I saw that the iron gourd that came into contact with the black-clothed assistant's palm actually slid to the side.

".'Hey, a variant of Tai Chi,"

The woman was surprised when she saw this move.

"Assignment and acceptance, it is Huang Xiaoyan who can find inspiration for me to take over this hand."

"Hehe, then try this one again!"

Hearing this, the woman sneered and slapped it directly.


Facing the overwhelming palm, the black-clothed assistant was shot unconscious and fell into the ground after shouting.

And now, in a sense, this woman is considered to have destroyed these people.

"Yoyo, today's Yebu is just like that."

At this time, Ye Yan lay on the ground with a face full of pain, and the woman naturally noticed it.

"Seeing that you are in such pain and dying slowly, it is better for me to be a good person and give you a good time."

Saying that, the woman pulled up a telephone pole on the side of the road.

(Is it okay?) "Damn, the iron gourd seems to have broken the ribs, and I can't even stand up."

Seeing the girl approaching slowly, Ye Yan felt a little terrified.

The Chaos Beast couldn't be summoned today, and the Zhenhun Gong was knocked for the last time, and there was no way to do it.

At this time, Xiao Shiyi sighed and looked at the people around him who were completely destroyed, and secretly said in his heart:

"No one bothers me this time, it's really hard to express it once!!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Shiyi directly called out the Xuanhuang Pagoda and threw it into the air:

"Xuanhuang Pagoda, protect."

I saw that the pagoda came to the top of Ye Yan and others in an instant, and lowered the light curtains to protect several people in it.

"Hmph, it's just the last resistance before dying!!"

The woman smiled when she saw this scene, and continued to say:

"I'll kill you first, and then kill that sister from the same sect.".

Chapter XNUMX Depressed Xiao Eleven

"Hahaha, kill you guys, and I, Gu Xiaohua, can do whatever I want in this city."

Said the mysterious woman who reported her name directly raised the telephone pole in her hand, and was about to smash at them Xiao Shiyi.

At this time, Xiao Shiyi's Immortal Slaying Gourd had just been taken out. Just when Xiao Shiyi was about to use the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife, he heard Huang Xiaoyan, who was not far away, suddenly call out Gu Xiaohua.

"Hey, Gu Xiaohua."

And when Gu Xiaohua heard someone call her name, she naturally agreed.

"Who called me?"

Then, just listening to the sound of "shuh", Gu Xiaohua flew in one direction as if being swept away by the strong wind.

During this period, her body became smaller and smaller until she entered Huang Xiaoyan's gourd.

"So, your name is Gu Xiaohua."

Looking at Huang Xiaoyan's methods, Xiao Shiyi put away his Immortal Slaying Gourd with a black face.

"I'm really convinced, but this baby is really good, just like the Zijin Gourd in Journey to the West.

"That's it, that's it, it's done..."

Ye Yan next to him sighed, if she had told her her name earlier, she wouldn't have to suffer so much.

And all these changes were seen by Sister Yan in the underworld:

"Interesting and interesting, it really is the next generation chosen by heaven. The strength and luck are very interesting, and the most important thing is that the inspector of the underworld, why is he here?"

"Wait, the girl attracted the thunder just now. Although it didn't come down at the time, the thunder and lightning in the sky had already been collected. It is reasonable to say that it will not disappear out of thin air. It should be split now, and I don't know where it will be split."

As soon as these words fell, the thunder and lightning in the sky in the human world split in one direction.

And that direction was the office where the Yebu Shangshu King Shengli was located, and a lightning bolt directly slashed his half to black.

"Your sister, why did this short-sighted electricity find me, because those two little bastards are going to school again."

"You two are all right, I'll take you to the hospital later."

On the other side, Xiao Shiyi had already helped Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan up.

But Huang Xiaoyan asked Xiao Eleven a question:

"Uncle, I've been wanting to ask before, but I didn't have time. Now it's just right. Who are you?"

"I'm also curious about this. Not only do you have a lot of Taoist ceremonies, but you also have a lot of treasures, and my flag demon also said that he can feel your suppression."

Just when Ye Yan was going to attract Gu Xiaohua's attention, he asked his flag demon and Xiao Shiyi to rescue Huang Xiaoyan.

And when they were near Xiao Shiyi, they could feel the obvious suppression of Xiao Shiyi's aura, even stronger than Huang Xiaoyan's sense of suppression.

But it was just suppression, and there was no sense of crisis, so they didn't say anything, and then the flag demons reported the situation to Ye Yan.

"Since that's the case, I'll introduce myself. In Xia Xiao Eleven, the position is the Underworld Inspector."

"You are the inspector specially responsible for managing the ghosts of the underworld!!!"

Hearing Xiao Shiyi's words, Ye Yan shouted in shock.

You must know that Xiao Shiyi is the inspector of the underworld, and manages all the ghosts in the underworld. His status in the underworld is only lower than that of the Tenth Palace, Yan Luo, Meng Po and the four judges, while Ye Yan is a beater and a member of the underworld in the ancient times. An agent recruited by Hetianjie for the ravages of demons on earth.

Playing Gengren favors the underworld, while Sanxian favors the heavenly realm, and although the Yebu Shangshu is the agent of the heavenly realm in the human world, his status is one level lower than that of Xiao Shiyi.

After Xiao Shiyi took out the token of his identity, he felt the breath of Hades on the token, Ye Yan and Huang Xiaoyan hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully:

"Emissary at night, fight Ye Yan, see the adults."

"Emissary at night, Sanxian Huang Xiaoyan, see your lord."

Looking at the two in front of him, Xiao Shiyi also smiled and said:

"Okay, don't be so serious, don't be so restrained in this world."

After saying this, seeing the ambulance coming, Xiao Shiyi directly put the two of them into the car and handed them a business card:

"This is my business card, you can call me if you can't solve it."

After speaking, Xiao Shiyi took the boss back to the house.

A few days later, Aunt Hong in the office received a fax.

Looking at the content above, Aunt Hong hurriedly went to find Xiao Shiyi.

"Eleventh Master, look at this."

Xiao Shiyi lay on the sofa, took the fax from Aunt Hong's hand, looked at the contents, and heard the "ding" sound of the mobile phone.

Xiao Shiyi picked up the phone and glanced at it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Aunt Hong looked at Xiao Shiyi's expression and asked.

"Eleventh young master, what's so happy about it?"

Xiao Shiyi held up the phone and showed Aunt Hong the content on it, who covered her mouth.

"Eleventh master, XNUMX, this, who is calling this, is it the one called Sister Yan on this fax?"

Xiao Shi nodded and said to Aunt Hong.


"But Eleventh Young Master, what kind of demon king is this person entrusting, do you really want to accept this entrustment?"

Xiao Shiyi smiled and nodded:

"I know that demon king, he is reborn now, and he has ten strengths. It's no big deal. As for this person called Sister Yan, he is also a person from the underworld. , Yan Luo Wang's subordinates are all under the management of this Yan sister, this guy has money, of course he will go if he doesn't earn money for nothing, and the office's deficit depends on this."

When Honggu heard Xiao Shiyi's introduction, she also knew that Sister Yan was a ruthless character, but why did Xiao Shiyi say that she was stupid and rich? Honggu wanted to ask, but looked at Xiao Shiyi's excited Like that, he closed his mouth.

"Boss, run slowly."

Xiao Shiyi was not in a hurry after receiving the mission, so he took the boss out for a walk. He was still walking slowly, but suddenly the boss quickened his pace and ran towards a subway entrance.

When Xiao Shiyi saw this, he could only follow closely, but because the boss was running too fast, the subway staff did not find the boss running in. Xiao Shiyi was afraid that the boss would affect the order of the subway, so he quickly chased in and waited for him to enter. At that time, the boss was already squatting in a crowd.

Xiao Shiyi saw that there was a big pusher where the boss was sitting, so he also stepped forward to take a look. Xiao Shiyi saw that there was a group of people performing on the stage in front of him. When he pushed aside the layers of the crowd, he saw the stage. The corners of his mouth twitched when they were two.

Chapter XNUMX Demon King Che Yongtai

Xiao Shiyi saw Ye Yan, who he had seen before, standing on the stage with a man in strange clothes, enthusiastically dancing the square dance aunt's favorite song.

The man was a little far away, and although he couldn't see his face clearly, he always felt a little strange, and there was a strong yin qi on his body.

And the boss has a very high sense of perception, so it is impossible to run here for no reason. Thinking of this, Xiao Shiyi took out his mobile phone and scanned the man in front of him:

Name: Cha Yongtai

Identity: The reincarnated demon king, reincarnated from the previous demon king, has gone through the process of a hundred years and re-exited. He has a pair of horns, super strength and terrifying moves, and has an immortal body.

Tricks: stab the corpse to kill, the Demon King dances, and smash the corpse into the hands of the devil.

Weapon: Demon Armor

At this time, on the other side of the underworld, Sister Yan asked her subordinates:

"Have you sent a fax to the inspector~?"

"It has already been sent, and the entrustment has been accepted there, and we also have the specific position of Che Yongtai here, double guarantee, but we were afraid that he would be crazy, so we also entrusted them. Just be careful not to make him too impulsive. Just-."

Hearing this, Sister Yan nodded, then turned around and poured a glass of red wine - got up.

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