Chapter 103 the short game begins

"ha ha, of course, I heard that this bastard is too whimsical. Our company's stock is not like their Su's real estate.

Since their Su's real estate was robbed by us, the stock price has plummeted, and our company has been climbing since it was listed. Now it's 387 yuan per share. If he wants to short, we have to put out at least 300 billion yuan. " Su Changqing took a sip of red wine.

"300 billion, even if the three major banks are optimistic about their Su's real estate, it is impossible to lend them so much money." Su Junhao looked relaxed.

"Even if the three major banks agree to lend them so much money, I still have a backhand. I have already contacted several foundations. As long as someone dares to short my shares in southern real estate, then these foundations will step in. At that time, we'll make a bottom check, and they won't be enough for us." Su Changqing said triumphantly.

"Ha ha, my father is wise. Now I hope he will invest money to short our stock. When we eat a lot of money from him, we will be even more powerful in South real estate." Su Junhao's eyes shine.

"Ha ha ha, the market will open soon. I'll see if he dares to come. If he doesn't come, I'll see how he explains to those shareholders. At that time, we'll hire some media to play a role in this. We'll turn them into a company without reputation. At that time, Su's real estate will be finished."

"Wonderful second." Su Junhao patted his thigh, then picked up his glass and touched Su Changqing.

Back in the company, Xia Jue came to Su Yihan's office.

"Are you ready?"

"Xia Jue, do you really want to do this? You know, the prospect of their company is generally recognized now, and the stock price is very high. It's not easy for us to short their company. If we can't do it well, we'll steal the chicken and lose the rice." Su Yihan worried said.

"No matter how high Xia Jue said, I must do it." Xia Jue said in a firm tone.

"Good." Su Yihan was clear about Xia Jue's character and didn't admonish him any more.

She picked up the landline and said, "arrange it."

Ten minutes later.

Wu Yiyi came in.

"Mr. Su, Mr. Xia, it has been arranged. Please come with me."

Wu Yiyi takes Xia Jue to a data room on the lower floor.

There are already three men and two women in the data room.

These three men and two women are wearing professional suits, glasses, and look like elites.

"Mr. Xia, Mr. Su, these five operators are invited from financial institutions. They are very famous in the whole country." Wu Yiyi said.

"Hello, Mr. Xia, President su. My name is Zhao Guang."

"Hello, Mr. Xia, President su. My name is Zhang Jiao."

"Hello, Mr. Xia, Mr. Su. My name is fan Siyu."

"Hello, Mr. Xia, Mr. Su. My name is guzong."

"Hello, Mr. Xia, President su. My name is Wang Xiaoying."

The five shook hands with Xia Jue and Su Yihan.

After the scene is finished, it's time to enter the theme.

"Today, you have only one goal, that is to help me short the shares of Shangnan real estate. I want their company to go bankrupt today, and even the wages of their employees can't be paid. Do you understand?" Xia Jue said without anger.

After hearing this, the five people were shocked, shocked and funny.

Once Shangnan real estate was listed, it even won more than ten pieces of gold land, and the company's market value went up to hundreds of billions.

Now Xia Jue said that if you want to be short, you should be short?

And it's just an afternoon.

If this word spreads, don't be laughed off big tooth just strange.

Chapter 108 battle in the stock market it seems that Mr. Xia is just a fool who doesn't understand finance.

Five elite traders have already attached this label to Xia Jue.

After thinking about it for a while, Wang Xiaoying still thinks that it's better to popularize financial rules for Xia Jue, who doesn't know what to do. Otherwise, she will lose money and have to rely on them: "Mr. Xia, the share price of Shangnan real estate has just been listed. Financial institutions are very optimistic about them. It's very difficult to short them. It can't do without hundreds of billions."

This made Xia Jue disdain.

He can't spend all his money in a lifetime.

Money is just a number to him now.

Using these figures to disgust Su's father and son, Xia Jue thought it was very cost-effective.

See Xia Jue this appearance, a few operators heart more despise.

They think Xia Jue should be scared by the hundreds of billions.

"Do it." Xia Jue said lightly.

This surprised the five elite traders.

Didn't the fool hear what he was saying?

Forget it. Anyway, it's not his own money. Since this fool is so desperate for face, let him go. He will cry later.At one o'clock.

The stock market officially opened.

First, the five traders took the billions of Su's real estate accounts and began to buy the stocks held by the retail investors of Shangnan real estate.

The current share price of Shangnan real estate is 387 yuan per share.

The five traders set a price of 390 for the acquisition.

However, as soon as Shangnan real estate was listed, it was favored by major institutions, and there was a lot of room for growth, so many retail investors were not willing to move easily.

It took five people more than ten minutes to collect more than 1000 shares.

"Give me 800 dollars per share."

Xia Jue was a little impatient when he looked at these people.

He plans to short Shangnan real estate in one day.

If you cook frogs in warm water like they do, when will it come true.

Hearing this, the five financial stock traders were shocked.

Those who play finance raise their prices only when they try to test, buy and buy.

No one like Xia Jue would throw out such a high price as soon as he came up.

If the stock price of Shangnan real estate is so high as soon as it comes up, I'm afraid those retail investors will feel that there is room for appreciation in their shares, so they won't be sold easily.

What a fool.

"Mr. Xia, please listen to us. Just leave this matter to us. After all, we are all professional. We will try our best to keep you from losing too much money." Zhao Guang was a little upset about Xia Jue, a layman, who was telling me what to do here.

"What do I invite you here for? You're not here to give me advice. As I said, I can only let Shangnan real estate go bankrupt in one day. If you can't, just go away. Do you understand? " Xia Jue said rudely.

Hearing Xia Jue insulting the five elites like this, he also choked his stomach.

They talked with each other and tried every means to reduce the loss for Mr. Xia. He was very kind and ungrateful.

In this case, five people will no longer talk nonsense.

After losing all the money and going bankrupt, this fool Mr. Xia will understand their good intentions.

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