Chapter 102 training results

"OK, OK, don't make any noise."

Ah, the dog saw that the two sides were quarreling so quickly. After all, Xia Jue didn't listen to the quarrel. If Xia Jue was upset, it would be no fun.

"Boy, give you another chance, don't ask for trouble." The vest man on the stage squints at Ren Zu.

"There's so much nonsense. Watch the boxing." Ren Zu was eager to show Xia Jue that there was Kung Fu there. Besides, he had so many ink marks.

"Well, no penalty for a toast." A sharp color flashed across the waistcoat man's face.


The two sides collided with each other.


The man in the waistcoat took back his fist in pain.

I didn't expect that this guy didn't look good, but his fist was still a little tough.

But that's it.

Boxers don't fight for fists or strength.

Boxers fight for body, pace, fight and responsiveness.

What's the use of renzu's fist even if he can't hit him.

Vest man began to weigh his feet back and forth, and began to fight with Ren Zu, intending to find a chance to hit Ren Zu again.

But when a few minutes passed.

He found that no matter how he tried, Ren zudou quickly dodged, which made his heart begin to have some serious.

It seems that this guy is not a waste material. He is really a bit of material.

The man's friend under the stage was a little worried when he saw this scene.

"What's the matter? Isn't it just a little gangster? Is it so difficult to deal with?"

"Yes, ah Sheng, how can he fight with fear of hands and feet? It's strange that he can't get rid of the combination boxing directly."

My friends are so worried.

But Xia Jue's thugs are much easier.

Because when Ren Zu first came here, he was just a second generation who was hollowed out by wine and sex.

Don't talk about fighting with these boxers. Maybe they can take him down with one hand.

But after Xia Jue's training, Ren Zu can fight with these boxers again and again.

This is progress.

Think about it.

It's all progress.

So what's their strength going to be.

Gangsters can't wait to try their skills.

"Bang bang."

At this time, Ren Zu on the stage suddenly seized an opportunity. He stuck his body to the man in the vest and hit him hard.

Vest man tries to open Ren Zu's entanglement.

He put in his strength, and finally he escaped.

But after a set of combination punches by Ren Zu, he was dizzy, and even couldn't stand steadily.

When it comes to this situation, everyone knows that Zu won the game.

"Zugor is powerful."

"Zuge Niubi."

"Zuge, Meng."

There was a cheer from the gangsters.

Ren Zu had a smile on his face.

Although he also got a few punches from the waistcoat man, he was dizzy in his mind, but he didn't disgrace Xia Jue.

Ren Zu waved to everyone to be quiet, and then jumped from the ring.

"Mr. Xia, how am I playing?" Ren Zu is like a child who gets 100 points in school and then goes home to show off to his parents.

"Not bad." Xia Jue said lightly.

Hearing this, Ren Zu felt a little excited.

Finally got Mr. Xia's approval.

My friend here is swearing.

"Damn, it's too careless to win."

"Yes, I don't know what he hesitates on the stage. If I go straight to fight with him, it's just a little gangster. Can our fighting ability be better than those of our amateur fighters?"

No wonder my friends are so angry.

After all, they are amateur fighters.

Even a little gangster can't fight. What's the matter.

However, his friends helped him to rest.

"Mr. Xia, I'll do it this time?" It's a chance to perform in front of Xia Jue. Of course, the dog won't miss it.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded in agreement.

Ah, the dog stepped into the ring and said, "who will fight with me?"

"I'll do it."

"I'll do it, I'll do it."

The friends on the waistcoat man's side didn't agree. When they heard the mockery of the gangsters, they were also choked, so they all scrambled to get back to the stage.

In the end.

A man with an inch jumped into the ring.

After jumping into the ring, the man was eager to find the scene, and without too much nonsense, he just started to move towards ah dog.

"Bang bang."Seven or eight minutes later, the man fell unconscious under the ring.

"Big dog, big cow."

"Brother dog is good."

The younger brothers saw that the dog was much easier than Ren Zu, so they put down the boxer, and their morale suddenly rose.

The dog was very proud to hear the compliments from his younger brothers, and then he took a furtive look at Xia Jue.

When he found that Xia Jue's expression was still satisfied, he was more happy.

"Ha ha, I'm a boxer. I can fight ten." I'm going to throw the words back to the boxers.

when you hear that, you are so angry.

But they couldn't refute it.

It is the so-called expert who knows if there is one.

This dog is different from the man just now.

In their opinion, dog's boxing and body method are extremely skilled, and they are almost catching up with professional boxers.

None of them is expected to be his opponent.

"Hum, what do you want in front of us? You have the ability to fight a professional boxer."

"Yes, we're just playing in the spare time. If you can beat those professional fighters, we'll convince you."

A group of amateur boxers have no words to refute, they can only find the topic of throwing pot.


Ah, the dog gave a cold hum.

Let Mr. Xia train for a few more days.

Not to mention professional fighters.

He's not even afraid of a gold belt fighter.

Ah, the dog ignored the topic of these people and walked out of the ring: "Mr. Xia, how am I playing?"

"Yes, you have some potential." Xiajue patted him on the shoulder.

With such praise from Xia Jue, the dog is almost on cloud nine.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. I will continue to work hard." Ah, the dog said excitedly.

"OK, that's all for today's training."

Xia Jue has been able to estimate the strength of these gangsters, and the other side has no confidence to fight any more, so he announced the end.

The rest of the gangsters were disappointed to hear Xia Jue's words.

Because it means that they have no chance to perform in front of Xia Jue.

But soon he was relieved.

As long as you stay with Xia Jue, I'm afraid you won't be able to show it?

Xia Jue took the group downstairs to prepare for dinner.

After dinner, Xia Jue got on ah Gou's car and was ready to return to the company.


the top floor office of Shangnan real estate.

Su Changqing opened another bottle of Lafite from 1982 and poured two cups.

"Dad, did you hear that ugly guy told a lot of investors at the gate of his company yesterday that he wanted to short our company?"

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