Chapter 111 thorough investigation of funds

in fact, everyone in the field has been paying attention to Xia Jue.

When they saw that Xia Jue really wanted to do the same thing again, they were very happy.

Don't think they're stupid.

But when they came back, their faces suddenly changed.

It's not right.

What's this guy calling nine billion?

It doesn't seem to play according to the routine.

"What the hell is this bastard up to?" Fang Shao can't see through Xia Jue.

This Xia Jue can always play a new trick to make him angry and helpless. It's really irritating.

However, with a price of 9 billion yuan, people are still reluctant to compete with Su's real estate.

Because they feel that even the big real estate developers who come from the provincial capital can't afford the money they need to eat so many pieces of land in succession. Now it's estimated that it's their limit.

So just wait a little longer to get rid of this annoying opponent.

The host on the stage heard that Xia Jue was shouting 9 billion yuan, and his face was better.

"Nine billion once, nine billion twice, nine billion three times. Well, the fifth piece of land belongs to Su's real estate."

It seems that Su's real estate has collected five pieces of land.

The mood of the people was somewhat urgent.

Before coming here, all the major group companies have formulated their tasks.

At present, Su's real estate ate five pieces of land in succession. It seems that they are very difficult to complete this task.

But no matter what, we have to try our best next, otherwise this trip will be in vain.

"Block six..."

"90 billion." The host was interrupted by Xia Jue before he finished his speech.

Originally, the host was a little upset when he heard someone interrupt him, but what he heard was Xia Jue's 9 billion price, so he was no longer investigated.

Xia Jue said this.

There was another slight discussion at the scene.

"What's the origin of Su's real estate? Is it so rich?"

"Isn't it a newly established company? Why is it so strong?"

"I've said for a long time that Su's estate is unusual. There must be someone behind them."

The crowd guessed with surprise and suspicion.

This side can't bear it.

Originally, Sifang international planned to take three to four pieces of land this time.

Now I didn't get a piece of it. Instead, I was angry.

It's better to fight with him to see how much money he has.

"9.5 billion." Fang Shao began to bid, and once he bid, he directly pulled up the price difference of 500 million yuan, which was a great momentum.

When people see Sifang international come out, they also put down their discussion and stare at both sides.

They don't care about the price of the land now.

They just want to see if Sifang international can try to find out the bottom line of Su's real estate.

"9.510 billion." Here Xia Jue said quietly.

"10 billion." Since Fang Shao is going to fight, he will not shrink back.

"10 billion, 10 million."

"I have an opinion." Here Fang Shao did not bid any more, but stood up and said this sentence.

The crowd in the field was also confused by Fang Shao's sudden action.

"Sifang international, what's your opinion?" The host asked less.

"I don't believe they can get so much money from Su's real estate. I feel that he is making trouble." Fang Shao thought of such a possibility.

A new company.

Even if there are some forces after being killed, they can't eat so much land.

You know, even if Sifang international wants to eat six pieces of gold land in succession, it's difficult.

After all, most of the funds of the group companies engaged in real estate are in fixed assets, so it is difficult to take out too much liquidity.

Being reminded by Fang Shao, many people suddenly realized.


This is not impossible.

If they don't want to enter the Chinese market, it's not that they don't want to.

"Yes, we need to find out the capital of their Su's real estate first, so as not to be fooled by others."

"I agree. How can a newly established company take out so much liquidity? It's better to find out first and then."

Fang Shao's words aroused a thousand waves, and there was a huge demand for funds to check the books of Su's real estate.

The host on the stage saw this situation and thought again and again.

Before, he only thought about how much commission he could get this time, but he forgot this one.When it's time for delivery, if Su's real estate can't get so much money, what should it do.

After all, six pieces of land need more than 40 billion yuan.

Su's real estate is just a company that has not been established for a long time. Does it have such strength?

The host frowned at the thought.

If this Su's real estate is really in the mind of disgusting these foreign real estate developers, isn't it that even he has been fooled.

"Since we all want to know if you can come up with so much money, you can prove it to us, so as to avoid any misunderstanding." The host looked at Xia Jue and others.

After hearing the host's words, Wu Yiyi next to Xia Jue immediately opened the bag, took out a document from it, and then went to the stage.

"Here is the capital account book of our company. Please have a look." Wu Yiyi gave the account book to the host.

After the host had a look, the haze in his heart was cleared.

Because this account book shows that the current capital of Su's real estate is as high as 200 billion.

That's true.

you can't judge a person by his appearance!

I can't imagine that a real estate agent in China should have so much money. This is what the host didn't expect.

However, as long as you have money, you can afford to buy the land that has been taken, so that he can get the commission that he deserves.

"this account book shows that Su's real estate has more than 200 billion working capital on its account, but your heart is now redundant." The host raised the account book to the public.

The host's words made the people below burst into a pot.

More than 200 billion?

How could that be!

Even the accounts of the major real estate developers in their provincial capitals are unlikely to have so much liquidity.

People began to doubt the authenticity of this account book, and doubted whether Su's real estate had made false accounts.

"I don't believe it. Let me have a look." Fang Shao took people from Sifang international to the stage.

The compere also did not refuse, handed over the account book in the hand to Fang Shao's hand directly.

Fang Shao looked back and forth, but he couldn't see any place to cheat, so he had to give it to the man with gold glasses to check.

Gold glasses man is to rely on real material to do now vice president of this position, regardless of knowledge and experience of nature can not be compared.

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