Chapter 110 successive bidding

now the land is sold for 6 billion yuan, and the price of each auction should not be less than 10 million. "

"6.1 billion." The people of Lida real estate took the lead in offering a tentative price.

"6.3 billion." Huohuolin group is naturally not to be outdone.

"Seven billion." A loud voice called out.

All the people were shocked by the voice again.

Then they turned to look, and it was Fang Shao of Sifang international who called out this voice.

Because of Xia Jue's obstruction before, Fang Shao has already held back a breath, which he can't wait to vent.

The price of the previous nine billion has come out.

At present, the price of $7 billion that this side is crying out can't scare people.

Soon the price was all the way up to 8.5 billion.

At the price of 8.5 billion, many people have begun to give up.

After all, it's only the second piece of land now. There's still a lot of land behind it. There's no need to fight so hard.

the host feels that once the deal is less than RMB 8.5 billion, a vicious blow will happen.

"8.510 billion."

The sound is familiar.

Familiar with Tao, people no longer need to look back to know who sent it.

Fang Shao angrily stood up and looked at Xia Jue who yelled out the price.

Just now, he thought that he was ready to sneer at the lack of funds for the real estate of Fasu, but he didn't expect that Xia Jue would give him a loud slap in the face in the twinkling of an eye.

It made him want to kill.

"Representative of Sifang international, what do you want?" The host just asked in a low voice, and did not attack.

Because now this Fang Shao just stood up, he did not make the action and words to break the rules, so the host is not good to attack him.

"Nothing." Fang Shao spits out these two words and sits down.

There is no doubt about it.

Reason restrained him.

The purpose of his coming here is to show some performance to the group, so as to pave the way for his future work.

If he messed up this time, his father would be the first one to make him look good, so even if there was a huge anger in his heart at this time, he tolerated it for a while.

"What's more, 8.5 million, no more?" Seeing order restored, the host entered the topic.

But now the people in the field think that Xia Jue is a "Hun Ren". Even Sifang international has given up. Of course, they don't want to challenge him.

"Well, then the second piece of land belongs to Su's real estate, and the next piece of land... The starting price is also 6 billion." People are already familiar with the process, so the host also said less digression.

When the major group companies began to bid for the third piece of land, Sifang International did not make any action.

Because Fang Shao wants to see whether Xia Jue is deliberately targeting them or whether Su's real estate really wants to take these lands.

It wasn't long before the price reached 8.5 billion.

At this time, only a few powerful groups are still bidding.

"8.6 billion." When Li Da real estate called out the bidding, there was no response after 20 seconds.

Fang Shao takes a look at Xia Jue in Su's real estate and finds that he doesn't want to bid yet. He is relieved immediately.

He said it.

It is impossible for a real estate company just established by CNOOC to have such abundant funds.

"8.7 billion." Fang Shao opened his mouth to shout out such a price.

When people of Lida real estate saw Fang Shao jumping out to compete with them, they were not willing to be outdone. They directly added another 100 million yuan.

"Nine billion." Fang Shao called out the price again.

People in Lida real estate hesitated repeatedly, but they didn't keep up after all.

He finally took a piece of relief.

However, he was too early to be happy.

"9.01 billion."

"It's this motherfucker again. How much money does this motherfucker Su's estate have? Does he want to swallow all the land?" Fang Shao's face became ferocious.

"I've said for a long time that this Su's estate is unusual. Fang Shao, let's avoid it first and see if he plans to eat all the land." Gold glasses man said.

Others in the field were also shocked by this hand.

Su's real estate has eaten three pieces of land in succession, and the total price of these three pieces of land is more than 20 billion.

His Su's real estate is just a company that has just been listed. Can he really put out so much money?

Just as people kept tossing and turning in their heads, the fast land was successfully taken down by Su's real estate."Next, the fourth block... Starts at 6.5 billion..."

"6.50 billion." As soon as the host finished speaking, Xia Jue's voice rang out again.

Hearing that Xia Jue was so anxious, he called out the bidding. What the hell is Su's real estate doing?

They couldn't figure it out for a moment, but they didn't dare to follow the bidding.

Because of the previous three lessons, no one dares to fight with Su's real estate rashly.

Fang Shao really wanted to fight with Xia Jue again, but he was afraid that in the end he would not be able to come down again, so he was just as silent as others.


The host on the stage saw that the atmosphere was not right, but also pretended to cough to remind everyone that it was time to bid.

However, after waiting for a long time, these individuals were pretending to be dead one by one, and no one dared to make a sound, which made his face full of spring breeze pull down in an instant.


The host pretended to remind.

After waiting for a long time, I can't wait any longer. The host has to be patient and start reading.

"Six hundred and ten million once, six hundred and ten million twice... Six hundred and ten million three times, deal." Shout out the compere when clinch a deal, ten thousand Grass Mud Horse gallop again in the heart.

Here, when the host called the deal, many people in the field finally recovered.

It has to be said that Su's real estate played a good psychological war, and they were so scared.

It can be said that he won the fast land without blood.

"Damn, this bastard is so cunning." Fang Shao here also wants to understand Xia Jue's intention.

No wonder he said that Xia Jue jumped out of the ordinary this time.

"Fang Shao, this man is not easy to deal with." Gold glasses man also admired Xia Jue. He bluffed so many old foxes at the scene, and then won the fourth piece at a very low price.

"This bastard can use it once, but it won't work next time." Fang Shao disdains the way.

In fact, it's not just Fang Shao.

The rest of the field thought the same.

If Xia Jue's next land auction still uses this dirty trick, they will definitely fight him to the end.

"Okay, the fifth piece... Here we go."

"Nine billion." This time Xia Jue was the first to shout out.

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