Soul Evolution System

Chapter 92 Second phase of the plan (Part 2)

Not long after Hirano's warning, explosions began to emerge from the crowd of zombies. The location of these strong detonations came from the small metal stakes that were stuck in the asphalt.

These explosions were caused by just a small thing about the size of an adult man's fist. They were very dangerous things and that could be clearly seen by how pieces of zombies began to rain from the sky.

They were nothing but hand grenades of which we had accumulated a good number when we looted the military base before. Although they were very lethal I didn't see them much use in the beginning.

Killing the normal zombies with them was somewhat excessive and impractical, in addition to how the soldiers had become accustomed enough to fight them with only short-range weapons. I also thought about using them against evolved zombies but the snipers are better... Using grenades also has some drawbacks. People in our group might get caught in an explosion if some fool threw them badly.

Another reason why we did not use them was that they produce a great sound along with the explosion and most of the time whenever we entered the city, we didn't want to make a lot of noise.

That is why for a good amount of time they remained stored accumulating dust until the plan to attack the zombies of the city was put into motion.

Hirano was able to create a system to detonated them simultaneously. After I found out about that I quickly put the blacksmiths and a group of men to follow Hirano's instructions to do what it took to make this work.

This is the result ... it as if the street had been bombarded by a fighter plane. Many of the zombies were reduced to only pieces of meat, while others who had more luck only lost some limbs...

What can I say, it was obvious that this would happen if we used more than 10,000 grenades all at once... well, 3,500 or so for each street.

This is not the only place where this explosion occured. The side of Yuriko-san and Soichiro also seems to have activated this mechanism.

After a couple of minutes the calm returns and the dust begins to settle slowly revealing a red road covered with bodies and parts of humans, you can also see a few zombies crawling in the pools of blood...

Seeing the result of the grenades I decide to check my counter to examine how effective our plan was. When I viewed the number I couldn't prevent a smile from drawing on my face.

[Zombies Killed: 249, 571]

A great harvest, before it was about 120 thousand, so today we killed about 130 thousand zombies... more than 40 thousand for each street. This is undoubtedly a great achievement since we ended up with more than we had done in 2 months in just a single day. Tonight I will sleep as well as a baby, hahaha.

"All those with short-range weapons get ready! We will end the few that are moving!"


I shout with a great impetus for the result and ordered the other people who waited for their turn to proceed and clean this street. We cannot just leave the bodies lying there since it might cause an epidemic, but my main concern is that this can serve as a tonic for the other zombies to strengthen themselves by eating the scattered carcasses here.

After my words, a crowd moves forward with me as their leader, then I extend my domain covering the entire street and proceed to store all the bodies that lost any movement.

This way it is easier for others to find those zombies that are still alive... Ending the leftovers is not something difficult for others because there are almost no zombies that remained intact after the explosions. They practically only have to deal the final blow.

There are some evolved zombies that were not at the core of the explosions and managed to survive, but they are quickly dispatched by Scythe, Saeko, Leona or the two dogs ...

Haruna-san's pet, that lazy dog managed to overcome its 4th limit and has a level of [42] ... although my crystals have a lot to do with it, or also because every time I brought it to fight, it swallowed many heads of evolved zombies before I could store the bodies.

The other dog was Alice-chan's puppy, as I had been feeding him with crystals lately too, it has grown quite a lot. Not at the level of Haruna-san's but now it has the size of a large breed dog. It may have only grown physically because it still has the attitude of a playful puppy.

It is now a level [28] and it is not difficult for it to deal with E1 zombies, but the E2 zombies are a challenge for him.

At first, I thought that Alice would find it strange that the dog grew suddenly, but it seems that I worried for nothing because she did not notice this. Perhaps its because she's just a kid thinking that its completely normal for a dog to grow that fast, besides it was not as if it grew overnight.

One good thing was that as Alice interacts a lot with it, she gained the ability [tame] before I realized it. When I ask Aurora the reason for this, it seems that in order to develop that ability a person has to earn the affection and confidence of a monster, and the stronger it is, the easier the ability is to obtain.

When the puppy got stronger and since it kept the same attachment to her, Alice was benefited by that. I am honestly happy for her, after all, I had no intention of having it as my monster and maybe it instinctively realized this and therefore form a bond with her and so now it is Alice's monster.


While looking at the puppy remembering those things, it seems that it encountered a problematic enemy, an E2-type agility zombie that had lost one of its limbs was crawling towards Alice's pet, but due to its injuries, its movements are too clumsy and the puppy can now easily evade it.

Putting my eyes on that zombie and assessing it, I realize that it is at the same level as the puppy... these evolved zombies are getting closer to breaking the third limit more and more. If we did not exterminate them we might begin to see them around the city, so without a doubt, this great zombie elimination is a very good thing.

I intended to shoot to help the puppy but before I could do so, the other dog runs towards where that zombie is and pounces on it. Moments after, this the dog is chewing the head of its enemy.

At the end of the street we had prepared a wall of fire that blocks access so that more zombies can't come in case the explosions have drawn their attention to this direction.

It was a simple and effective way to block them. Although they have no intelligence, they still has the fundamental instinct of all living beings of fearing fire.

The zombies that survived the explosions numbered to about would 5 thousand for each of the 3 streets prepared. They were almost like a gift since we didn't have to make much effort to annihilate them, most of the time the people just had to stick their weapons in the skulls of those zombies who can barely move.

We saw the wall of fire for and the zombies that growled on the other side for a few moments and then we returned along the same path. while doing so I also picked up the new bodies that were left on the ground.

As for the zombies that remained in the city center behind that wall of fire, they will have to wait for us to take care of them. By the time those flames go out, most of them will probably forget the sound that caught their attention, so the others can work to implement something similar that before and be able to kill a lot of them tomorrow.

It is a pity that we have used all the grenades we had to do this, but the advantage is that this created the foundation to carry out the next step.

[Alexander level up to 45]

[Kurisu Level up 38]

[Saeko Level up 44 ]

[Scythe Level up 52]

[Leona Level up 58]

When we arrived at the roadblock again, I hear a series of system notifications... we only got a small amount of experience from each zombie but since there are too many of them, we still enjoyed a good portion of experience from all of those zombies killed.

"Master... Scythe.... stronger..."

Scythe who is next to me speaks and I can see that the concentration of energy in her is greater than others. She broke a great limit with success and what I noticed is that apart from strengthening her physique, her intelligence is developed a little more and now when she speaks, her words are clearer.

For the soldiers and the people of the other groups that were of a lower level, the increase in is even greater. There are some who even exceeded a limit completely by increasing 10 levels in an instant...

"I had assumptions of this ... but now I can prove it. Every time we kill the zombies... we somehow get stronger."

Tanaka-san who was next to me suddenly mentions this as he watches his fist while opening and closing it repeatedly. Seeing the level above his head I noticed that he entered his third limit.

"You are right about that... it seems that this world has not yet left us and allowed us to continue surviving in it, although it may now be a competition between zombies, beasts, and humans to see who can stand on top"

As there is no need to keep this a secret and besides that, like him, surely many have already noticed... creating a great massacre like this only makes it more obvious.

Most of the soldiers or people who fight against zombies, increase their level slowly its almost imperceptible, but now many of the men who leveled 10 times exceeded a limit in an instant remain still for the strangeness they feel in their bodies for the energy they absorb.

That's why I see no reason to remain silent, who knows, if others know this, they might become more motivated to kill the zombies. So I speak according to what Tanaka-san says in a tone, high enough for the others listen.

"It is good to know that zombies are not the only ones that get stronger but unfortunately it seems that they are faster in doing so than us. In addition, they outnumber us by a large amount, so the human future remains somewhat daunting."

Many people are motivated to listen to me and Tanaka-san, it seems they saw a radiance of light in this dark world but then, an alliance leader who was also in charge of this street speaks... as they all understood that what he said is true, the smile of joy that had formed in many became a bit bitter.

"I will go to collect the bodies of the other two streets where Yuriko-san and Soichiro are, you take care that the others proceed with the next step... if possible we can eliminate another large number of zombies tomorrow"

"It's okay"

Since Shiro the guy with glasses had spoken, I gave him the job to supervise the next step. He may be someone who can only see things in black and white without anything in between, but from what I have seen he is someone skilled to take control of several people.

After receiving his answer, I walk to TR-12 to do what I said and then when my whole group is in, Yamada drive to the other streets where the other MLDW leaders are.

Minutes later we arrive at the street where Soichiro and the captain of police was stationed. We talked for a while and they informed us of how things went on their side. What we hear doesn't seem very different from our side.

They also only had a few casualties when they attracted the zombies, but the number of these is somewhat minimal so we can say that things here were a success too.

Finished talking, I immediately proceed to walk down the street where a large number of zombie bodies are to store them. While doing so, I see several people who had already begun carrying out the next part of the plan, but as it was necessary to do it in the shortest possible time, we both parties ignored each other and dedicated ourselves to do our work.

Only a few who noticed the bodies disappear, suddenly looked up and then greeted and thank me for clearing the street of obstacles since it would help them with their work.

All this was done without any problem, there was only a surprise of a zombie that was still alive hidden among the bodies and it was quickly disposed of.

With all the bodies stored we return to where Soichiro is, we said goodbye and went to the place where Yuriko-san was.

When we got there, things are very similar to the previous two but the only difference was Gloterus and his group of men is here and it seems that some things happened with them.

His group was something special unlike the other soldiers of our camp, this was made up of people who had broken some camp rules or men who had done atrocities in different groups, so instead of MLDW members, al of them were more like prisoners.

"How were things on your side?"

"We can say it that was a success"

"Yes, if we compare the number of zombies that we eliminated and the estimated casualties of our groups. The loss can be considered insignificant."

"As for my group, there was only a small problem at the beginning when they were told that they would fight with zombies. They showed a bit of disagreement but after we talked for a bit, they understood that they had no other choice."

"... that's what you call talking? You shot a couple of people in the head when they refused to do it... I also saw that when we were fighting you cut the tendons of the legs of some who tried to run away, so their fate was worse than the firsts... I still hear the screams of those people being eaten by the zombies "

When I ask, the first one to answer me is Yuriko-san, I simply nod to her words and look at Rina who is next to speak. The next to inform me of the things that

happened here is Gloterus, and next to him one of Rina's girls complains a little about the things he did when they were fighting with the zombies.

He simply smiles at her comments and puts his eyes on me as if he expected a critique from me, but I only respond with a nod with my head. I have no problem with that, rather, it is precisely why I put him in charge of this group, they were not people who were easy to deal with. If you were kind to them, they would probably take advantage of this and that is why they needed someone with a hard and firm hand to lead them.

I also put this group with Yuriko-san and Rina since neither of them would complain much about how Gloterus does things. Yuriko would only pass information about the things the people in their group had done and she wouldn't advocate for them. As for Rina, as they were all men then she would not care much what happened to them.

If Soichiro was here, Gloterus would most likely have strong disagreements between them... no, surely Soichiro's critique would also be directed at me for putting Gloterus in that position.

"With this, we have finished today's plan, hopefully, tomorrow things would go just as well"

"The only thing that worries me is that unexpected things can happen"


I have the same concerns as Yuriko-san and it seems that Rina who only nods silently thinks the same. The only relief that can comfort me is that since most of our enemies are zombies without brains the possibility of he unexpected happening should be minimal.

With my work done and with nothing else I can do here, I decide to retire to our camp to rest with my group. With Yuriko-san, Soichiro and Shiro supervising the things that have to be done to continue tomorrow, I can calmly check the loot that I got.

I say goodbye to the women here and Gloterus, my group went into our vehicle and head back to MLDW.


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Hello everyone!! sorry yesterday I was very busy in the work.

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


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Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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