Chapter 114 wooing Wushan

Su's real estate now has another 200 billion yuan. How can we play?

Fang Shao was angry and helpless.

After that, Fang Shao and others didn't want to fight, so they gave the rest of the land to Su's real estate.

In this way, the auction ended with a big win for Su's real estate.

"Xia Jue, are we paying more today?" Out of the auction building by car, Su Yihan can't help asking.

"It's nothing. As long as you can be happy with your wife, I don't care how much it costs." Xia Jue said with a smile.

Su Yihan gave Xia Jue a white look: "these guys from the provincial capital have been defeated today, but I don't think they will give up."

Since the closure of other real estate groups in CNOOC, now the real estate industry of CNOOC is a piece of fat.

With the current scale of Su's real estate and Tianhai group, we can't digest such a large market for a while.

So Su Yihan thinks that these guys who have long coveted the real estate industry of China Haishi will not miss this opportunity anyway.

"Let them come, and we'll cut off their hands as long as they dare to reach over."


in a box of Sheraton Hotel.

Representatives of major real estate groups from the provincial capital are all here.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was somewhat depressed, and no one was the first to speak.

Ten minutes later.

Finally someone couldn't help it.

"We have to do something." It was Fang Shao who said this.

This mission is a failure.

However, he can't do nothing, otherwise it will be difficult for him to get back to the group.

"I didn't expect that CNOOC was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. There was such a company as Su's real estate. No wonder other real estate companies have no way to survive now." The person of Li Da estate sighs.

"Now is not the time to investigate how this Su's real estate is. Now there is no such a good entry point. We should study how to enter the real estate industry of China shipping." People from Huolin group said.

"Have you ever thought about Tianhai group?" At this time has been silent, the presence of a very low sense of Yiren group with a representative voice.

"Tianhai group?"

The representative of Yiren group didn't understand this.

"What happened to Tianhai group?" Fang Shao asked.

Today's auction, Tianhai group naturally came.

However, Tianhai group's sense of existence is very low, and even the price is very competitive once, so people forget this figure.

Looking at the people's urgent eyes, the representative of Yiren group pretended to be an expert and said, "maybe we can start with Tianhai group."

"Tianhai group, it's just small shrimps now. What's worth fighting for?" So it's not clear that Huolin represents the fire group.

"Do you think Tianhai group, which can survive this incident in CNOOC, will not have two brushes?" The representative of Yiren group gave a meaningful smile.

A few people think it is still.

If it's not that Tianhai group really doesn't have some skills, how can it survive this storm?

"Tianhai group as our first step into Tianhai real estate, this scheme is feasible." Fang Shao nodded in agreement.

"Feasible is feasible, but do you think Tianhai group will do this kind of thing now? You know, when we wanted to enter the real estate industry of CNOOC, Tianhai group took the lead in the most fierce resistance." A representative of Lida Group said.

"In those days, Tianhai group had a group of helpers to fight against us. What does Tianhai group have now? Don't you see that Su's real estate has collected all the land in its pocket now, and won't even give them a mouthful of soup.

I'll bet that Tianhai group now has a problem with Su's real estate. As long as we bully and lure him again, he may not listen to us. " The representative of Huolin group said.

"What's the use of saying so much? Who can contact the general manager of Tianhai? You can ask him to come and have a talk." Fang Shao goes straight to the theme.

"Fang Shao, I have a phone call from their boss. Why don't I give them a call?" Fang Shao's gold silk glasses man said.

"Well, let's fight." Fang Shao nodded.

Wu Shan just got on the bus and was ready to go back to the group. Suddenly, the phone rang.

Wu Shan picked up the phone and had a look.

This is an unknown number.

It's just his personal call.

Most of the people who can call this number have something in common with him, so instead of hanging up directly, he picked up.

"Who is it?"

"Hello, Mr. Wu. I'm Jin Yuan, vice president of Sifang international."

Vice president of Sifang international?

Just now, Sifang international was jealous with Mr. Xia in the auction house. Why did it turn around and find him? Wu Shan was puzzled."It's Mr. Jin. What can I do for you?" Wu Shan asked.

"It's nothing. I just want to ask Mr. Wu if he has time now. Come out and have a chat. We are all here now."

Jin Yuan has made this very clear.

Before the auction, all these people and horses gathered together.

However, Wu Shan felt that these people seemed to be planning some kind of conspiracy. It seemed that they had to pull him.

"Mr. Wu, are you listening?" There was no echo at the other end of the phone for a long time, so he couldn't help asking.

"Where are you now?"

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Shan felt that he would first listen to what they were planning, and then he would be able to tell Mr. Xia in advance to deal with it.

"Sheraton Hotel Tianzi box, Mr. Wu, please come here." Jin Yuan said.

"OK, I'll come right here." After hanging up, Wu Shan quickly signaled the driver to change the way to Sheraton Hotel.

Jin Yuan just put down the phone, Fang Shao couldn't help asking.


"He promised to come, but as a sign of sincerity, I think maybe... It's time to go down and pick him up." Jin Yuan actually wants Fang Shao to meet him in person.

In this way, Wu Shan can feel their sincerity of Sifang international, and things may be better discussed.

But when he thought about it, Fang Shao had a short temper and a high spirit. If he was asked to go down to meet him in person, he might get a bad scolding, so he was just vague.

"You're right. You can go down and pick him up." Fang Shao thinks that the other party is just a real estate developer in Zhonghai. Even if he has some ability, he doesn't need to meet him personally. It's enough to send Jinyuan, the vice president of the group.

"You go too."

"You go too."

In order to show their sincerity, people from other groups also sent people from different groups.

Sheraton gate.

Seeing so many important people coming to the door in person, the welcoming staff could not help being curious as if they were going to meet someone.

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