A/N: Surprise double chapter today. Not only that, this chapter is double my usual word count.

Waking up, Huang Yu found himself inside a metal box that he had become quite familiar with in the past few months.

With both hands, Huang Yu supported his own body as he got out of the metal box.

When he exited the metal box, he noticed that the others were getting out as well.

After everyone got out of the metal boxes that had sent them into the spirit ascension platform, Wu Zhangkong appeared in front of them.

With a cold and apathetic voice, Wu Zhangkong spoke. "For the first part of your final exam, everyone passes. Although your actions inside the spirit ascension platform weren't completely to my expectations, you still managed to survive for several hours."

"Teacher, why were our actions not to your expectations? We killed a lot of spirit beasts and even eliminated two spirit masters!" Xie Xie asked.

If possible, the cold expression on Wu Zhangkong's face seemed to become colder. "What do you mean by we? Did you do anything inside the spirit ascension platform?"

"But, it's not our fault! The beasts were targeting Huang Yu and he took them out way too fast!" Xie Xie complaint.

"So you didn't even bother to help out?"

That shut Xie Xie up.

Wu Zhangkong began chewing all of them out. Each of them had a gloomy expression on their faces when Wu Zhangkong was done with them.

When he was done with the rest on the students on class zero, Wu Zhangkong finally turned to Huang Yu.

"As for you Huang Yu, although you may be strong, you shouldn't neglect working with your teammates. If you had worked together with the others, the spirit beasts that had attacked you would have been taken out a lot faster."

Wu Zhangkong didn't try to force Huang Yu to work together with his team. It wasn't his teaching style to.

He would attempt to guide his students on the right path, but what they do after that depended completely on them.

Huang Yu gave a nod. "OK."

As a person who was formerly from the 21st century, Huang Yu indeed knew about the benefits of teamwork.

However, the problem here was that the others were far too weak to work with.

Could you work together with babies in a fight?

The only person in the entire class who was strong enough to work together with him was Gu Yue. Although she hid it, he could tell she was leagues beyond the others.

This was also one of the reasons the two of them were good friends. It was easier for those nearer to the same level to become friends.

"Although this section of the exam is over, don't relax yet. There is still one more section to your final exam. If the lot of you don't do well in your next test, you still may not pass your exams. For now, let's go back to the academy." Wu Zhangkong said before beginning to leave.

When everyone arrived back at Eastsea Academy, it was already dusk. Everyone had their dinners before heading back to their dorms to do their own activities.

Inside his own room, Huang Yu sat on top of his bed. After going into the spirit ascension platform for so many times, and absorbing so much energy from killing those beasts, he had felt a fundamental change in his spirit soul.

He summoned his spirit soul. It was the Blue-Tailed Poison Serpent, if you could even call it that anymore that is.

Through the continuous cultivation of his body, the energies from the spirit ascension platform nourishing it, the trash spirit Blue-Tailed Poison Serpent had evolved.

Looking at it, Huang Yu thought it was quite cute. In the past, the Blue-Tailed Poison Serpent, as an artificially created 10+-years-old spirit ring, it didn't have any intelligence. Hence, Huang Yu didn't bother naming nor interacting with it.

However, after receiving so many benefits from Huang Yu, how could it not grow from that once pathetic state.

Now, as a 5000-year-old spirit beast that had been nourished with Huang Yu's physical energies, it was far more intelligent than any spirit beast of the same age. With that, Huang Yu now needed to bond with it.

Bonding with your spirit souls was paramount for a Spirit Master.

"Do you want a name?" Huang Yu asked his spirit soul.

It couldn't talk, but it seemed to understand Huang Yu's words. It nodded before ŀɨċkɨnġ Huang Yu's hand with its forked tongue.

Huang Yu smiled at that. "Alright then. What do you think about the name 'Jormungandr'?" He had come ip with that name the Blue-Tailed Poison Serpent in fromt of him looked rather similar to the Midgard Serpent he saw in God of War. Not only that, Jormungandr was a pretty cool name.

The Blue-Tailed Poison Serpent's eyes seemed to glow a little before it started getting a bit excited.

"You like it?"

It nodded its head.

"Ok. Then from today onwards, your name will be Jormungandr. I'll call you [ ] for short." (A/N: Can you guys give me a nickname for him? I can't think of a good one.")

Its mouth curled into what seemed to be its own smile. Huang Yu patted its head before unsummoning it.

'The Jormungandr's evolution just gave me an idea… If this works, even Guang Biao can beat Wu Zhangkong...:"


The next day, the students of class zero followed Wu Zhangkong to the academy training facilities. Wu Zhangkong had found the teacher-in-charge of the building and reserved a field for the sake of the exam.

This proved how much the academy was favouring the students of class zero.

Xie Xie asked, "Teacher Wu, are the five of us going to fight Huang Yu alone again?" Xie Xie sneaked a glance at Huang Yu before a trail of sweat trickled down from his forehead.

If his predictions about them fighting Huang Yu was accurate, then he really wasn't looking forward to this test.

He had gotten so many beatings from Huang Yu in the past that he developed a sort of trauma towards him. He would still treat Huang Yu like a friend of course, but there was that bit of carefulness employed when he was with Huang Yu.

"No." Wu Zhangkong answered. "The six of you will be battling me."

"Six against one, that's very unfair… Huh? Against you…" Xie Xie stared at Wu Zhangkong, dumbfounded.

With his usual indifference Wu Zhangkong said, "Don't forget, this is no longer the spirit ascension platform. You won't revive here in the real world and I might not be able to hold back properly. This time, I will be fighting you with my martial spirit along with my first spirit rings. Begin."

The moment those words were spoken, Huang Yu let out a grin before charging towards Wu Zhangkong with his martial spirit summoned.

In response, Wu Zhangkong summoned his own martial spirit: the Skyfrost Sword.

They all summoned their martial spirits as they attempted to help out.

During the numerous clashes, Huang Yu noticed a weak point for himself. His martial spirit… it was being suppressed by Wu Zhangkong's Skyfrost Sword.

This was to be expected. His martial spirit was just an ordinary sword. How could it compare with the Skyfrost Sword which was considered to be a very powerful martial spirit.

However, Huang Yu wasn't pushed back by Wu Zhangkong. A combination of his skills in the sword, his skills in Taekwondo and his unrivalled analyzation abilities allowed him to match up against Wu Zhangkong.

After the number of blows exchanged between the two exceeded a hundred, Wu Zhangkong jumped back before using his first spirit ring ability.

[Frost Scar]

Several icy blue arcs bloomed from the tip of Wu Zhangkong's sword before flying towards Huang Yu at breakneck speeds.

Sucking in a deep breath, Huang Yu relaxed his muscles. He seemed to enter a trance as the icy blue arcs of sword energy neared him.

With simple but elegant movements, he cleanly bisected all the frost scars that had been targeting him. Each slash was perfectly angled in order to make sure none of the attacks neared him.

Wu Zhangkong's eyes widened. Huang Yu's movements were extremely shocking to him. How could it not be? It was an almost perfect replica of himself when he was cutting through techniques.

He knew that Huang Yu had already begun cutting through techniques. However, it was limited to weak ones.

The skill that Huang Yu exuded clearly showed that he had almost reached the level of Wu Zhangkong, a former inner court student of Shrek Academy and a practitioner of the sword for over twenty years!

How heaven-defying was Huang Yu to be able to do this.

Being shocked so heavily, Wu Zhangkong made the biggest mistake when in a fight: he lost concentration.

He only managed to regain his cool when he felt blades of Bluesilver Grass wrapping around him. However, with the strength he had limited himself to, it was too late by then.

With a roar, Tang Wulin appeared with his powerful golden dragon claw. He punched towards Wu Zhangkong with all his might, the wind roaring around him as he did so.

The teacher of class zero wasn't that easily daunted as he broke free of his restraints in a few moments before attempting to knock away Tang Wulin.

Wang Jinxi and Zhou Yangzi chose to use their spirit fusion ability at this time.

Tsking, Wu Zhangkong sent out several frost scars to stop them. The frost scars were intercepted by Xie Xie, but for some reason, their spirit fusion ability failed at this moment.

However, Gu Yue chose to make herself known as this moment. With her near perfect mastery over the elements, a fusion of ice, wind, fire and earth coalesced into a giant hurricane.

At this, all the other students of class zero retreated, except for Huang Yu of course.

He had been forced to play passively for a while when Tang Wulin and the others attacked. If he chose to attack with them, the combo play might've been messed up since Tang Wulin wouldn't be able to react appropriately to his movements.

Using the King's Wisdom at this moment, he manipulated the elemental tornado slightly in order to use it in a sword slash.

[Fusion Attack: Five Elements Sword]

The surroundings trembled as the sword slash blasted its way towards Wu Zhangkong.

Wu Zhangkong's eyes widened. He could tell at a glance that he couldn't afford to hold back against this attack.

With six spirit rings appearing behind him, Wu Zhangkong let out a loud shout as he forcefully directed the attack into the sky with his sword.

The [Five Elements Sword] careened into the sky for a few moments before a loud explosion of elements rocked the area.

Everyone in the area was forced to cover their faces with their hands as dust and debris was sent flying in all directions.

The first to recover was Wu Zhangkong. He looked up at the sky where the [Five Elements Sword] had just detonated with a strange gaze.

'What was that?' he thought. 'It definitely wasn't a spirit fusion, yet it seemed to appear like one.'

The next to recover was Gu Yue. She was just as shocked, not only at the power of the attack, but also how the attack happened.

For a brief moment, she felt her control over the elements slip for a slight moment. Although it was subtle, so much so that a normal person couldn't possibly have noticed it, she clearly felt a slight wrest of control.

Eventually, everyone recovered. Tang Wulin asked, "Teacher Wu, so is this considered our win?" Tang Wulin was definitely shocked as well, but his emotional intelligence was high for his age so he was able to hide it rather quickly.

Blinking a few times, Wu Zhangkong snapped out of the trance he was in. He gave a brief affirmative to Tang Wulin before speaking again.

"Huang Yu, Gu Yue, come over here."

The both of them did as they were told.

"What was that attack just now?" Wu Zhangkong questioned with narrowed eyes.

Gu Yue sneaked a glance towards Huang Yu. She saw him laugh nervously before opening his mouth.

Gu Yue decided to help him out with this. He could be considered her best friend after all. She would grind out the details of what happened earlier from him later.

"Teacher Wu, Huang Yu and I have been practising an attack together." Gu Yue spoke before Huang Yu could.

The two of them looked at her, Huang Yu with surprise and Wu Zhangkong in curiosity.


Huang Yu thanked Gu Yue inwardly before quickly linking her story with the lie that he had been about to tell. With Gu Yue's help, the lie would be much more convincing.

"Yea Teacher Wu. We've been spending some of our free time training together. During one of our training sessions, we came with this idea of merging the elements with a sword attack. Although it can't be considered a spirit fusion, it's attack power isn't all that different from one."

A pondering expression appeared on Wu Zhangkong's face as he heard this.

Although their words sounded quite outlandish, he didn't outright dismiss their words. These two were the most talented people he had ever seen.

If anyone was to do something like this, it would be them.

Wu Zhangkong gave a gentle smile. "It's fine then. It's good to see that you do work together with others Huang Yu."

The aforementioned person laughed.

"Alright! You all may go back to classes now. In a few days, we will conduct the last section of the exam. However, Wang Jinxi, Zhou Yangzi and Tang Wulin, stay here for a while longer."

A chorus of OKs sounded out.

As they left the area to return to their dorms, Huang Yu walked next to Gu Yue. "Thanks for covering me."

"No problem. But, there is a price for that bit of help." Gu Yue replied with a sly grin.

"Uhh, what do you want then?"

Gu Yue's expression became serious at that. "What did you really do just now?"

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