Chapter 107 ends training

"which one of you will come first?" A dark professional boxer changed his clothes and jumped into the ring.

Ah, the dog and Ren Zu have already expressed themselves yesterday, so they both tacitly agreed to leave this opportunity to their subordinates behind.

"I'll do it, Mr. Xia dog." a younger brother volunteered.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded.

"Da Nan, play better!" Ah, said the dog to him.

"Good dog, I will try my best." Call ah Nan's men said that Zhou jumped into the ring.

"Bang bang."

After seven or eight minutes of fighting, the two men in the ring won and lost.

That professional man fell down, and ah Nan was beaten black and blue by the other side. It can be said that he won miserably.

Xia Jue was not surprised by the result.

After so many days of training with the special method of the Dragon Temple, these people still can't beat these professional boxers, which can be said to be waste.

After that, seven or eight of them jumped into the ring to fight with each other.

They won all the games.

Lu De was stunned.

As the boss here, he witnessed Xia Jue's training from head to tail with these people.

But he didn't expect to train for such a short time.

Xia Jue's men have made great progress.

If Xia Jue did not train these rotten fish and shrimps, but trained these professional players, what would he have achieved?

"Very good. I'm very satisfied with your performance today. You are qualified to watch the home care for my Su's real estate. You don't need to train in the future." Said Xia Jue.

These people have more than enough strength to guard homes for Su's real estate, so Xia Jue doesn't plan to train them any more.

Hearing this, all the men cheered.

To tell you the truth, they come here to train like morning exercises every day. Although they know it's for their good, they are tired of it for a long time.

So now that we are finally liberated, we are very happy.

After finishing training and having lunch, Xia Jue returned to the company.

When he returned to the company, Su Yihan was working on some documents in his office.

"Xia Jue, have you heard?"

"What did you hear?" Xia Jue has just come back from a meal in the boxing hall. What did he hear.

"Shangnan real estate has declared bankruptcy, and Su Changqing and his son have also heard that they have left Zhonghai."

"Isn't that good? The flies we saved are harassing us all the time."

Of course, Su Yihan can understand.

But it suddenly occurred to her that Su's father and son, who were once superior, had left Zhonghai just like a lost dog, which made her feel sad.

But it's because they made a wrong decision.

That is to get Xia Jue to be his son-in-law.

I don't know how much they regret their decision.

"By the way, the building of Shangnan real estate and its more than ten pieces of gold land have been taken away by the bank, and the bidding will start again tomorrow. It is said that in order to get high prices, these big banks have invited the real estate developers from the provincial capital to participate in the bidding, and our company also plans to participate in the bidding. What do you think?"

"You are the president of the company. You can do whatever you want. You don't have to ask me. If you really want to ask me, I can only tell you not to bother with this broken company. Your husband will support you." Xia Jue smiles.

"I'm just telling you. Actually, I've already prepared the plan." Su Yihan gives Xia Jue a white look.

Su Yihan is an independent girl.

She didn't want to live on Sir Xia all her life.

She wants to make some achievements, and doesn't want people to think that she is just a person who gets yuexiajue by beauty in exchange for everything today.

"Well, well, then you should work hard and try your best to make some achievements to repay your husband, or you will commit yourself to each other." Xia Jue suddenly comes to Su Yihan and hugs her waist.

Su Yihan was startled by Xia Jue's sudden action.

"Xia Jue, please let me go. This is the office. Someone from the company will come in to report his work."


in the evening, Xia Jue, who had taken a bath in the villa, went into the room and jumped down on Su Yihan's bed.

"You're going to die." Su Yihan was startled to see Xia Jue's action, and quickly hid at the corner of the bed.

"we sleep on the floor for so long. Do you always make your husband sleep on the floor?" Xia Jue said with a smile.

, "who let you sleep on the floor? You can go out to sleep. There are so many rooms outside." Su Yihan did not dare to look directly at Xia Jue."We're husband and wife. It's a joke to sleep in separate rooms before we get married." Xia Jue leans towards Su Yihan step by step.

"Don't come here." Su Yihan picked up the pillow to block in front of him.

"Well, I'll go down now." Xia Jue pretends to get out of bed.

When Su Yihan was ready to breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw Xia Jue pounce on her, and then her mouth seemed to be blocked by something.

Su Yihan's pupils slowly open, and then push away Xia Jue.

"What are you doing?" Su Yihan angrily wiped the saliva on his lips.

"Nothing. Isn't that normal between husband and wife?" Xia Jue looks innocent.

"I don't care. Go away, or I'll go." Su Yihan seems a little angry.

"Good, good." Xia Jue's goal is achieved, and he doesn't have to push any further. After all, there is a long way to go, and it will come naturally one day.


After Xia Jue got off the floor, Su Yihan sighed.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue asked.

The next day.

Su Yihan brings Xia Jue to the auction hall on the 20th floor of a building.

Today's auction is mainly about more than ten pieces of gold land owned by Shangnan real estate and the company building.

In order to obtain greater benefits, the organizers invited not only the two remaining real estate developers of CNOOC, Su's real estate group and Tianhai group, but also more than ten large and small real estate companies from the provincial capital.

With the rapid development of CNOOC in recent years.

Now the real estate market of China shipping is rising all the way, and even almost catching up with the average price of the provincial capital. The real estate developers in the provincial capital have long wanted to join in.

However, before Tianhai group, northern group, Longteng group and Shangshui group formed an alliance, these major real estate developers twisted into a rope, coupled with the inextricable relationship behind, finally let the real estate developers from these provincial capitals fail.

But now they hear that many real estate developers in CNOOC have collapsed for various reasons, and now there are only Su's real estate and Tianhai group left in CNOOC.

It brings them back here.

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