But in the next second, she didn't expect that Xiao Shiyi's killing order activity was very fast. In addition, the wind borrowed the fire and the fire moved faster, and the flame burning concentration was very high.

When the girl was shaking her head, the flames directly hit the girl, only to hear a scream of "ah" in the air.

The girl fell to her knees all at once. Since she was now in a giant state, the ground trembled when she knelt down, but Huang Xiaoyan glanced at Xiao Shiyi and said nothing.

He took out another magic talisman from his arms and threw it out. Although the girl was beaten to the ground by Xiao Shiyi's tricks, she still said very arrogantly when she saw the magic talisman flying out of Huang Xiaoyan's hands.

"The talisman can't hurt me at all, how many times do you want me to say it."

But in the next second, she was stunned, because all the amulets that Huang Xiaoyan had thrown out touched her body, and when she took a closer look, she found that these amulets were incarnations.

Huang Xiaoyan's face was slightly sweaty, and there was some anger in her mouth.

"This is the Great Array of Ten Thousand Talismans Locking Demons."

As soon as she heard this, the girl was also a loose immortal, and she must have known how powerful this battle was, so she struggled desperately, only listening to a few sounds of "kakaka".

There were some talismans scattered on him, Ye Yan looked at the situation and said.

"Depending on the situation, I'm afraid she won't be able to hold her for a bit, right?"

Huang Xiaoyan's eyes were sharp at this time, her left hand was placed on top of her right hand, her fingers were stretched out, and she said sharply.

"A few minutes is enough."

He watched her stretch out her index finger and cut through her own artery. Blood flowed out of Huang Xiaoyan's body from Huang Xiaoyan's artery and slowly floated into the air. Suddenly, golden light appeared under her feet. Seeing this scene, Xiao Shiyi He couldn't help but look at it and said,

"This is……"

At this time, people from other worlds in all directions have noticed the situation here. Principal Wang Shengli stood in front of the office window and looked at the dark night outside, but now it turned out to be a bright blue light, and said in his mouth.

"It seems that someone has actually triggered the picture of the astronomical change."

Huang Xiaoyan, who turned to this end, saw what he said in his mouth at this time.

"Transformation and self-cultivation, the sky is too impenetrable, the blood talisman of true essence, the evil way retrograde practice the law, and the decisive battle is like a law."

Seeing Huang Xiaoyan's move, Xiao Shiyi nodded with satisfaction, because Huang Xiaoyan's move is the authentic Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Dharma passed down from Taoism. Now the blue light of this celestial phenomenon is gathering thunder and lightning, as long as the thunder gathers, a thunder Splitting it down, I am afraid that there will be no slag left.

At this time, the girl realized that her situation was very dangerous, and she struggled even more desperately to escape from here, but he had no choice at all.

But the girl knew that if this thunder struck, she would definitely die today, and then she used all her strength to tear off the yellow talisman tied to her right hand. With a "click", the girl looked When she reached hope, she pulled it hard again and removed the yellow talisman on her left hand.

Now that she lost control of her arms, she began to pull the yellow talisman on her legs, Ye Yan shouted when she saw this scene.

"No, if the seal on her leg is torn off again, it will be over. The thunder has not come down yet, what should I do if I can't hold it?"

Xiao Shiyi also knew the scene in front of him and immediately wanted to help Huang Xiaoyan, but saw Ye Yan took out a roll of tape from his arms, glued his broken gong together, and shouted at Huang Xiaoyan with a stick.

"The spirit of the tool is immortal, help me again, and I will take care of you when I look back."

As he spoke, Ye Yan rang the gong in his hand, and the girl who was tearing open the magic talisman at her feet was instantly frozen.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Hearing the sound of the gong, Huang Xiaoyan turned to look at Ye Yan.

"Let's make a shot, it should be enough to control the time."

After all, Huang Xiaoyan said that a few minutes was enough, and his gong could help him control it for a while.

"Without your intervention, Tianlei will come down."

Just after Huang Xiaoyan finished saying this, he suddenly felt unwell, and blood gushed out of his body.

The spellcasting is interrupted, and the meridians flow back.Ye Yan still understands this matter, looking at Huang Xiaoyan Ye Yan shouted.

"Huang Xiaoyan!".

Chapter XNUMX The night is all destroyed

"Wang Shangshu, your children seem to be in trouble,"

At the same time, a pink-haired woman in the underworld who was soaking in the rain of petals suddenly used Yuanshen to transmit her voice.

"Hurry up and help clear the siege, otherwise such a good seedling will be gone, but it will be a big loss."

And the object of her voice transmission was Wang Shengli of Xiahou Academy.

"The Star of Destiny has its own doom, the first time there is the second time,"

At this time, Wang Shengli of Xiahou College heard the sound transmission, and was silent for a while before answering.

"In the future, you will have to rely on others to rescue you, and you won't be able to make a big deal. How can a newcomer who can't make it turn the tide in the new era?"

"Besides, I knocked out all my teeth last time. This time I have to go over to help me when I'm in trouble, doesn't it seem like this old man is very arrogant."

And the woman in the underworld thought that he wanted to experience these two newcomers more, but he didn't expect him to be a vengeful master.

"I was attacked by a thunderbolt, go to hell,"

At this time, where Xiao Shiyi and others were located, the girl also broke free from the shackles of the magic talisman, turned her hands into claws, and grabbed towards Huang Xiaoyan.

"Well, this is the end, and it can only be like this,"

It was Ye Yan who said this, he was standing on the top floor taking off his clothes.

"It's just a trick."

And the girl naturally heard it, and turned around to see his strange behavior, she couldn't help but be surprised:


As for Ye Yan at this time, he was completely naked.

"Brother, are you selling yourself for a living?"

The woman who saw this scene was speechless.

"This time I was born, the master specifically instructed me not to cause too much trouble. To be on the safe side, I sealed XNUMX% of my power."

At this time, Ye Yan had already taken off his school uniform pants.

"This suit is a seal. Now that you are so stinky, I have no choice but to stop hiding my strength and teach you how to behave."

"Hum hum hum, it's really relaxing without the seal~"

At this time, Ye Yan smiled a little bit grimly,

"My hands are already hungry and thirsty, and I'm about to kill."

"And this kind of thing,"

In the final analysis, this woman is not deep in the world, and she actually believed the words of this kid Ye Yan.


However, Ye Yan was thinking in his heart at this time, if I really have this ability, I still need to waste time here.

And this is actually a strategy that Ye Yan and Xiao Shiyi discussed.

Ye Yan proposed himself to attract her attention, and they took Huang Xiaoyan away.And Xiao Shiyi prepared his Immortal Slaying Gourd and was ready to assist Ye Yan at any time.

Seeing the flag demons looking at Ye Yan reluctantly, Xiao Shiyi thought they were worried about the danger, so he lowered his voice and said,

"Go away, Ye Yan will be safe."

"We're not worried about the safety of our owners,"

The flag demons lowered their voices and said,

"We just think that the master is too handsome, we can't help but take a second look."

"I prefer the master to wear the pink one, the white one doesn't show his personality."

Hearing the words of these flag demons, Xiao Shiyi was also very helpless, but saving people was the most important thing at the moment, so he had to take Huang Xiaoyan away first.

And just as Xiao Shiyi carried Huang Xiaoyan on his back and was about to leave, who knew that his foot slipped and Huang Xiaoyan was thrown out again.

Xiao Shiyi rubbed his aching shoulders and looked back. He was not caught by anything, but the student council president, Ximen Guanren, who had been comatose before.

"Damn, forgot about him"

Xiao Shiyi said angrily in his heart.

"what sound?"

Such a big movement, the woman naturally noticed it.

"Hey, what's up!"

Ye Yan turned around and shouted.

"Cough, I didn't notice this guy on the ground, and he tripped over accidentally."

Xiao Shiyi coughed dryly and stood up blushing.

"...I'm doing my best here, it's not easy..."

Just as Ye Yan was halfway through speaking, he realized that he had missed out.

"Dedicated, acting?"

When the woman heard this, she turned around and could see that she was very angry at this time.


For a while, Ye Yan didn't know how to explain it.

"So you're playing with me, Star Broken Iron Gourd!"

What followed was Ye Yan's screams.

"These are all abolished, the guys who get in the way, you are the only ones left."

The woman looked at the few people lying on the ground and turned back to the assistant in black and Xiao Shiyi.

"Broken Star Iron Gourd!"

The woman summoned her artifact again and smashed it towards the two of them.

However, just as Xiao Shiyi smiled and felt that he was performing, he saw the assistant in black suddenly stretched out his hands to meet him:

"Lubricate the oil pusher."

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