"Tang Wulin! Huang Yu! The two of you get your ȧsses here!"

"What do you want?!"

"No, fuċk off."

You can guess who said what.

Dai Yun'er's face was burning red with anger at this moment. Tang Wulin and Huang Yu were the only people to ever reject her like this.

She had a very bad impression of Tang Wulin due to his cruel rejection of her, but it was nothing compared to how much she disliked Huang Yu.

That guy was a person who literally didn't care about her rank as the imperial princess. Tang Wulin had at least pretended to be courteous while Huang Yu…

Well, his attitude can be seen from his words.

Standing next to Gu Yue who had returned the night prior, Huang Yu noticed that she was staring at Dai Yun'er like a hawk ready to strike.

Press F for Dai Yun'er if Gu Yue ever gets her hands on her.

Beside Dai Yun'er, Huang Yu saw a slim, attractive man. It was Dai Yueyan who had come along with his little sister to see which two students of Shrek Academy had bullied his sister.

While Tang Wulin walked up to Dai Yun'er and gave a few words of courtesy. He didn't like her much, but he didn't have much of a choice in it since he was in another person's homefield.

On the other hand, Huang Yu scratched the back of his head before he shifted his gaze away from the prince and his sister back to Gu Yue. She was a far better sight for sore eyes.

As Tang Wulin and Dai Yun'er had an argument and Huang Yu and Gu Yue flirted with one another, Dai Yueyan's expression darkened.

That red-haired boy was being so rude to the imperial family. Even if he wasn't from here, being rude to the crown was unacceptable.

After Dai Yun'er and her brother left in anger. Huang Yu grabbed Gu Yue's hand as he pulled her close/

"Gu Yue, wanna go walk around? The both of us aren't competing in the team matches anyways." Huang Yu asked.

Gu Yue's eyes brightened. She grabbed Huang Yu's arm, wrapping her body around it as she dragged him off. "Of course."

Xie Xie and the others looked at Tang Wulin with a strange expression on their faces. However, they were surprised to see Tang Wulin pretty chill about it.

Tang Wulin had definitely noticed it, and felt rather uncomfortable about it. However, he had pushed it aside. His feelings towards Gu Yue were slowly diminishing over time as a result of the two of them not interacting much anymore.

Despite that, he felt something in the depths of his bloodline that stopped him from letting go of his past feelings completely. He would need to ask Old Tang about this.

Gu Yue clearly wasn't interested in him and he didn't want to be a dɨċk about it. He just hoped that the two of them could stay as good friends.

Just as Huang Yu and Gu Yue were about to head off, the bustling waiting area fell silent.

A group of eight people were walking into the waiting area. They were all dressed in dark red, with a round, black symbol on the ċhėst, which had a strangely enlarged mouth full of grotesque teeth.

"Wow, I didn't know that a heavy metal band was competing in this battle." Huang Yu commented causing Gu Yue to giggle.

The eyes of everyone in the waiting area turned to Huang Yu and Gu Yue in shock at their audacity.

"Who's that guy? How dare he be so rude to Monster Academy…"

"Dude, you don't know? He's that guy who's constantly screwing around in all the fights for the one-versus-ones. He acts like that, but he's a fuċkɨnġ monster. He hasn't even used his martial spirit in any of his battles yet!"

"He's pretty cute too though…"

The young girl that said that found her feet suddenly buried in the ground.

The person standing in front of the Monster Academy frowned as he walked towards them. He was big, bald and about two metres tall, with wide shoulders and a broad back. He was giving off an aura like that of a mountain.

Huang Yu's first impression of this guy was that he looked kinda like the Rock, only a lot less handsome.

Behind this guy, were two people that Huang Yu was familiar with. It was Dai Yueyan and Dai Yun'er.

Dai Yun'er chose this moment to run over to the bald man in front and tugged his sleeve. When the baldy looked down and found it was her, he subdued his aggressive aura and stooped down. Dai Yun'er whispered something in his ear.

Seeing this, Huang Yu wanted to groan loudly.

Wasn't this what happened in every Xianxia? You offend one person, then that person brings their senior brother. Then you offend the senior brother, he brings his even more senior brother who's most likely the super-duper talented student of the grand elder.

Then you beat that guy, and the grand elder comes out looking for trouble. You beat the grand elder, then the ancestor comes out.

It's a piece of stupid convoluted bullshit that Huang Yu didn't want to delve into.

The baldy raised his head and looked at Huang Yu and Tang Wulin, his eyes turning dark red in the blink of an eye.

The air seemed to have become thick with tension the moment his eyes changed colour. Many contestants shuffled back despite themselves, fear written all over their faces.

And then we have Huang Yu who didn't give a shit about it.

"So you have embraced the dark side?" Huang Yu couldn't help but blurt out.

Everyone's attention was once again turned onto him. Noticing this, Huang Yu coughed. "Nevermind. I'll be leaving now. Goodbye."

As he said those words, he and Gu Yue made their way out of the area, only to have their path blocked by the baldy.

Gu Yue's expression darkened. "What are you doing you boorish oaf? Don't get in our way. Go back to the cave you came from."

She wasn't going to entertain this farce. She wanted to have some alone time with Huang Yu, and then preferably head back to the hotel to spend some quality time together.

She would be getting very busy soon so she wanted to spend as much time with Huang Yu as possible now in order to make up for the lack of time to date in the future.

Jaws dropped hearing Gu Yue's words. Everyone couldn't help but feel that this couple was like two peas in a pod.

Both of their mouths were horribly sharp.

Ignoring Gu Yue's blatant provocation, the bald man spoke. "My name is Long Yue. People call me Crazy Long. Nice to meet you." His voice was deep and not particularly loud, but the pressure exuding from it was very strong.

Long Yue put his hand out, expecting a handshake.


What? Were you expecting Huang Yu to go and shake hands with that guy?

That's something that's only done when you respect your enemy. And Huang Yu didn't even respect Long Yue in the slightest.


Long Yue's a fuċkɨnġ simp for Dai Yun'er.

— — — —

When Huang Yu and Gu Yue returned to the suite that they cohabitated, it was already night.

The both of them dropped onto the couch, they cuddled as they rested for the day, enjoying the feeling of each other's bodies.

"Huang Yu, remember what we said before we left for Star Luo in the bus?"

Huang Yu thought about it for a few moments whilst he stroked her hair. "About sharing and telling each other some things?"

"Yeah," whispered Gu Yue. "Can you give me a bit more time? There's a lot on my plate recently."

And she wasn't lying. She had just found out that there was a renegade God on the loose on the Douluo Plane from Di Tian, and was horribly powerful. This was a problem she hoped she could solve before she told Huang Yu so that he didn't need to delve in such murky waters.

Huang Yu smiled. "It's fine. I��m perfectly content as long as you're with me."

Hearing this, Gu Yue's heart skipped a beat. Her eyes misted up as she nodded her head with an 'mm'.

This was her lover. The person who painted colour into her life.

These few years with him meant more to her than the sum of all her previous years of existence, even including the memories of the Dragon God.

She couldn't even begin to imagine a life without him anymore. As long he was with her, she felt as if there was nothing that could stop her.

And no matter what, she wouldn't ever allow something to harm him. She knew that he was strong, at least as powerful as most Titled Douluos, but the being that attacked Di Tian was a God Officer!

She didn't know how a being like that appeared in this world even though the Divine Realm had disappeared, but she knew one thing. At this period of time, she needed strength to protect him.

This was her resolution.

Hence, in a swift movement, Gu Yue suddenly pushed Huang Yu down causing him to shout in surprise.

Adjusting herself to sit on his ŀȧp, she rubbed against him, causing his great pillar to ascend to the heavens.

Yes it was something that she enjoyed doing with him, but at this moment in time, she wasn't doing it for the pŀėȧsurė anymore…

Okay, maybe she was, but her main motive was to recover her true strength at this time.

And so, as she went and claimed his lips, a wonderful night of dragon riding began.

(4000 words omitted)

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