block and bury those small posts in the pavement, a lot of labor was necessary.

The labor was obviously taken from people with the rank of refugee on our camp and people protected by the other leaders of the alliance.

Although I do not know and I do not care how they convinced those people to come and work in a city full of zombies, in our case, it wasn't that difficult. We simply promised that whoever comes and help to do this work will be treated as a citizen during their work plus an additional 2 months citizen rank treatment.

There were many people who wanted to work and leave the refugee rank but couldn't because many of the jobs were already occupied, so when they heard this opportunity they were really glad. We also guaranteed that once that new jobs are created, those who came to help in the city would be given priority first. It was a relief that there were no casualties among workers, so people who had doubts to come because of the danger overcame their fear and volunteered. With more workers at our disposal, the completion of that phase of the plan was quicker.

"Alexander-kun, the zombies are beginning to appear"

Tanaka-san pulls me out of my deep thought and signals me about he incoming zombies.He is here along with his group to fight in this place.

As the leader I order the soldiers to attack.

"Everyone kills as many zombies as you can, fire!!"

I draw my two guns with removed silencers and knocked down any zombie that comes into my vision, everyone also takes their weapons and proceeds to do the same.

The sound of shots echoed throughout the place and you can also hear Yuriko-san and Soichiro's team do the same.

Zombie after zombie fall on the asphalt but another one alwas immediately takes the place of the fallen zombies. Not long after, we stopped moving forward and just stood our ground without going back to get the attention of zombies.

Beside me I can also see Kurisu shooting repeatedly, her shooting rate may not be much but she is focusing on any evolved zombie she discovers. Seeing her shoot more often prove our concerns that if we continue giving the zombies more time they will become a big problem.

It's not just her, others who also have sniper rifles change their cartridges constantly...

"They number has grown too much! Start moving back!"


A large horde of zombies formed and walked towards us and seeing that no matter how much we shoot they advance towards us without stopping I had no choice but to give the order to fall back.

I use my domain to check the path behind my back, so I won't have much trouble for doing that, but some of the others stumble and rolled on the ground... at first, it wasn't much of a problem since they just had to get up quickly and regroup, but I don't know if It is the pressure of seeing such a large number of zombies in front of us that makes us slower but the distance between us seems to decrease with every minute.

As a result, sometimes when someone stumbles, an agility zombies runs out of the crowd and jumps on them. If he is lucky theres the possibility that a sniper will take down the zombie before it can reach him, if not, he only has to shoot himself to suffer less since he will have to experience the sensation of being eaten alive.

"Watch out…"

"T-thanks, Alexander ..."

As I told the girls to stay close to me, I notice in my domain that Rei stumbled on one of the pipes stuck in the asphalt, so I quickly held her arm to prevent her from falling.

[Affection Rei + 5]

I see her get nervous and I even hear a system notification, but I can only ignore all this and concentrate on taking down more zombies...

Using my domain I checked all the girls to make sure they are alright.... Leona surprises me a bit because I witnessed her using the M-16 rifle skillfully to constantly shooting down zombies ... This morning before we came here I asked she if could use a rifle since her status has such a skill, so when I pass it to her, she handles it like a professional. Putting in shame all the others who have had one in their hands.

"Alexander-kun !! Now you can run, we will cover all of you!!"

When we arrive at the place where we start our walk on this street, the voice of Hirano come from above the TR-12 while holding the machine gun mounted on the vehicle. Like him there are several other men in the mounted weapons of the other vehicles. I nod to him and proceeded to order the men who accompanied me.

"Everyone! Stop shooting and run across the barricade !!"

Without needing to repeat myself, our whole group runs to where there are several stacked cars blocking the street. We cross some narrow places which we left specially for our escape route.

"Ha ... ha ... what you are waiting to open fire? Shoot and keep them at bay for as long as you can !!"


After crossing and taking a little breath I shout to those behind the machine guns, then a more intense sound is heard. When I turn my head to where the zombies are, those who are on the frontlines are being torn apart by the hail of bullets... with these weapons we can buy some time to gather even more zombies.

"Take this, Alex-san"

Watching the dismemberment of several zombies, Saeko, who had to stay here along with Scythe, passed a towel to wipe my sweat... although it was not a long time and it was not like we were running all the way, I still sweated a lot.

And if look around I can see the people who went with me to attract the zombies being in a worse state than me, they are panting roughly while lying on the ground. No doubt this is more because of stress than fatigue... MLDW prostitutes will be surely glad to know that they will have many clients these days.

"Thanks, Saeko-chan ... but soon I will have to sweat again and also this time you and Scythe can exercise a little"

"Fufufu, I'm glad to hear that... it's a bit boring in here"

I, along with the other girls who are next to me trying to recover, can only smile bitterly at her words ... I hope she doesn't become a battle freak.

"I have rested enough, I will help the snipers on this side to contain the evolved zombies that cross the car barricade"

Kurisu who catches her breath after several minutes tells us and then looks for a good position where she can shoot. I also put my eyes on the battle in progress again and realize that even the machine guns would not be able stop the zombie advance for a long time.

One of the reasons is simply because the zombies are too many. Another is that it takes time to reload and it is also necessary for the machine guns to cool down a bit, so they have to take turns using them.


Minutes later the zombies finally arrive at the barricade and began to push it, so without further choice, I shout to Hirano to use the things that are on the street.

"Hirano, it's time!"

"Yes, Alexander-kun!"

After I tell him that, he leaves the mounted machine gun of the Tr-12 and gets out of the vehicle. He runs to where there are thin wires and together with other people they started pulling them.

"Everyone get ready !!"

When they finished what they are doing Hirano gives a warning, right away I see most men cover their ears. Their eyes looking straight ahead, waiting for what will happen... I also do the same but I'm still concerned on how the mechanism would work... I don't want to look like a fool and have to make everyone run from here if that fails.


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Hello everyone!!

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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