Soul Land 3: Legend Of The Jade Emperor

Chapter 3 - First Day of Class(Sparring)

The next day, I got up quite early in the morning.

Getting up, I could see Cheng Yan still asleep in the top bunk, snoring rather loudly. Luckily I went to bed before he came back.

Ignoring him, I went to the bathroom to take my shower, brush my teeth and to do a number 2.

What? Even cultivators need to relieve themselves ok?.

After finishing my bathroom business, I went to the dining hall. I was really hungry now. It was like the effects of not eating yesterday coming all at once.

Arriving, I started eating buns from the third window. The food there was free and all you can eat so I might as well abuse it.

As for the second and first window? Well the prices for the things there were INSANE. No point going over there.

As I enjoyed(not) my meal, Cheng Yan arrived at my table. He gave a quick greeting before getting some food himself.

Sitting down, Cheng Yan looked at me before asking, "Hey, you heard about what happened yesterday yet?"

"No, I haven't." I didn't really care, but I'll just humour him.

With an excited voice, Cheng Yan explained, "Turns out two guys who are going to be in our class fought yesterday! The guy with a Bluesilver Grass spirit, Tang Wulin punched a guy called Xie Xie out the window. They even totaled the bed!"

Oh? Well that caught my interest.

Cheng Yan continued blabbering on, "They were sent to the Director's office. They were fined a lot of money!"

Wow, these guys… wrecking the school on the first day…

And they somehow managed to avoid expulsion for doing this on the very first day.

Colour me impressed

I take a glance at the time, noticing it was almost time for class.

"Hey, you should look at the time and hurry with your meal. I'll go to class first." I informed him. Hearing a muffled 'mm', I walked off.

I enter the class known as Class 5 in the first grade. I looked around to see a bunch of students.

I couldn't recognize Tang Wulin, but that guy wearing black sportswear and a bruise on his face was probably Xie Xie.

Sitting down on one of the seats, I began to think about my next course of action.

After class, I should go to Eastsea Park. There were many secluded spots there. I could experiment around with the third eye on my forehead without letting others see me.

There were quite a few good clearings, so I have to go and take a look at them myself to decide which spot I would take.

When Cheng Yan arrived in class, I nodded to him before going back to my thoughts.

Unfortunately, my thoughts were interrupted as the teacher of our class, Wu Zhangkong soon came in.

Our teacher Wu Zhangkong was really handsome and tall. His personality on the other hand, was really strict and cold. He was known as the Icily Arrogant Prince Charming for the female students.

Can you come up with a more stupid nickname?

"Today officially marks the start of your classes. Most of your lessons will be taught by me. Stand up," Wu Zhangkong spoke up with a cold attitude.

I stood up along with the rest of my class.

"Come with me!" Wu Zhangkong said as he walked out of the class with his hands in his pockets.

I don't want to judge because this was just my first impression of him, but to be honest, he kinda acts like generic powerful expert A in cultivation novels.

I, along with the rest of my class follow him to the field.

Were we going to be training here?

'Line up in pairs, and stand properly."

I go and pair up with Cheng Yan. He was the only person I knew here.

Wu Zhangkong told us that we would be sparring today. Some girl with a tool spirit came up trying to escape the sparring session but she was shot down by Wu Zhangkong.

There were quite a few spars. Some ended quickly and some didn't.

Another was a boy who I found out to be Tang Wulin. His raw strength was insane even though he was supposed to have Bluesilver Grass spirit.

Eventually, it was my turn to fight with Cheng Yan. Standing in front of him, I calmed my nerves.

I let out a long breath. This was my first fight in this world. Luckily, in my past life, I had quite a bit of experience sparring so I wasn't that nervous.

Though, I didn't know how to use my blade martial spirit that well. I could just wing it, but it was better to stick to what I know.

Wu Zhangkong's voice rang out "START!"

I immediately dashed towards Cheng Yan.

Cheng Yan flinched and took steps back. He tried to summon his martial spirit, Long Whip, but he was too slow. I was already in front of him.

I grabbed his dominant arm and pulled him in roughly. Twisting my entire body, I sent my full upper body mass into an elbow driving into Cheng Yan's stomach.


The blow bent him into an < shape and sent him flying a few metres away.

"Stop!" Hearing Wu Zhangkong, I immediately rushed to check on Cheng Yan. He was unconscious. A trail of blood was leaking out of his mouth.

He had internal injuries!

From my memories, Cheng Yan was a Rank 12 Spirit Master and he was quite a bit stronger than me. That was why I went in instantly using a killer move.

I knew I got a buff yesterday, but this was completely out of my expectations. The poor guy didn't even get a chance to fight back.

Wu Zhangkong came forward and picked up Cheng Yan. Looking at me, I saw an approving look in his eyes.

"Your capability in martial arts is decent. You advance, but I want you to use your martial spirit next round. Remember that this is an ȧssessment," I was actually dumbfounded. I just accidentally mortally wounded a student and here he was blatantly praising me.

Was he sick in the head?

I just nodded my head to his words.

He asked a student to send Cheng Yan to the infirmary before continuing the spars.

That Xie Xie guy though, he was different. He stood in front of me with an excited expression. Oh boy, a battle maniac is here.

"Hey you! You're pretty good but know this. I'm going to win this whole thing," Xie Xie boasted arrogantly.

I raised an eyebrow before replying, "Ok, good luck then."

I walked past him but stopped for a moment before continuing,

"Cause you'll need it."

I didn't see his reaction, but I knew I probably triggered him.

A few more spars happened. They were not really interesting. Other than Xie Xie, the rest didn't have any skills in fighting.

Tang Wulin, who beat Xie Xie in the dorms probably only won because they were in an enclosed space. His movements were amateurish, his only strong point being his strength and the fact that his Bluesilver Grass was pretty strong.

To be fair, these guys were only 9, so I couldn't blame them.

Though I was 9 myself, so maybe it's fine?

Soon, my turn came up again. This time, I would have to fight someone called Qi Bai.

His name was….. um...….


I kept a stoic look on my face despite wanting to laugh as I looked at him. Both of us getting into our stances..


This time, I immediately summoned my Sharp Blade closing the gap between us.

I had to be careful. This time, I was using a blade.

I didn't want to kill him by accident.

He summoned his martial spirit that came in the form of a shield to block my swing.

My blow was deflected but the force behind it sent Qi Bai flying a few metres away. Landing on his feet, a white spirit ring appeared behind him as he used his spirit ring's ability.

"[Weight]" shouting out his ability, the colour of his shield darkened.

I came in to deliver another blow. This time, it didn't send him flying, only slightly off balance.

It seemed that his ability allowed him to increase his weight. Good in certain conditions, but I could take advantage of it right now.

Having his centre of gravity shifted, I went low and sent a quick sweep at his feet.


Qi Bai, let out a groan as he landed on the ground. My sword was already pointing at his neck.

This was what I meant by taking advantage. When he was off balance, the excessive weight from his shield only served to be a big weakness.

This battle is my win.

Wait. How am I doing this right now?

I just noticed it now, but how am I able to immediately find weaknesses in that guy's ability so quickly?

Normally in a fight, you have to move by instinct. You don't have the time to think about all your opponent's weaknesses on the spot.

Was it because of yesterday's strange awakening?

Why the hell am I asking? It has to be because of what happened yesterday. There was no other explanation.


I looked over to Wu Zhangkong. He didn't have an expression on his face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He was pretty good at hiding his emotions.

"You advance."

I walked out of the ring and waited.

Before my next fight, there were still a couple of other ones, so I had to be patient.

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