Chapter 115 money boy


A Rolls Royce pulled up to the door.

Wu Shan stepped down from the car.

"Hello, Mr. Wu."

"Hello, Mr. Wu."

When Jin Yuan and others see Wu Shan coming down from the car dealer, they say hello one after another.

Seeing these people, Wu Shan was not happy.

He is also the boss of a group.

Although they may not have their strength, it's a bit unreasonable to send these rotten fish and shrimps.

Wu Shan held back his displeasure and walked in.

"Here comes Mr. Wu."

"Mr. Wu, I've heard a lot about you."

After Wu Shan entered the box, Fang Shao and others slowly stood up and stretched out their right hand to Wu Shan.

Looking at the arrogant appearance of these guys, Wu Shan wanted to turn around and leave immediately.

But when he thought that the purpose of his trip was to find out about these guys for Mr. Xia, he immediately put up with them.

After shaking hands, all parties sit down.

"I don't know what Mr. Wu thinks of Su's real estate?" Fang Shao was the first to ask.

Wu Shan turned his eyes, and then said: "Su's real estate is rich and powerful, not our Tianhai group can compete."

As soon as they heard Wu Shan's plaintive voice, they immediately felt that this matter seemed to have a play.

"Mr. Wu, then I have something to say. It may not be a good thing for Tianhai group to let Su's real estate go down alone. How about we join hands?" Fang Shao explained his intention directly.

"Join hands, how to join hands? Your major groups are rich and powerful. Do you need to join hands with my small Tianhai group? " Wu Shan seemed to be amused.

"Ah, you can't say that, Mr. Wu. How can you say that you are also a veteran real estate developer of China shipping, and the relationship is intertwined here. These are things that we outsiders don't have." The representative of Huolin group said.

This made Wu Shan's heart cold.

These guys are good at calculating. Should I be their servant.

"It's good for you to enter the real estate market of China shipping, but what's good for me?" Wu Shan looked up at the crowd.

"It's very simple. With our participation, Tianhai group can avoid the end of being annexed by Su's real estate. In addition, I propose that our major groups invest to register a real estate company in China shipping, and the equity is evenly distributed. General manager Wu, you can get a dry share. What do you think?" Fang Shao came up with such a proposal.

After hearing this, people thought it was a good proposal.

If the major groups jointly hold a company, chaotic competition in the market can be avoided. They can concentrate on the development of land on the side of China shipping and make money fairly together, which is much better than the current scramble for the market by various groups in the provincial capital.

"How about Mr. Wu?" Looking at Wu Shan who seems to be thinking, Fang Shao continues to ask.

"What do I need to do?" Wu Shan looked up at Fang Shao.

"The spare land of your group will be demarcated first, and then it will be transferred to our group after the establishment of our company. Of course, we will compensate your group according to the value of the land. What we want is to set a banner in CNOOC first, and let the people of CNOOC know that we are going to enter the market here." Fang Shao opens his mouth with a smile.

"Can you allow me to think about it first?"

"Of course, it's not a trivial matter, but please give us an answer in one day. We need to do a good job in the early stage."


after the conversation with Fang Shao and others, Wu Shan left Sheraton Hotel and went to Su's real estate to find Xia Jue.

"So they're going to use your group's land as a stepping stone?" Sitting on the chair, Xia Jue's fingertips beat the table back and forth.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, I'm going to tell you this, and then I'll refuse them severely." Wu Shan said carefully.

"No, there's no need to refuse. Since they want to enter the market here, let them, but if they want to run again, they can't run away." Xia Jue suddenly changed his mind, because he felt that these guys seemed to be money givers.

Ah, the dog looked at the people sitting in front of him and said, "Mr. Xia, how many people do you need?"

"The more, the better. Call them to the company first."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog put down the phone and looked at the people in front of him: "I have to say that you are really lucky. This is the time when Mr. Xia is employing people. Let your respective people gather in front of Su's real estate first."

"Su's estate?"

A crowd exclaimed.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" Ah, the dog glanced at these people.

"Ah, dog, does this Su's estate have anything to do with Mr. Xia?" Asked the man with white hair.

I don't blame him for asking so anxiously.Recently, he has also heard about a series of big moves in the real estate industry of China shipping.

Su's real estate is the only one among many peers. It can be said that it needs strength and financial resources.

If Mr. Xia is involved in the Su's real estate, they will depend on the Su's real estate, which has a bright future.

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Su's real estate is Mr. Xia's property, and I'm the security captain inside." Ah, the dog smiles.

"Is Su's real estate Mr. Xia's property? Isn't the boss of Su's real estate Su Yihan? " The white man couldn't help asking.

"That's a good question. I said President Su Yihan is Mr. Xia's wife. Are you surprised?"


When they heard this, they took a cool breath.

If they only believed in this Mr. Xia eight or nine points before, then now they recognize the strength of this Mr. Xia.

"All right, dog, I'll let my people go to the gate of Su's estate."

Several people nodded and went out. As for the bald man who fell on the ground, no one paid any more attention.

At this time, more than ten buses stopped at the gate of Su's real estate.

Here ah, just as the dog and others arrived at the door, Xia Jue came down from the company building.

The white haired man and others met Xia Jue for the first time. They couldn't help but look at the terrible figure mentioned by ah Gou curiously.

But they looked around and found nothing special about Mr. Xia except that he was ugly.

"Mr. Xia, let me introduce you. This is Bai Bao, this is Gao Bo, this is Yang Zhenyue, and this is Hu Sanguang. They are all my old friends." Ah, the dog introduced Xia Jue to the white haired man standing by.

"Hello, Mr. Xia."

Several people said hello to Xia Jue.

"Well." Xia Jue nodded and then said, "don't worry, I won't treat you badly if you do things for me."

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