Soul Land 2: The Unrivaled Tang Sect

Volume 41, Chapter 572.1: Perfect Surprise Attack

No one expected this explosion at all. This was because they couldn’t sense any soul power undulations coming from outside earlier. Given this, none of them were prepared. Furthermore, all of them were also affected by the extreme chill. They weren’t able to unleash their soul power to the greatest of their abilities.

When this huge explosion occurred, the weakest four soul engineer teams, who were also closest to the layer of ice, were instantly torn to pieces!

Forty soul engineers were blown apart just like that! Xia Xuanchen, who was about to rush out, was also flung back by the terrifying explosive force.

Suddenly, chaos ensued.

They unleashed their defense to their maximum capabilities!

Blinding golden light shone, and Xu Tianyuan shot out a beam of golden light from his chest. This beam of golden light turned into a barrier that attempted to resist the falling snowflakes. He quickly rushed to Xia Xuanchen’s side. Both of them joined forces to lift a protective soul barrier and rushed forward.

The explosion came too quickly, and it...

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