In the top floor office of Soxhlet group.

Su Changqing and Su Junhao opened a bottle of Bordeaux red wine to drink.

"Dad, that's a brilliant plan.

Let's replace the materials given to Shengshi group with the latest rubbish. I don't believe Shengshi group can bear it.

Then we'll push Su Yihan.

Ha ha.

More than a billion materials.

It's enough for her to go in for ten years.

When you see it, you'll see how he's going to rob us of Su's group. "

Su Changqing took a sip of red wine with a smile, and then said:

"son, how many times have I told you to be calm, otherwise how can I take over Su's group in the future?

Su Yihan is just a suckling smelly girl. It's nothing. In the future, you will have to face the power of the whole China shipping and even the whole world. You still have a lot to learn. "

"Yes, Dad, you're right."

Su Junhao takes up his wine cup and confronts Su Changqing.

When the father and son were celebrating, the Secretary opened the door and came in.

"Ha ha, Secretary Fang, are you angry at Shengshi?" Su Junhao can't wait to ask.

"Sheng Shi said that the materials were very good and they were very satisfied," said the secretary


The cup cracked.

It turned out that Su Changqing didn't hold the glass of red wine in his hand for a while.

"What did you say?" Su Changqing doubted whether he had heard the wrong thing.

"Mr. Su, Shengshi is very satisfied with this batch of materials." Secretary Fang said it again.

"Impossible. It's worth more than a billion yuan. Absolutely impossible." Su Junhao seized the collar of secretary Fang in a moment of excitement.

"I think it's incredible, too, but that's what Shengshi said." Secretary Fang looked frightened.

"Go and find out what's going on."

After su Junhao loosened his collar, Secretary Fang quickly left the office.

"Dad, what should we do now? In order to let this cheap woman deal with the cooperation of Shengshi, we made the whole group know about it.

Now this cheap woman not only has no bad luck, but also has done it well. Now that she is known by my grandfather, I will value her again. "

Su Changqing is also thinking.

"The whole company knows her credit this time. If you want to hide it from your grandfather, you'd better push the boat along the river and hold a celebration banquet for her. Then you can hold it high at the celebration banquet and let her cooperate with Tianhai group again."

"Dad, it's a good way. Tianhai group is as famous as Shengshi group. Now that she's done with Shengshi group, it's natural for her to engage in Tianhai group. If we can't make it, we can make use of it again."

Su Junhao smiles.

At night.

The Sheraton Hotel has been reserved again.

Naturally, the reason is that Su group celebrates the successful cooperation with Shengshi group.

On the top table.

Sitting in the Su family, Su Jianwei, Su Changming, Su Changqing, Su Junhao, Fang Xiaoqin, Xia Jue, Su Yihan and others live.

"Come on, let's have a toast to Xia Jue. Thanks to them, we can have a successful cooperation with Shengshi group." Su Changqing holds up his glass.

"Yes, Jing Yihan and Xia Jue." Su Junhao also put on airs.


The people clinked their glasses and drank them all.

"Yihan, I didn't expect you to do such a good job in Shengshi's cooperation. Next, let's talk about the cooperation with Tianhai to further the family's business."

When Su Yihan heard this, he was thunderstruck.

A flourishing age group almost broke her down.

Now let her talk about cooperation with Tianhai group.

How could she have that ability?

"Why, no? Don't let your grandfather down on you. " Su's face is always green.

Su Yihan carefully looks up at his grandfather Su Jianwei.

Her grandfather is still in the same way that he is not angry and only cares about the interests of the family.

As for her granddaughter?

It's just a tool for interest demand.

"I'll try..." Su Yihan's face is bitter.

"Well, it's up to you. Don't let grandfather down." Su Changqing added.

After the dinner.

Su Yihan and Xia Jue return home.

All night long.

Early the next morning, Su Yihan's phone rang again.

"What, is that true?"

"OK, I'll go to the company right away."

After that, Su Yihan gets up and looks at Xia Jue.

"Did you do it?"

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue pretends not to know."The president of Tianhai group has heard that he has already arrived at the company. Don't say it has nothing to do with you."

It was only yesterday that her great uncle Su Changqing put it on her.

Today, the president of Tianhai group arrived at the company.

If it had nothing to do with Xia Jue, she would not believe it if she was killed.

"It has nothing to do with me. I may have met a noble man."

Of course, Xia Jue would not tell her that the noble man was himself.

Su Yihan has no time to ink with Xia Jue. She brushes her teeth, washes her face and goes downstairs.

It's drizzling today.

So the car is also extremely difficult to play.

It took about half an hour to get a taxi.

"Master, please go to the nearest 4S store." Xia Jue said to the driver.

"Why go to the 4S store?" Su Yihan is puzzled.

"Buy a car."

"What kind of car to buy? The president of Tianhai is still waiting for us."

"Then let him wait a little longer."

One side of the driver listening to the couple's double reed some funny.

The president of Tianhai is a famous entrepreneur in Zhonghai.

He also asked the president of Tianhai to wait for them.

They really think of themselves as green onions.

"It's not good. You'd better hurry." Su Yihan is worried.

"Well, let's go to Su's group first, master." Xia Jue said to the master.


The taxi driver answered with disdain.

At the door of Su's group.

Wu Shan, President of Tianhai group, is waiting with a group of people.

Wu Shan received a mysterious phone call yesterday.

The call came from the chairman of Tiannan group, a brother company in Kyoto.

What kind of person is the chairman of Tiannan group.

That's the most famous people in Kyoto.

Even he told thousands of people that they must try their best to please. If Wu Shan could get involved in this, he would understand the truth.

It's not easy.

He came here early in the morning according to the requirements of the chairman of Tiannan group, and did not hesitate to condescend in front of the door.

In order to make Mr. Xia recognize himself.

Su Changqing and his son are very depressed.

Early this morning, the president of Tianhai group came here with a large group of people.

Scared, he quickly got up from bed and rushed to the company.

He couldn't figure it out.

Why didn't Tianhai group cooperate early or late.

How to just throw out a problem to that smelly girl, and then this Tianhai group came all the time.

Does that smelly girl and that wretch really have so big ability?

Su Changqing winked at the secretary.

Secretary Fang came up immediately.

"How was your background check last time?"

"It is said that Xia Jue is a member of the Xia family in Kyoto, but he was expelled from the Xia family ten years ago, and has nothing to do with the Xia family ever since."

Secretary Fang replied.

"Xiajingdu? I didn't expect that the losers he picked up were actually from the Xia family. " Su Changqing looks restless.

I thought about it.

Su Changqing showed a smile.

It seems that Shengshi group and Tianhai group are just looking at the face of Xia family.

It should be Xia Jue who knelt down and begged for the relationship between his uncle in the family, which made Shengshi and Tianhai sell him some face.

But it's a piece of trash that's been kicked out of the family.

People who want to come to Xia family will not pity him too much.

It's probably the only one left.


I'll let you pass this time.

Next time I'll see how you deal with it.

Su Changqing thought fiercely.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan in the taxi are getting closer to the group.

Far away.

The taxi master saw the head surging in front of Su's group.

What's going on?

Is the Su group doing anything today?


The taxi stops at the gate of the Su group.

Wu Shan, standing at the door, said to his secretary, "give me your umbrella!"

The secretary turned his eyes: "Chairman, how can you go in person? Just let me go."

Hearing this, Wu Shan was furious.

"Get the hell out of here, are you qualified?"

The Secretary didn't know why Wu Shan suddenly yelled.

He shrunk his head and handed the umbrella to Wu Shan.

Wu Shan took an umbrella and ran all the way to the taxi.

Tianhai group and Su's group all look silly.

Wu Shan is not a group vice president like Lin Zhen.This is the president of Tianhai group.

And such a group president is now like a servant to welcome the master home.

If it wasn't for seeing them, who would believe it?

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