Chapter 106 Su's father and son's retreat

"give us half a day, and we will give you an account." Su Changqing said feebly.

"Well, Mr. Su, we'll give you half a day. If you don't make a decision after half a day, don't blame us for helping you make a decision."

After that, the presidents of the three major banks stood up, buttoned their suits and pushed the door to leave.

"Alas." After waiting for the people of the three lines to leave, Su Changqing sighed helplessly.

"Dudududu, Hello, the number you dialed is not answered at present, please redial later...

" Pa. "

Su Junhao angrily smashed his mobile phone on the ground.

He has been calling his aunt Suzy since yesterday.

But I couldn't get through all the time.

I don't know what her aunt did in Kyoto.

"Mr. Su, the people from the three foundations and several Bao foremen are in the waiting room. Which one should I see first?" At this time, the Secretary pushed the door and came in.

"No, no, let's get the hell out of here."

At this time, Su Changqing even has the idea of hanging himself. How can he think of talking to these people here.

"Mr. Su, this...

Secretary Fang looks a little embarrassed.

All of these people are red eyed. They come here for money. If they don't get it, they're still alive. It's strange that they tear him up.

"Mr. Su, the employees of our company are on strike now..."

things have to be solved. Seeing that Su Changqing is not solving the problem of the foundation, Secretary Fang can only throw it out.

"Who the hell is going on strike? I think the high-tech company that we opened three times the market price at the beginning dug them here. Now the company just has a little problem. They are starting to do this?" Su Junhao said angrily.

"Su Shao, now all the employees are on strike..." the real estate manager once again blundered.

"Damn..." Su Junhao hit the table.

"Go." At this time has been silent Su Changqing spit out the word.

"Dad, what do you mean by that?" Su Junhao doesn't quite understand.

"Let's leave Zhonghai at once."

This is the only way for Su Changqing to come to this conclusion.

The first World War in the stock market made the share price of Shangnan real estate plummet, and the company's capital chain was completely broken.

The loan to the bank is not enough.

There are also three foundations that have lost so much money and can't let them go. In addition, there are clients who have paid deposit for the real estate, contractors who haven't settled the money, and employees' wages.

This pile of bad debts alone is enough to give them a headache.

Not to mention the investors who have lost money on their side in the stock market. I'm afraid these people are already eyeing them. Maybe one day their father and son will be chopped to death on the street.

So running away now is the best choice for the Su family.

As for the company roads and land, let them fight.

"Dad, we can't. We'll really have nothing left Zhonghai." Su Junhao is desperate.

Yesterday he was a spendthrift, but today he is a poor man with heavy load.

This is how he can bear the fact that he has always stretched out his hand for clothes and opened his mouth for food.

"Son, if we don't go now, we'll die here sooner or later. Let's see if the bodyguards will listen to you when you go out now."

People are all realistic. When they were in the Su family, of course, those people would come to praise their smelly feet. Now they are unlucky, and no one would like to talk to them again.

Su Changqing is right. Su Junhao is not willing to accept this fact any more.

"Xia Jue, you bastard, one day I will kill you myself." Su Junhao roared to vent his anger.

But when Su Junhao vent his anger and want to follow Su Changqing to leave, the phone that he didn't fall on the ground rings again.

Just came to the door of Su Junhao seems to think of something and ran back.

When he saw the phone number on the screen of his mobile phone, his eyes became moist, just like a child who was bullied saw his parents coming.

This is Suzy's call.

"Dad, Dad, it's my aunt." Su Junhao cried with joy.

Su Changqing, who has half stepped out of the office, hears this like a basin of cold water from head to head. The whole person suddenly becomes fresh, and he rushes in immediately.

"Aunt, we've finally reached you." Su Junhao pressed the answer button.

"What's the matter?" Suzhenyi's tired voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The company... Went bankrupt..." Su Junhao told Su Zhenyi the cause and effect one by one."Hum, your father and son can't support the wall with mud. A good aircraft carrier has been overturned by you. Do you have the face to come to me now?" Suzhen is really unable to make complaints about it.

To these two fathers and sons, he asked for money, land, and people. In this way, he still couldn't play with others. It's too useless.

"Aunt, it's not our fault. It's the ugly eight who actually took out 800 billion yuan to deal with us. 800 billion yuan, we have no way to deal with it."

"Well, I've helped you so much. I've paid off all the debts owed to the Su family. You can take care of yourself." Suzy's about to hang up.

"No, aunt, if you don't care about us, then we and grandfather will be killed by that ugly monster. You can't help us." Su Junhao kept crying.

Suzy on the other end of the line was silent.

About a minute later, Suzy spoke again.

"I'll help you one last time. Remember, this is the last time."

Su Zhenyi's words made Su Junhao reborn: "thank you, aunt, thank you."

"Go to the provincial capital. Don't stay in Zhonghai any more. The Xia Jue you said is not easy to provoke. You'd better not provoke him."

Su Zhenyi thinks it's hard for Su Changqing and Su Junhao's father and son to play with this Xia Jue in Zhonghai, so they just let him go to the provincial capital, so that they won't be bothered by this Xia Jue again.

"OK, I'll listen to my aunt. We'll go to the provincial capital right now." As long as he can keep his present glory, Su Junhao doesn't care where he goes.


in the boxing hall.

"Mr. Xia, I let all the underground fighters come here." Lu De went to Xia Jue and said.

Xia Jue nodded.

Those amateur fighters were no longer their opponents yesterday. Let's see if they can fight against these professional fighters today.


These professional boxers came to the boxing center.

Because of the tip off from the amateur boxers yesterday, the professional boxers didn't pay attention to these people as soon as they came in.

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