As the tournament continued, Huang Yu continued to stomp the competition in weird and strange ways. However, the one thing that everyone in the competition noticed was that Huang Yu had never once released his martial spirit in any battle.

A mixture of both of these facts naturally drew the attention of many people onto Huang Yu, including that of Dai Tianling and En Ci.

The two of them didn't particularly like Huang Yu as a result of what he had done to Dai Yun'er in public that day, but they both had to admit that Huang Yu was definitely frighteningly strong.

As of this moment, Huang Yu was currently leaving the stadium after he had just decimated his match for the day. Gu Yue wasn't with him at the moment since she had some things to deal with.

And by the way, it involved a very familiar Golden Eyed Dark Dragon

"Huang Yu!"

Huang Yu's ears perked up as he heard a voice call out to him. He shifted his gaze to the source of the sound only to want to groan internally.

It was freaking Dai Yun'er!

He really didn't know what this girl wanted with him. He had already rejected her once by saying that he had a girlfriend, and in a very embarrassing manner at that. Was her face so thick that she didn't care at all?

No, that didn't make sense. From the information he got from his Bishops, Dai Yun'er's a horrible bitc— spoiled girl.

Now usually one would still treat an imperial princess nicely even if they didn't like her, however, Huang Yu wasn't bound by those social norms.

In his previous world where one person could not stand above the firmaments by himself, others' perception of you was capable of ruining your life or turning it into something great. However, in a world like this where might is right, do the words of ants matter to a God?

In a world like this, the only thing that mattered was his own power. That was why Huang Yu loved this world.

Huang Yu didn't bother with Dai Yun'er who was walking up to him as he turned away and began walking away.

"Hey! Wait! I'll give you a chance to apologise to me now!"

Dai Yun'er's shout along with the rapid footsteps Huang Yu heard behind him caused everyone to turn to that direction to see what was up.

To their surprise, it seemed that the red-haired boy from the Douluo Continent who had been dominating the competition in strange ways had some sort of relationship with their princess?

Huang Yu chose not to care about the girl as he sped up his walking speed. With the usage of Bo-Bup, he moved quickly even though his feet weren't moving at the same pace.

He wasn't going to try and interact more with Dai Yun'er cause in the novels he had read before, situations like these tend to form lots of drama.

It was really bothersome, and even if Huang Yu didn't care about the gossip that it may cause, he didn't want Gu Yue to get uncomfortable about it.

As Dai Yun'er was completely left in the dust by Huang Yu, tears appeared in her eyes as she stomped her feet on the ground in anger.

'How dare he do this to me?' Dai Yun'er thought in anger.

Since she was a child, Dai Yun'er had been doted on by her father. She was cherished by both her father and brothers, the apple of their eyes. When it came to her, they would always bend to fulfill even the most ridiculous of requests. No matter what sort of trouble she caused, her elder brother would clean up after her.

Never before in her life had she been ignored like this! This was a complete disrespect towards her!

She was already mad at him before for embarrassing her like that at the banquet, but her being as magnanimous as she was, wanted to give him a chance to apologise.

To think that he wouldn't appreciate it! The nerve of him!

"Fine, be that way! I'll just go find Tang Wulin! Just you wait!"

And that was the cause of another rejection that Dai Yun'er faced that day.

�� — — —

Into Huang Yu's suite, he was looking out the large window, both of his hands behind his back. He was fulfilling all of his chuunibyou dreams at this moment.

To Romario and Xiao Chen who were sneaking glances at their king whilst they knelt in submission, their brains went into overdrive as they continuously tried to engrave every image of their king into their brains.

'Byron and Guang Biao will be so jealous.' the two Bishops thought.

"So what was so important that the two of you had to risk being found out by sneaking into my suite?' Huang Yu asked. His voice was soft at this moment, but it carried a majestic undertone that shook Romario and Xiao Chen.

Their heartbeats quickening from excitement, Xiao Chen beat Romario to the punch as she spoke first.

"My king, we deserve a thousand deaths for our sins! No, not even a hundred thousand deaths would be—"

"Get to the point."

Huang Yu was honestly exasperated by his followers. Those guys somehow managed to turn each and every thing he did into something glorious.

For example, when Huang Yu joked around by naming his cultivation technique, 'Huang Yu's Practical Guide to Cultivation and Immortality for Dummies', all of his bishops took to it like a fish in water.

Somehow, they had managed to come with a bullshit theory that Huang Yu was teaching them about humility since their egos were getting too big.

For example, the word 'Dummies' within the name, signified that compared to their king, everyone else in the world was an idiot in comparison. Hence, none should even attempt to have any pride before their king.

The words. 'Practical Guide', had somehow been derived into 'The True Mandate of Heaven' by them!

They weren't particularly wrong about that, since Huang Yu naturally had plans for the Heavens in the future, but still…

"My apologies once more for wasting your precious time, my king! The thing we wished to inform you about is about the Dragon Valley."

Hearing this, Huang Yu's eyes brightened up as he turned his head back, allowing the shadows of the room to cover his face as he did so.

"Oh? Elaborate. It sounds interesting."

'Eeekkk, our king is so cool!!!' the two Bishops fangirled once more.

Breathing slightly heavier now, Xiao Chen spoke up once more. "My king, the Dragon Valley is a top-secret location that belongs to the Tang Sect. According to our sources, the Dragon Valley won't allow any being above Rank 50 to enter or else they will be kicked out."

"My king, we have discussed this with the Bishop Guang Biao and Bishop Byron through our communication devices, and we have hypothesised that this place may prove to be a great help to you, my king!" Romario cut in.

Huang Yu's eyes didn't show any emotions as he looked at Romario and Xiao Chen. He merely averted his gaze from them, preferring to look back out of the window.

'As expected of our king! Not tempted by worldly things!' thought Xiao Chen and Romario in reverence.

"You may leave now. Good job for finding out this information."

"We give our thanks, your Majesty!"

As Xiao Chen and Romario shouted that out loud, they disappeared from the spot in a flash. Luckily, Huang Yu had stopped the sound from leaving this room, so the shouts of his two Bishops couldn't be heard outside.

Meanwhile, Huang Yu let out a sigh of relief as he let his arms back to normal. "Crap, that was so tiring. Being a king is hard work."

Huang Yu's expression hardened. "However, I have a feeling that this Dragon Valley will somehow be connected to Gu Yue."

Although it was just a feeling, Huang Yu completely trusted it at this time. One should know that once a being has reached the Spiritual Domain realm with their mental power, they could connect with the heavens and the earth to gain a premonition as to what's to come.

Huang Yu's current mental strength was slowly stepping into the realm of Gods already, making him far superior to anyone else in the world in this case. Hence, all the premonitions he would get definitely needed to be taken seriously.

'Huh, I wonder what Gu Yue's doing at the moment anyway…'

— — — —

"What happened to you Di Tian?"

A cold voice emerged from the lips of a silver-haired girl. The girl was the epitome of a beauty that could topple kingdoms as combined with the imperious aura she passively exuded, no mortal man would dare to say that they were worthy of her. If Huang Yu were here, he would think that this person looked exactly the same as Na'er.

This person was Gu Yue in her true form. She obviously couldn't look the same as Na'er when she joined Eastsea Academy, so she had changed her looks.

Despite this, Gu Yue already had a fondness for her black-haired form. She may not be particularly pretty in it, but it was the form that Huang Yu had fallen for.

"M, my king…" Di Tian could bȧrėly mutter out. As of this moment, he was in his human form as he laid on a bed with holes perforating his body. All his bones had been shattered and devouring energies ravaged his body.

At the side, Bi Ji had her arms on Di Tian, letting out a green glow from her hands that slowly helped Di Tian suppress his injuries and slowly recover.

Although the injury was serious, Bi Ji was a being capable of saving more or less anyone as long as they still had a breath remaining.

"I was attacked…"

An expression of shock appeared on Gu Yue's face. "Even if you were attacked, you should still be able to escape easily! Has the technology of humans already reached this level?"

"No my king, it wasn't the humans…" Di Tian burst out in several coughs spitting out a mouthful of blood as Bi Ji shouted in alarm.

"What?" Gu Yue's eyes narrowed. "Then who was it?"

"It was a beast…

and its God…"

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