Soul Evolution System

Chapter 93 Loot of the first day of phase 2

Upon arriving at MLDW I go directly to my room after Yamada parked the car, then once there I find a dilemma... the number of zombie bodies that I have in my storage besieges more than 100 thousand, the problem was that if I want to use them as fertilizer for my plant, then I need Scythe and Leona remove the crystals, but this would certainly take a great effort from they two and overall a long time.

I also have the option of decomposing them with the function of the system, but this will make the bodies almost unusable for my plant...

Thinking about it for a few minutes, in the end, I decide to decompose 90 thousand and leave the rest to be used as fertilizer. If I give the more than 10 thousand complete bodies with the crystals even in them, this will compensate for the other 90 thousand bodies that I have to dispose of.

I can not be stingy with the Venus since it has shown me its usefulness on a couple of occasions and although those crystals in the zombies would raise my savings about 50 thousand units that is not a negligible number, it is not as if I was short of these Right now, so this is more than acceptable to me.

When decomposing the 90 thousand bodies, I get a quantity of 478,329 crystals and seeing such amount cannot prevent my body from shaking a little because of the emotion... with these, almost double the amount that I had at the moment. Although I will have to use some of these for the maintenance of the camp, the amount needed for this is minimal.

In addition, the crystals and energy to level was not the only advantage I got from killing all those zombies. I don't know if it's because I was part of the plan or because it that I was near the area where we killed the zombies, well it's not that it matters which of those two has been, the point is that I could also collect a good amount of reward boxes from the system, the only regrettable thing is that most of these were of the lowest rank.

From the three battlefields, I was able to collect 154 wooden boxes and 17 boxes that have some metal inlays and for the first time, I obtained a pure metal box that appears to be made from iron.

Until now I had only been able to collect a few when I was on an expedition to search for resources or survivors. When Saeko left alone on her own she never told me that had found these boxes, so most likely I must be present at some distance for the system to provide them and if I think about it now, that makes sense since I can't depend only to my subordinates to get things.

When I start taking out the boxes then those who were with me in my room look curiously at them, so I decide to give a few to them and so they can also open it. When explaining to those who do not know what these are, they immediately take them with emotion... it seems that all humans are born with a fondness for things like chance and to try their luck.

"I can't open it Alex-kun ~"

"Hmn? I could easily open it..."

" How did you do it, Mom? "

"The same thing happens to me, I can't open it ..."

"Yes, like Saya-san, no matter how much force I use, I can't open it an inch ... is it defective?"

"Why can they do it?"

" I don't know, maybe it's like Komuro-kun says and some are defective? "

The first two to speak are Shisuka and Haruna, they welcomed us with a smile at the entrance of the castle to see us all arrive well, then they also came behind us to ask about the things that happened in the city. The first one complains because although it seems that she puts a lot of strength to open the box that even causes her breasts to shake, she can't do it and then seeing how she is battling the second gives her opinion.

Apart from Shisuka, others cannot do it like Komuro and Saya who are the next to speak, so I deduce that it should not be her fault because she is doing wrong... then think a little, at first I thought only those who had an affection or loyalty higher than 100 could do it, but then if so, Hirano who is the one who speaks after Saya and meets that condition should be able to do it, besides to Kurisu who answer to Rei's question would be the opposite and she should not be able to do that.

Then after considering for a few moments more what could be the reason for this, the conclusion I reach is that the people that the system recognizes as my lovers, summons and subordinates are the ones that allow them to open the boxes.

Without further choice, I tell people that they cannot open the boxes to give them to one of the girls that can and do so together.

This makes that people who cannot open the boxes observe with curiosity those who can, then they all have good reactions when start to speculate the reason that could differentiate them from Kurisu, Saeko, Scythe, Leona and Haruna who are the ones who can do it.

Haruna when she realizes that is included in the group of the closest girls to my starts to get a little nervous about the look of her son who watches carefully to the girls, to her, and then me on repeated occasions. In the end, he doesn't ask anything and just gives the box to his mother so she can open it...

"Alex-kun ~ It's not fair that Kurisu-san and Busujima-san can do it and me don't ~ I also slept in the same bed as you ~ Hyaan ~... M-Moo, Alex-kun bad, you always like to play with my breasts ~... Auu~... "

"Hooh, it seems that Alexander-kun has already done incredible things, hehehe"

After finishing to put his eyes on the two girls that mention, Shizuka runs to where I am to attack me in the way she used to... hahaha, I can be surprised 1, 2, and even 3 times, but the same trick does not work with me after having seen and suffered so many occasions.

That's why when I see her coming towards me, then I quickly raise my hands to receive her with my self-defense techniques. The first step is to stop those huge mountains with my palms and then the next step is to attack by massaging them with different movements... you don't need to look at me like this Kurisu, these are self-preservation movements.

Then with Shizuka's words that can easily be misunderstood, Kurisu and Saeko blush but they don't refute anything, or maybe it's because Yuki's words that can't do it. So because both sentences the others begin to put their imagination to work and then girls who are ashamed easier like Niki, Mizusu, Saya and Haruna their faces also blush with each passing second more and more.

Rei, on the other hand, watches us closely and then bites her lower lip as if trying to make some difficult decisions. As for men, Komuro sees me with eyes of envy while Hirano with idolatry... I even heard the system telling me that his loyalty had risen.

... Scythe and Leona, well perhaps because my words to them were more like orders, they faithfully follow these and open the boxes I gave them without paying attention to their surroundings concentrating completely on their work.

"Naaw ~"

For my part, I am debating inside my head while I massage Shizuka's breasts with the idea of ​​intervening and saying that it is not what they think or just let it go. In the end, I decide for the last one since the girls did not deny anything, I do not want to be misunderstood and they thinking that I do not want others to know that we are together.

"Don't worry, Shizuka, me and you will open the boxes together. The others should do it too, let's see what's inside them."

"Yaay ~"

I stop massaging Shizuka's breasts and talk to get back to what we were doing... since don't want others to think that I'm taking advantage of someone weaker than me because of my techniques and superior strength, so being forgiving to her I decide to stop punishing her with just those attacks...

So, people who can open boxes do it with some others looking at their sides with expectation. It's a shame that since most are of the lowest rank I only get range weapons [J], potions, antidotes, crystals, and Gold, but also being a good number of these the amount is not small and it is still a joyful thing to stock up on these resources.

When we finish with the wooden boxes we go to those that have inlays, the result is not very different and the only variation is that things are of a higher range. Also, I could get two magic scrolls from these boxes, one seems to be to summon a shield of protection for a few seconds and the other creates rain for a while.

The first is something very useful, especially to give it to some of the girls who fight to use it in case of an emergency. As for the second, unfortunately I do not find much use...

Finally, I open the last box made of pure iron and then get a crystal with a value of 5 thousand, 50 thousand Gold, 1 limit-break pill and a sheet of paper. When I review the latter, a smile forms on my face and in Shizuka that was next to me, she reads the first words and snatches it away so she can read it more carefully.

"This is great Alex-kun ~ If what it says here is true, then we can make level 2 and 3 antidotes very soon"

From the title on the sheet I read and what she tells me, I can be sure that it was the form or recipe of how to create the antidotes of that level.

"Shisuka, you should keep this a secret and make sure that the people who you show it doesn't divulge it."

"Okay ~ I must go to the lab and test this with the girls, they will surely be excited to recreate those antidotes "

Although I trust her, I should speak with Yoshioka to inform the scientists who work with Shisuka that this information is top secret for our camp and that they will be severely punished if divulge it.

It would be a shame to lose the good profits from the sale of antidotes and I really do not want other people to spoil this... It will be better to add security in that laboratory so that they can be monitored... I don't think they complain much since this should be things they are used to for their work.

Shisuka, unable to wait any longer leaves with hurried steps from the room. Surely with the help of the other girls in her laboratory, they will immediately try to see if what the sheet says is true.

"Well, we should all rest early, tomorrow we will continue with the attack to the zombies of the city"

"Hehehe, it's still too early for you to start having fun Alexander-san~, the sun still doesn't go down, you know?"

"We're just going to rest! Go to your room and do the same, fast!"

"It is true!"

"It's not fair! Let me join you!"

As the fun time was over, I advise others to also rest early but Yuki putting playful eyes and joking, again creates a slightly rosy atmosphere. The difference is that this time Kurisu and Saya can't stand the sight of curiosity that the other girls were giving them, embarrassed by that they rush her and practically drag her out of the room while she complains a little.

The others seeing that they had lost their patience due to shame decide to leave on their own, then Haruna speaks to me in a low voice while the others go to their rooms.

"Alexander, you can't do those things yet... you have to wait for your mind and body to develop a little more... besides, you girls can't be so complacent to him in that way."

"...Haruna-san, Yuki-san is only drawing conclusions without knowing things well. We haven't taken things too far..."

Honestly, I had had the same thought as Haruna about those things, but I can't deny that every time that interacted with any of the girls my willpower falters... this can't be entirely my fault, you should know that each of them is a unique beauty, so I really don't know how much I can resist and keep my control.

It is good that the one who answers her is Saeko who also speaks in a low voice. Unfortunately, I cannot promise her that I can wait until I develop completely.

Haruna looks directly into her eyes, then after doing so with each of the girls who sleep here, makes a nod as if she were convinced and continues to walk to the door.

Of course, before leaving for the room she gives me a light hug and wishes me a good night. There was no goodbye kiss like in the cafeteria, but I know this is due to what she said in the morning of keeping our relationship secret for now and also because her son who she does not want to know this is still behind her.

"Ah, it's true. Rei, please wait a moment."

When I see Rei that is about to leave the room and squeezing the pill I was holding in my hand, remember that I hadn't given her one yet, so I talk to stop her to leave. When she listens to me, stands for a few seconds where she is, slowly with some obvious nervousness she turns and then when she sees me in the eyes before I can tell her something, speaks.

"D-do you also want me to stay? Don't think I'm ready for something like that and I think we should know each other more... but maybe it 's true that in this dangerous world we don't know when we can die... w-well! I'll stay here with you! "


Damn! It seems she had been in her own world after hearing Yuki's words! In addition, I had forgotten that she is a girl who loves to draw her own conclusions and goes at her own pace by imposing herself on others...

This took me a little off guard... besides knowing her personality Tsundere, if I now say that it is none of that and they all are things that only she is thinking on her own, then she will most likely be ashamed or angry with me…

"...I would really like you to stay too, but only if you want to do it"

"I-it's fine ... since you're asking me, I-I think I will ... b-but I need to go to my room for my things and need to prepare me mentally... I'll be back soon ..."

We were just beginning to get along, so it would be a shame to lose that. I might not have intended to do this but since things turned out this way, it was best that I speak with clear words and not go around the bush with her.

When she heard, a smile form on her face but in the next second she tries to change it and looks serious and calm, although I can still see her curved lips for being happy. Then before leaving, she answers me with a tone as if she were doing me a favor... honestly I am not very fond of the Tsun part of a girl with her personality and I prefer the Dere more, but it is also not unbearable as long as she is not so unreasonable.

"You wanted to tell her something else, right? ... was it from the pill in your hand?"

"Yes ... but it seemed very cruel to tell her that she was wrong..."

When she leaves, Kurisu who saw the whole development asks me. As I do not like to lie to the girls, I assent to her words and answer, then she also begins to walk behind Rei.

"Haaa, I understand... if I were her and after everything I said someone told me it was not that and rejected me, I would probably be ashamed for the rest of my life. I will help her bring her things... it is also better to tell her that we're just going to sleep here, otherwise she could create a bigger problem. "

"I will go with you, Kurisu-san!"

I thought she would be angry to add another girl to this room, but it seems that I was wrong and she understood well the predicament in which both, I and Rei were. Although she murmurs something at the end, having moved away I don't distinguish her words well and then Saya runs behind her while yelling at her making what Kurisu says less audible.

"Fufufu, you shouldn't be so surprised that she accepted Rei-chan so quickly, Alex-san. None of the girls here are dumb and have been able to see her behavior in recent weeks, that's why we knew it was just a matter of some time before something developed between you two, although being honest I didn't think she would be the one to start it.

Besides, it's not just her, we also know that lately you've been very close to Haruna-san. You should know that you are someone who easily distinguishes between the crowd and that people have always liked to talk about what important or famous people do. So when you went to the cafeteria with her, not long after that, this information should have already scattered around the camp.

For example, when I went to the kitchen yesterday to see what they had prepared for dinner that day, the cooks talked very excitedly about how other people saw you and Haruna-san kissing affectionately in the cafeteria that day in the morning, fufufu "


When I watched the three girls march, Saeko suddenly hugs me by the back and starts talking to me. Shit! I didn't think they had heard about Haruna and me so fast... I thought it would be a few days until they did it since we would be very busy for a while with the elimination of zombies from the city, but it seems that I was somewhat naive.

"Saeko-chan, I don't know how many of the girls know about my relationship with Haruna, but please tell them to keep it a secret from Komuro. She doesn't want him to know for the moment and wants to tell her directly"

"Fufufu, I see, I'll tell them but I don't think you should worry. If Haruna-san doesn't tell him, maybe he'll never know it... the only people he can talk to, is our group and I don't think they will get into your affairs "


Hello everyone!!

Sorry but Vyrphax has some personals problems and he will cant edit for maybe 2 weeks, but I will publish the chapters regularly as always until he returns and can edit them.

Thanks to everyone for your support and reading SES, now there are 25 people who support the novel. Remember to visit my (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) so this novel can continue, no matter the amount of contribution Alexander and I will be very grateful and you will have the benefit of being able to read the chapters before the others.


Is seems that WN is baned the word (p-a-t-r-e-o-n), so "*******" is (p-a-t-r-e-o-n) without "-"

Also if you can go to the page of the novel and give a like there, I appreciated it.

Thanks for reading SES, see you in the next chapter.

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