"Take a look at this. You're taking a kind of rubbish material to deceive Shengshi group. Let's say, how many kickbacks did you get from it?"

"I can tell you that we Shengshi group can't bully at will. If you dare to take kickbacks, I'll make you lose everything." The man pointed to Su Yihan's nose and scolded.

"Pop." One by one.

The fat man flew out.

The man stood up and looked at Xia Jue: "Damn, you bastard dare to do it, you are dead, you are dead."

Xia Jue ignored the man's threatening language, but picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Mr. Xia, what can I do for you?" There was an extremely respectful voice on the other end of the phone.

"I'm not happy with the people under your hand. What do you say to do?"

I heard Lu Cheng's words.

Chairman Wu, who was in a luxury sauna far away from home, suddenly turned over and got up.

"Summer Mr. Xia, no matter who it is, I will give you a reasonable explanation. "

"West side factory, come and have a look." Xia Jue hung up directly.

I heard a beep on the phone.

In less than half a minute, he was already in a cold sweat.

He called President Lin immediately.

"Lin Zhen, I told you to obey Mr. Xia's words. What the hell are you doing? I'm going to be killed by you."

Hearing Chairman Wu's angry and anxious voice, President Lin was out of his mind.

In his mind.

Chairman Wu is a legend.

He is only in his early 40s, but he has built up a noble Shengshi group in Zhonghai city with his bare hands.

He had never seen Chairman Wu look so scared.

This makes Lin Zhen a little more afraid of this mysterious Mr. Xia.

"Wu Mr. Wu, what happened? " Lin Zhen doesn't speak very well.

"Get the hell out to the West factory building and see if it's the dog who has offended Mr. Xia. You must get Mr. Xia's understanding, or you can find a high building to jump down, because it's more terrible to offend Mr. Xia than to die."

When Lin Zhen heard that the matter was so serious, he ran out of the house crazily.

"I don't care what method you use, you must get to the west side factory as soon as possible."

Lin Zhen roared at the driver.

When the driver heard Mr. Lin's tone, he didn't dare to neglect him. He stepped on the accelerator and ran several red lights without caring.


Up to now, Su Yihan doesn't know it's his great uncle Su Changqing.

She called Su Changqing immediately.

"Yihan, how is the handover with Shengshi group going? Is it going well?" Su Changqing pretended to say.

"Are you the one who made these substandard materials?"

Su Yihan is so angry that he doesn't even want to call uncle.

"What's the problem?"

"I told the purchasing department to use the best materials. How could there be any defective products? Is it someone who switched it? "

Su Changqing pretends not to know.

Su Yihan has no choice but to hang up.

Up to now, Su Yihan doesn't understand that his uncle is setting him up.

It's just that she didn't expect her uncle to do such a crazy thing.

More than a billion materials.

Even if Xia Jue and Lin always have a little friendship, what can they do.

Even if President Lin doesn't pursue it, will the president, board of directors and others above him not pursue it?

It's over. It's all over.

This is a light case.

If you don't, you have to go to jail.

"Xiajue, go away quickly."

Su Yihan turns around and says to Xia Jue.

"Why am I leaving?" Xia Jue looks at Su Yihan with tenderness.

"My uncle is insidious and vicious. This time, he will let us carry this black pot, more than one billion materials. This crime must be very serious."

"So you go quickly, and I'll say that I did it alone, and it has nothing to do with you."

Su Yihan can already imagine the following consequences. She squats down like ashes.

What a silly girl.

When it comes to this situation, I'm still worried about others.

But Xia Jue would never let this happen.


Because the speed is too fast.

Lin Zhen's Rolls Royce didn't stop and the car was installed on the edge of the factory.

Lin Zhen has no time to pay attention to these.

He opened the door and walked down quickly.

The fat man saw Lin Zhen as if he saw the Savior.

"Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, this wretch and this ugly monster don't know what to do. They want to pit our company group.""And the ugly bastard did it to me. Look at my face."

Lin Zhen didn't know what happened before.

But when he saw the fat man, he understood in a flash.

"I don't like you."

Lin Zhen can't help it any more. He throws his fist at the fat man.

"Oh, Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

The fat man was beaten to a bloody nose.

"You dare to ask me what's the matter, you killed me." Mr. Lin is crazy with this man.

Su Yihan on one side looked silly.

She didn't know why Bailin was so crazy all of a sudden.

After a while, the fat man was beaten to death by President Lin.

Then Lin Zhen turns to kneel to Xia Jue.

"Mr. Xia, please forgive me for my poor discipline."

Su Yihan on one side looked silly.

Even if Xia Jue has something to do with Lin.

But it's not like that, is it?

Yu Guang, the man who was beaten to death on the ground, looked at the scene, and he was out of his mind.

This is Mr. Lin of Shengshi group!

Just kneel down to this young and ugly man?

Who on earth is this man?

"Have we finished this cooperation?" Xia Jue's voice was hoarse.

"Count, count, who dares to say that I didn't finish it? I was the first one to kill him."


It's just a billion yuan business. It's nothing to Shengshi group.

If you make Mr. Xia unhappy, I'm afraid the whole Shengshi group will no longer exist.

"Lin Mr. Lin How do you explain to the board of Directors... " The fat man struggled to get up.

"I'll give it to your mother and have the ability to let the board come to me." Lin Zhen got up and beat the fat man.

"Come on, it's settled." Xia Jue said softly to Su Yihan.

Su Yihan is still in a state of shock.

It's about a billion dollars.

Shengshi group says no investigation, no investigation?

Even if we don't pursue it, does Shengshi group approve the completion of this cooperation?

If it wasn't for his own experience, Su Yihan would not believe it.

"Who are you and why is Mr. Lin so afraid of you?"

"Maybe I'm disgusting. Everyone is afraid of me."

In the face of such an answer, Su Yihan can only helplessly stare at Xia Jue.

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