Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 41, Chapter 571.3: The Terrifying Beast Lord Soul Engineer Legion

The protective soul barrier didn’t have any temperature on its own. However, the great number of soul rays and shells that had been used to attack earlier caused the temperature inside and outside the barrier to differ slightly.

This was why the snow quickly melted when it fell on the barrier. However, a layer of snow still formed on the barrier, as there was simply too much snow falling. From afar, it seemed like a giant white semicircular object. It was very interesting.

“The temperature in the Dou Ling Empire is really ridiculous. It’s really getting a little cold.” One soul engineer said softly. At the same time, he pulled his clothes closer to the center of his body.

Many soul engineers were sweating from their earlier outburst. As it snowed, the temperature fell drastically. Many of them started to pull their clothes closer to the center of their bodies as a means of keeping warm.

The snow gradually got heavier and heavier. On the surface of the barrier, the accumulated snow also started to thicken. The temperature didn’t...

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