Chapter 112 joint

after reading it for a while, he thought that the account book was probably true, and then he looked at Fang Shao: "no problem."

"It's... it's not possible!"

Fang Shao still didn't dare to believe it.

Because he really can't figure out why a real estate developer who has just been established in CNOOC has so much liquidity.

But gold glasses man can't cheat him, since he is, this account book is true, it must be true.

"Now who else wants to check the authenticity of this account book?" The host yelled to the people sitting under the stage.

After the host called out, there were several group companies that didn't believe in evil came up to test it, and they all acquiesced in the authenticity of the account book.

When the authenticity of the account book was confirmed, the audience was silent.

There is so much money in Su's real estate account.

As long as he wants to swallow all the land, who can win him?

This is the place where people are worried now.

After the sixth piece of land was taken over by Su's real estate, the seventh piece was taken over by Xia Jue at a price of 10 billion.

Su's real estate now can be said to be Sima Zhao's mind, everyone knows.

The people of the major groups never dreamed that this would be the case today.

However, they thought that the Land Rover industry was in the middle of today's business.

Under the stage to Sifang international led by several major real estate developers can not help but look at each other, several major group companies are to see their own ideas.


" host, I have something to say. " Just as the host wanted to continue to auction the next piece of land, Fang Shao stood up.

The host saw that it was Fang Shao who jumped out again. He was very upset. He almost planned to ask the security guard to take him out.

But after thinking about it for a while, I let it go.

It's not too late to listen to what this guy wants to say before making plans.

"Quartet international representative, what can I do for you?"

"We've been sitting for more than an hour. Our nerves are in high tension for more than an hour. Everyone is a little tired. Can't your sponsor have a break first?" Fang Shaozhi asked.

Fang Shao's words, other real estate developers have the heart to respond.

"Yes, we have been very hard to get here from the provincial capital. Should your auction be held in the first and second half? Otherwise, who can bear such nervousness?"

"Yes, your organizers are too unkind. Can't you think about us?"

The public under the stage said with a lot of resentment.

Seeing the complaints from the people below, the host also knows that it's hard to be offended. It's just that he's tired after shouting for so long. It's not too late to have a rest and have a cup of tea before continuing the auction.

"Well, I'm sorry, everyone. It's our organizer's thoughtlessness. Let's suspend the auction now and resume it in half an hour." Cried the host.

As soon as the host's voice fell, some real estate developers led by Sifang international came together and walked towards one of the lounges.

"Xia Jue, I'm afraid these guys will not give up." Su Yihan looks at the foreign real estate developers who are whispering and walking into the rest room together.

"Whatever, they won't get a piece of land here today." Xia Jue didn't care.

At present, Su's real estate accounts have more than 200 billion yuan of working capital.

If they don't have enough money in their bank, they'll call him.

If these real estate developers want to fight with him first.

Then Xia Jue can only say that they are too naive.

In the lounge.

"What's the origin of this asshole Su's real estate? How come it's so strong just now?" The people of Huolin group can't understand it.

"Yes, how can a newly established company have more than 200 billion working capital? It can't be a subsidiary of any big real estate group?" People in Lida real estate don't understand.

"No matter what the origin of Su's real estate is, today is the best time for the major real estate groups in our provincial capital to settle in the real estate industry of China shipping. This battle must not be lost, otherwise, where will our face be?" Fang Shao stood up as a leader.

"It's right to say that, but there are more than 200 billion working capital in the book of Su's real estate. Who can compete with him?" Li Da real estate said.

"We can't be a group company, but as long as we unite." Fang Shao's eyes narrowed.

"Fang Shao, what do you mean by that?" Some people in Huolin group don't quite understand.

"Although we are competitors at ordinary times, now that we all want to enter the real estate industry of CNOOC, I think we should put down our prejudices and cooperate with each other, because we are equal to a whole now, with all the advantages and disadvantages.""Fang Shao, do you mean that we will pool our funds to compete with his Su's real estate?" Li Shaoda's meaning is not clear.

"That's right. We have to let the local leader of Su's real estate know that we river crossing dragons are not easy to provoke." Fang Shao looked around the crowd.

In fact, Fang Shao is right.

If they don't form a group now, what is waiting for them is that all the remaining land has been robbed by Su's real estate.

This will make them lose face and be ridiculed by the industry. They don't want to see this happen.

Seeing that almost all the people had been moved by him, Fang Shao decided to continue to strike while the iron was hot.

"In this way, it will be up to me to compete with the people of Su's real estate. What if the funds needed after the competition are borne by the major group companies?"

"In this way, we will pay a great price for nothing." Li Da real estate said worried.

"Hum, at this time, it's nothing to pay a price. Now CNOOC is left with Su's real estate and Tianhai group. They are just small roles. You can think for yourself how much profit you can make by taking this fat meat."

After Fang Shao said these words, the people in the lounge were silent for a long time.

Three or four minutes later.

The people of Huolin group raised their heads: "I agree."

"I agree." The people of Lida real estate also can't give up the real estate fat of Zhonghai.

Several major group companies take the lead, the rest of those real estate developers are not stupid, have joined the camp.

Seeing the establishment of the alliance, Fang Shao felt proud.


It depends on how you play with me.

After a few people drafted a brief contract, signed each other, they went out of the lounge.

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