I had come to terms with what had happened. I was now in a cultivation world.

In my past life, I had read quite a few cultivation stories. In most of them, the people at the pinnacle seem to be beings so powerful that universes were like toys to them.

I'm looking at you Emperor's Domination/Desolate Era/ISSTH.

Luckily for me, this world was remarkably more tame in comparison. Cultivation ranged from Rank 1-100 and the beings at the top, from what I know, don't seem to destroy planets and stars with a flick of their dɨċks.

From the memories of this life, I could say that I didn't know where the hell I was. I didn't read too many cultivation novels so that's why I don't know where I am.

Getting off the bed, I stood in the middle of the room.

Focusing my spirit energy, I summoned my martial spirit.

It was a blade inside a black sheathe. Pulling it out from its resting place, I inspected the blade.

It looked quite ordinary. It was a long-shafted katana with a grey hilt and yellow pummel. This martial spirit was given the name 'Sharp Blade'.

Sounds pretty lame, I know.

Giving it a few swings, I could feel my inner-chuuni trembling. Forcibly suppressing myself from playing Samurai Jack, I summoned my spirit ring.

My spirit ring was white, indicating a 10-year-old spirit ring. I had a 10-year-old spirit beast as my spirit soul.

My spirit soul in particular was the Blue-Tail Poison Serpent. From the name of the spirit ring, you could tell its ability-

It would grant my blade poison.

It was only a mild paralytic poison of course, but it would get stronger if I went into something like the Spirit Ascension Platform..

Unsummoning my blade, I decided that I should start cultivating. I was only Rank 11 at the moment. At 9 years of age, it wasn't horrible, but it wasn't stellar as well.

Sitting down on the floor in a lotus position, I closed my eyes and relaxed my tense muscles.

Slowly, I began to sense the spirit energy in the surroundings. I began to absorb and circulate it to supplement my cultivation.

As I cultivated, I could feel my soul force slowly getting stronger.

The problem was with the word 'slowly'. When I mean slowly, I mean really, really, slowly.

Sitting there for close to an hour, I felt bȧrėly any progress. It would be very boring and tedious if I had to cultivate like this.

Too bad for me, I had to suck it up.

However, after a while, I could feel something going wrong. The spirit energy in my body was beginning to go out of control. I wanted to stop cultivating but I couldn't. The spirit energy was moving too erratically.

I clenched my teeth as I tried to get the spirit energy under control. Despite my protests, a large torrent of spirit energy began pouring into my body.

Finally losing the last bit of control I had, I could only watch as the energies did as it pleased to my body.

The spirit energy rushed through my meridians to my head, causing me a splitting headache. Flinching, I let out a groan as the energies ravaged my head.

I dropped my lotus position and could only writhe in pain on the floor as I was ȧssaulted with this horrible pain.

As sudden as the pain came though, it stopped. The moment I was relieved from this torture, a strange energy rushed from the forehead and permeated into every tissue of my body.

This energy was unlike any other energy I had felt before. It didn't contribute to my cultivation, but I could feel it making my body stronger?

The spirit energy in the surroundings was still being absorbed at a breakneck pace. When it entered my body, I could feel it go to my head, circulate at my forehead in an erratic manner before transforming into that strange energy.

Lying on the ground, I enjoyed the feeling of my muscles, tendons and bones seemingly getting reconstructed.

I stayed this way for what seemed like hours before the suction of the energy stopped.

In a daze, I slowly got up. It felt like I had just taken a drug and was suffering a hangover now.

Why was my field of vision so big? I didn't remember being able to see so much looking in a single direction.

Confused, I slowly moved my hand to my forehead...


I dashed at the mirror. However, the moment I took a single step, I barreled into the wooden walls.

I pushed myself up, but I ended up crashing onto the ceiling before dropping back down.

From my Xianxia novel reading experience, I came to a realisation this was due to the fact that I had grown stronger, a lot stronger.

I didn't have much control over my strength right now.

Gently, I got up before slowly making my way to the mirror. I regulated my strength, trying to make sure I didn't crash into anything else.

Arriving at the mirror, my control over my newfound strength and movements were all but mastered.

Looking at the mirror, I let out a grim smile. It was exactly as I had expected.

In the mirror, I could see a vertical eye on my forehead.

I had a suspicion - no, I was certain that this eye occurred after the cultivation session just now.

It wasn't a martial spirit. It felt similar to one, but I could feel that it wasn't based on spiritual energy.

No, the eye on my forehead seemed to be based on a different energy entirely. It was that same energy that had strengthened my body previously.

How interesting.

The eye seemed to function like a normal eye, but I was pretty sure that it had a lot more secrets I wasn't privy to.

Well first things first, I can't go around with an eye on my forehead. I don't want people to know about my eye and this strange energy.

I didn't want to be locked up in a lab and experimented on.

I tried something I read in cultivation novels and tried to 'will' it to disappear.

Lo and behold, it actually worked. The eye on my forehead closed itself and disappeared, sending my vision back to normal.


I didn't expect that.

To be honest, I was just fuċkɨnġ around with what I read in a cultivation novel.

Well I'm not complaining about it. Only idiots would.

I tried to 'will' it into existence, to have it open up again.

Other than my view of the world, I realised that there was a difference between when the third eye was opened and closed.

This difference wasn't in the form of my cultivation nor about that mysterious energy. Rather, it was something about my perception. Unfortunately, I couldn't tell what changes I got.

Looking at the time, many hours had gone by since I started cultivating. It was around 8PM now.

Despite not eating today, I wasn't hungry at all.

I was quite tired though, so I went back to bed, not waiting for Cheng Yan to return.

Drifting into the land of dreams, all I could think about was about the strange eye on my forehead.

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