Chapter 116 who breaks whose leg?

"I see, Mr. Xia."

Several people were a little happy with Xia Jue's assurance.

"The purpose for you to come here today is very simple, that is, we are going to the provincial capital. As for what we are going to do in the provincial capital, it is because some employees and businesses of our company are threatened there, so let you protect them." Xia Jue expressed his intention.

The white haired men were still afraid of Xia Jue and said that what did Xia Jue come to them for? It turned out to be such a trifle.

"No problem, Mr. Xia. We are good at such trifles."

"Yes, Mr. Xia, leave it to us, Mr. Xia."

Several people have just joined Xia Jue and are eager to make contributions. They all want to show their abilities in front of Xia Jue.

"OK, let them in." Xia Jue spoke.

Several people nodded, then turned to greet their hands and got on the bus.

"Let's go." Xia Jue, sitting in the front row of the first bus, gave the order.

"Poof poof."

The bus starts and goes towards the provincial capital.


the seventh floor of the office building.

This is the temporary office of Su's property in the provincial capital branch.

Just when Wu Yiyi, who was sent here, was discussing with the staff some specific matters in the provincial capital, a group of people with unknown origins rushed in.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" Wu Yiyi and others saw that these people who were not good at coming were on guard immediately.

"Hey, hey, who are we? That's a good question. I also want to ask you what Su's real estate is. You dare to put your hand into our territory. Brothers, smash their things for me." The leader, a man, laughs.

As soon as the man's voice fell, his hands began to smash the computer information table of Su's real estate.

"Ah, ah."

The staff screamed with fright.

"What are you doing? Is there any royal law? If you don't stop, I'll call someone." Wu Yiyi was not frightened by the other side, instead, he scolded.

"Call, call quickly, the provincial capital is all our people, see who dares to help your Su's estate." The man's hands crossed in front of his chest, a face of irony.

"You..." Wu Yiyi pointed at the man angrily.


China shipping is only an hour away from the provincial capital.

In an hour.

Xia Jue and others came to the provincial capital.

Because the time is too short, Su's real estate has not had time to find an office building in the provincial capital, so it rented an office building as a temporary office for the company.

"First, let your respective staff deal with the problems of advertisements on the screens of major shopping malls and bus stops, and then listen to my instructions."

"Yes, Mr. Xia." The white haired man and others left with their own hands.

After waiting for the white haired man and others to leave, Xia Jue and ah Gou took the elevator to the seventh floor of the office building.

But just up to the seventh floor, I saw an atmosphere scene.

The office building is in a mess. Some people are smashing all kinds of facilities of Su's real estate.

As for Wu Yi and others who were sent to a corner to deal with the matter.

"Are you tired of living?" Xia Jue went over with ah Gou and others.

The leading man of the other party saw someone break in, and also looked at Lu Cheng and ah Gou carefully.

"Oh, you are so ugly. I'm in the way of smashing Su's estate. Get out of the way, or I'll clean it up."

"Mr. Xia, here you are. These bastards are going to smash all our things." Wu Yiyi saw Xia Jue coming as if he had seen a savior. He quickly told Xia Jue.

"Oh, it's Su's estate again, but today you're in bad luck. If you dare to come to the provincial capital, there's no good fruit to eat. Brother, you give this ugly man loose bones."

"Break your legs and throw them out." Xia Jue looked at the dog.

"I see, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog can't bear these guys for a long time. Now Xia Jue has spoken, so he won't be polite any more.

The other side also laughed when he heard Xia Jue's words.

"I'll see who broke whose leg."

"Bang bang."

Where are the opponents of ah Gou and others who were carefully trained by Xia Jue? They were cleaned up by ah Gou and others after three or two times.

"Ah, ah."

The opposite man's men kept screaming on the ground.

"Do you want to break your legs or let us help you?" After cleaning up his men, ah, the dog turned to look at the last man.

How could the man who came to make trouble think that these guys could fight like this? Now that he is alone, he naturally starts to panic.But panic is no use, he knows that now, ah, the dog will not let him go, simply a bite of teeth toward ah, the dog and others rushed in the past: "I'll fight with you!"

In a few minutes.

Open the elevator door of the office building.

Ah, dog, a few people dragged these guys out from the inside like dogs and threw them on the road.

After a while, many pedestrians came to watch.

"Help, help us, call an ambulance for us."

Several people cry for help from the passers-by.

"Mr. Xia, everything has been smashed. We can't work now." Wu Yiyi said calmly.

"It's OK. Don't worry. Since I'm here, I'll play with them." Xia Jue looked out of the window with deep eyes.

"Mr. Xia, Bai Bao has called and said that he has restored all the advertising spaces in the large screen bus stop of the shopping mall according to your instructions. What are your next instructions?" Ah, the dog put down the phone and came over.

"Let them take people to the streets and alleys of the provincial capital to send us leaflets of Su's real estate. Yiyi, you go to prepare leaflets for them first." Xia Jue turns his head and says to Wu Yiyi.

"Yes, Mr. Xia. I'll print it as soon as I can." Wu Yiyi turned and walked away.


Sifang international.

In Fang Shao's office.

A coquettish woman walked out, followed by Jin Yuan came in.

"Fang Shao, the people from Su's real estate are here. Now the big screen of shopping malls and the advertisements at bus stops have been restored. Even many people are handing out leaflets in the streets. Many people in the city have begun to discuss it."

"What?" Fang Shao was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Su's real estate would react so quickly.

"Fang Shao, you are looking at this." Jin Yuan handed a flyer to Fang Shao.

Fang Shao picked it up and looked at it with a sneer.

"Well, it's a good way to cheat the common people if they can get the land.

Go and let the people below let out the wind. They say that their Su's real estate has no land in the provincial capital. Now they just write empty cheques. The common people know that they are a fraud company. "

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