A/N: This chapter is me just goofing around. I had a lot of fun writing this. However, I don't think I'll be writing Huang Yu like this again anytime soon.

Back in his original world, Huang Yu had read many Xianxias. Out of all the plot cliches that existed, the ones that he found the most hilarious was the young master cliche.

Why? Because they act so damn stupid.

What type of person goes up to someone, tries to kill them for their treasures, and complains about it when they get beat up in return.

It's just dumb.

Hence, when he saw Xu Xiaoyu who was acting like a young master in front of him, he wanted to fuċk around a little.

No homo.

"I apologise, young noble, but can you please let us go? We are in an exam at the moment. Please show some mercy."

The other students of class zero looked dumbfounded at these words. Why the hell was he so polite? He didn't even speak like this when facing Wu Zhangkong.

Xu Xiaoyu's face darkened when he heard this. "I've given you another chance to leave. However, you're—"

Oh he's gonna say it! The words that exemplify the Dao of every young master!


Xu Xiaoyu's eyes immediately sharpened. He aimed his staff at Huang Yu before firing a powerful ice wheel at him.

A sword appeared on Huang Yu's hand, before he attempted to bisect the ice wheel. However, it seemed that the power of the ice wheel was far too powerful and sent him flying.

When Huang Yu landed, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"""HUANG YU!"""

Several shouts of concern and shock came from the students of class zero.

However, one person realised something was off. Naturally, it was the person who had interacted most with Huang Yu.

Gu Yue stared at Huang Yu with calculating eyes. She knew how strong Huang Yu was and the person in front of them could be said to be less than an ant in front of him. How could Huang Yu possibly be injured like this against the likes of this?

Looking at the 'blood' that Huang Yu had spat out, she noticed something.

'Wait… that isn't blood. Is that… ketchup?'

Gu Yue's eyes widened before she giggled a little. 'So this is what he's doing. It's quite mean but I can't say I don't approve of this.'

A whisper came out of her lips as she notified everyone else what Huang Yu was doing.

Expressions of dumbfoundedness appeared on their faces before they sighed.

"To think that this young noble was so powerful. I had suffered internal injuries from that attack." Huang Yu said loudly enough for everyone to hear.

'Hmph. Serves him right. That red-haired brat had eyes but couldn't see Mt. Tai.' Xu Xiaoyu thought when he heard Huang Yu's words.

As he was about to attack once more, his sleeve was pulled. Turning back, he saw his sister, Xu Xiaoyan looking at him with a sad look in her eyes.

"Brother, can we not eliminate them? They said they were in an exam. We shouldn't ruin it for them like this."

Xu Xiaoyu's eyes softened a lot when he heard that. "Little sister, if they are inside the rebellion spirit ascension platform for their test, it means that their teacher wants them to face people like us. If we let them go, it'll be like cheating. Not only that, we can get a lot of energy for you if we eliminate them." Xu Xiaoyu convinced his sister.

"Oh…" the blue-haired girl replied softly before letting go of her brother's sleeve.

"I guess I have no choice… to think you would be so strong. I have to use my trump card…"

When those words entered Xu Xiaoyu's ears, he immediately turned back to look at class zero.

At this moment, Xu Xiaoyu realised that something was wrong here. He just injured their friend so badly, yet why were they just standing there with a… pitying expression on their face?

He was cut off from his thoughts when Huang Yu spoke once more.

"Young noble, this is my secret technique. It's called…"

Xu Xiaoyu stiffened up.

"...Grand Dao Annihilation Soaring Immortal Dragon Heavenly Slaying God-Emperor Elbow!!!!!"


Huang Yu instantly appeared in front of Xu Xiaoyu. Before he could even register what was going on, Huang Yu used the entirety of his upper body mass, slamming a ferocious elbow into Xu Xiaoyu's gut.

Blood and spittle came flying out of Xu Xiaoyu's mouth. As he began toppling over, Huang Yu mercilessly slammed an axe kick at the back of his neck.


A small crater formed at where Xu Xiaoyu had fallen. It proved how terrifying Huang Yu's axe kick was.

"BROTHER!" Huang Yu turned his attention to her from her brother when he heard Xu Xiaoyan scream in horror.

Fear gripped her heart as her palms that were holding onto her martial spirit became sweaty. In her eyes, the person in front of her was no longer the person she had pitied previously.

Instead, with Huang Yu's blood-red hair, and dimly glowing red eyes, he looked more like a devil in human skin.

Stifling her own fear, she attempted to help her brother by firing an ice wheel filled with all her power at Huang Yu, courtesy of her first spirit ring ability.

To her chagrin, the ice wheel was broken apart with a backhand from him.

Huang Yu smiled evilly before widening his arms. "Hoh? You're attacking me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though your brother, Xu Xiaoyu, who was a Spirit Elder, was completely helpless against my secret technique?"

Xu Xiaoyan gritted her teeth. With shivering hands, she replied "I can't protect my brother if I run away."

"Xiaoyan, leave the spirit ascension platform. Don't worry about me! Even if I get killed, all that'll happen is a bit of backlash." Xu Xiaoyu suddenly blurted out.

Huang Yu's acting broke for a moment when he heard this.

Was this young master… showing concern for someone else?


"Brother! You've always protected me! Now it's my turn to protect you!"

After several exchanges that went on like this, Huang Yu sighed. Hearing their words to each other, Huang Yu's mood to play around swiftly disappeared.

Before Xu Xiaoyu or Xu Xiaoyan could react, Huang Yu went and pushed the emergency escape buŧŧons on the both of them.


Those were their last words before they disappeared from the area.

The only one who didn't was Gu Yue.

She walked up to him. "Did you enjoy bullying that girl?" she asked with a disdainful tone. However, everyone could hear that Gu Yue was trying hard to not burst out into laughter.

A wry smile appeared on Huang Yu's face. "Errr, I might have gotten a bit too engrossed in playing around…"

Before Gu Yue could reply, Tang Wulin cut in. "Sorry to interrupt, but I think we should leave the spirit ascension platform now. Most of us can't handle the excess energy anymore."

Everyone turned to look at him before nodding. With a press of a buŧŧon, they too also disappeared from the area.

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