I can't imagine that the face behind this loser is quite big.

This makes Su Changqing have some sour.

It's just a loser who's been driven out of the family.

It must have offended some big man in the family.

How many times can the person behind help him with this big man?

Thinking of this, Su Changqing felt better.

The taxi master looked at the people who came running with umbrellas and felt a little familiar with them.

The man seems to have seen it on TV

So who is it.

All of a sudden, he remembered the conversation between Xia Jue and him.

President of Tianhai group.


By the way, this is the president of Tianhai group.

A regular on local TV.

No wonder it looks so familiar.

He had not yet recovered from the shock.

Wu Shan was in front of the car door.

"Mr. Xia, please."

Wu Shan leaked his body outside and ignored the rain trickling on him.

Su Yihan looks at a boss bending his knees to hold an umbrella for them. He is a little surprised. He just says that he refuses, but he is interrupted by Xia Jue in front of him.

"Get out of the car."

Xia Jue gets out of the car first, and Su Yihan can only follow him.

So they went into the gate of the group under the protection of Wu Shan, the "servant".

The taxi driver rubbed his eyes.

I want to see if I am wrong.

But the familiar face of Wu Shan can't be fake at all.

The president of Tangtang Tianhai group would hold an umbrella for such an ugly young man.

What kind of identity is this ugly young man?

The taxi driver began to regret it.

It was such a good opportunity.

If you flatter this young man.

What's the use of driving a broken taxi.

Maybe it will take off.

No way.

Since they came by taxi.

I think I will probably take a taxi when I go back.

I will not do any work today.

Just wait for him here.

Be sure to curry favor with the young man.

Taxi drivers seem to see a bright future.

Just then a man came by the side of the road.

"Master, can we go to Beicheng district?"

"Get out of here." The taxi driver threw the watch down.

What he said today, I won't leave. He must wait until this young man comes down and flatter him.

Wu Shan with a smile all the way, followed Xia Jue and Su Yihan to the top floor meeting room.

"Since President Wu is here today, let's discuss the cooperation between the two families." Su Changqing said to Wu Shan with a smile.

Wu Shan didn't even look at him. He turned to Xia Jue.

Seeing Wu Shan, he didn't pay any attention to him.

Su Changqing looks embarrassed.

"What do you think I'm doing? You should ask Miss Su."

"Yes, Miss Su, our cooperation this time..."

Wu Shan was interrupted by a voice before he finished speaking.

"There is nothing to be done about it. If President Wu wants to talk about cooperation, he has to talk to President su."

It was Zhao Bing, the personnel manager of Su's group, who said this.

As Su Changqing's confidant.

At this time, we must come out to safeguard the authority of our own masters and let everyone know who is the speaker of the Su group.

With these words, Zhao Bing immediately looked at Su Changqing.

He can't wait to get Su Changqing's eyes.

Wu Shan is the president of Tianhai group.

When someone dares to interrupt him when he is talking.

He got angry at once.

"Who the hell are you? Here's your cut in? "

"Su Changqing, is this your man? What do you say to do?"

Su Changqing is also the boss of a group.

If others had dared to criticize him like this, he would have let the security guard throw it out.

Unfortunately, this man is the president of Tianhai group.

He can't stir up trouble.

"You quit." Su Changqing said with a frown.

Zhao Bing didn't expect things to be so serious.

He just said a word.

"President su..."

Zhao Bing wrongly looking at Su Changqing, how to say he is also in the maintenance of Su Changqing's dignity.

Is Su Changqing going to sell himself in the twinkling of an eye?

"Hum, get out of here, Secretary Chen, and let me know that any enterprise in Zhonghai City dares to take this guy is against Tianhai group.""No problem, Mr. Wu." The Secretary agreed.

"President Su, President su."

Zhao Bing was put out of the meeting room by the security guard.

With Zhao Bing's lessons.

Even though Su Changqing's confidants were dissatisfied, no one dared to speak out again.

"Yes, Miss Su, you can come as you like."

"Then we have to distribute the profits..."

"No, you give our group several achievements, if you are happy to take them all, our group will not have any opinions."

The people in the meeting room are all open in the shape of an o.

It's the first time they've seen such cooperation.

This NIMA Tianhai group is giving money for nothing.

"No, Mr. Wu, let's divide this project into five parts." Su Yihan still doesn't want to take too much advantage of CNOOC.

The negotiation with China Shipping Group was successfully completed again.

After Xia Jue and Su Yihan leave, Su Changqing returns to the office and falls into a long meditation.

Originally, if this event was changed to normal, it would be something to celebrate.

But now he's not happy anyway.

Because this is the cooperation that Su Yihan has negotiated.

He can't take the credit.

This will undoubtedly make her a little more important in master Su's heart.

The taxi driver has been waiting downstairs.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan came out.

He quickly opened the door and welcomed it with an umbrella.

"Mr. Xia, would you like to take a taxi?"


Isn't this the taxi driver before?

Why are you still here.

Su Yihan is a little strange to see this man.

"Go to the nearest 4S store." Xia Jue spoke quietly.

"No problem, Mr. Lai Xia." The taxi driver propped up the umbrella.

The taxi was very friendly all the way.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan were successfully sent to a Mercedes Benz 4S store.

"Xia Jue, this is too expensive. We can't afford it."

Su Yihan also thinks it's time to buy a car instead of walking.

Otherwise, it's very troublesome not to get a taxi.

But what she wanted was to buy a car worth $180, 000.

I didn't expect the taxi driver to bring them here directly.

Mercedes Benz is a luxury car.

How can they afford it on their current terms.

"It's OK. That's it." Xia Jue pulls Su Yihan out of the car.

"By the way, here is my business card. You can contact me if you need anything."

The taxi driver opened the door and rushed to Xiajue.

He hinted intentionally or unintentionally along the way.

It suggests that Xia Jue's identity should match a driver.

I don't know if he's listening.

So the taxi driver was very worried.

Xia Jue takes the taxi's business card into his pocket, and then takes Su Yihan into the shop.

A few clerks saw Xia Jue such an ugly eight strange came in, plus Xia Jue a stall goods clothes, a frown.

In the end.

Just entered the store not long internship assistant Xia Xia frowned came to Xia Jue body.

"Hello, sir. What style do you want to see?"

"What style do you have?" Xia Jue asked lightly.

"We Benz have many styles, such as this big g..."

"Yes, that's it." Xia Jue said casually.

"What did you say?" Xia Xia doubted whether she had heard wrong.

"Take this one."

"This gentleman, the landing cost of bentag is about 1.8 million. Are you sure?" Xia Xia still can't believe it.

This is more than 1.8 million.

And this ugly man is as casual as buying vegetables?

"Take it." Xia Jue took out a black card from his pocket.

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