Chapter 124 revenge

"no coming back, ok..." Su Yihan seems to be slightly disappointed in his tone.

"Why, are you not used to keeping empty rooms alone?" Xia Jue joked.

"No, I don't want to talk to you. There are several documents in the company today. I have to look at them." Su Yihan hangs up in a hurry.


"That's rude." Hearing the sudden beep, Xia Jue could not help sighing.

It's more than seven in the evening.

Xia Jue turned on the TV and transferred it to the provincial TV station.

At this time, the audience rating is basically the highest. Xia Jue wants to see how the advertisements made by the TV station are.


The news of the provincial capital is over.

Half past seven.

A beautiful woman appeared on the big screen.

"Good news, good news, the leading real estate company of China shipping has settled in the provincial capital. From now on, book in advance, 30% discount for each suite, and there are many discounts. Please call for advice."

The advertisement is OK. Xia Jue is satisfied.


at the same time.

In a club.

Fang Shao, who is talking and laughing with some girls, suddenly receives a phone call.

"Fang Shao, now look at the TV station in the provincial capital." The voice of Jin Yuan came from the phone.

"What TV station? What's the point of watching TV?" Shaofang is baffled.

"The advertisement of Su's real estate is playing repeatedly in this prime time. Just look at it." Jin Yuan said again.

"What Fang Shao can't believe it. "Come on, tune me to the provincial TV station." Fang Shao yelled at the staff directly.

Fang Shao is a shareholder of the club. The staff dare not neglect him and immediately transferred to the provincial TV station.

"Great good news, Su's real estate has settled in the provincial capital..." this advertisement is broadcast repeatedly on TV.

Fang Shao picked up the phone: "what's going on? Is this not handled by Huolin group? How can Su's real estate still be on TV? Is Huolin group eating excrement? " Fang Shao was furious.

The influence of provincial TV stations is immeasurable, and it is in this prime time that Su Shi's real estate advertisements are broadcast.

Fang Shao is sure that at least one tenth of the people in the provincial capital know the news.

"I don't know, Fang Shao, but Huolin group has just announced that it will cut off all business contacts with provincial TV station. Is it related to this?" Jin Yuan kept thinking.

"I don't know. I'll send our people to talk to Mr. Chen to see what's going on. Why did he take the advertisement without communication with us?"

"I see, Fang Shao."


there is a black Benz parked at the door of Baoli hotel.

Li Guangwu and some of his dog legs are sitting in the Mercedes.

"Is anyone here?" Li Guangwu lit a cigar.

"Here comes Li Shao. It doesn't matter who this guy is. Today, I will teach him a lesson that will never be forgotten."

"Good." With a smile, Li Guangwu puffed out a cigarette ring.

This provincial capital, no one offended him, Li Guangwu can still be safe, this ugly eight strange nature also can't.

Manager Huang came out with a large number of security guards.

You can't do it if you don't come out.

Because there are too many people at the door, and they are all ready to move. Manager Huang doesn't have to think that this is Li Guangwu's person, and it's for Mr. Xia.

"Manager, I'll give you ten seconds to get out of here with your people, or I'll clean up with you." A man stood up and said.

"Baoli hotel is here. Please tell Mr. Li that I can't control what happens when people leave, but you can't make trouble in Baoli hotel when people are here." Manager Huang said, biting his teeth.

"So you're going to stand up for the ugly one?" There is a threat in the man's words.

"We are just doing our duty, which is what president Xu told us." Manager Huang is also in a dilemma.

It doesn't matter. If these people are allowed to rush into the hotel, he must be finished.

If you manage, there are so many people on the other side, and the source is not small. How can these security guards stop it.

At present, we can only hope that the other party can give us some face. Xu should not make too much trouble here.

"Hum, I'll give you three seconds to get out of my way, or I'll tell you less."

"You brutes, are you going to let people sleep or not?"

Just when manager Huang couldn't advance or retreat, ah, the dog came down with Bai Bao and others.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Who dares to disturb Mr. Xia's rest? They are useless." Look at these cold dogs.Xia Jue, who is in the presidential suite, naturally listens to the sound coming from below. However, Xia Jue doesn't want to pay attention to it. Instead, he looks at it with a book.

More than half an hour later.

The door of the Polaroid hotel is in a mess.

In the black Mercedes.

Li Guangwu has long lost his former appearance.

"This bastard, what do you think he's doing with so many rooms? He brought so many people here, but he's just an outsider. Why do you bring so many people here? "Li Guangwu was surprised and puzzled.


Just as Li Guangwu was full of thoughts, there was a loud noise in the Mercedes Benz.

Then the glass broke all over the floor.

"I knew you must be watching here." Ah, the dog gave a grim smile and looked at Li Guangwu in the car.

Li Guangwu and others in the car would not have thought that the dog actually sneaked up.

He quickly and anxiously yelled, "drive."


When Li Guangwu finished shouting this sentence, he saw the driver sitting in the front row was directly knocked unconscious.

"What do you want?" In this case, Li Guangwu began to be afraid.

"Hey, hey, what do you want to do? Of course, I want to break your legs so that you don't always jump up and down so happily." Ah, after that, the dog directly picked Li Guangwu out of the car.

"I warn you, don't mess around. My father is Li Da. If you touch me, you will die." Li Guangwu began to make threats.

"Li Da, Zhang Da, I don't know him. Come on, catch him for me." Dog toward a few hand signal way.

"It's brother dog." Several of his subordinates held down Li Guangwu and stopped him struggling.

"Wait a minute."

Just when the dog wanted to start, a gentle looking man with glasses and a large group of bodyguards came over.

"Mr. Xu, help me, help me, Mr. Xu." When Li Guangwu saw someone coming, he immediately called for help.

"What can I do for you?" Ah, the dog looks at the man with a bad face.

"I'm Xu Kai, the boss of this hotel, and I have some friendship with his father, Li Da. I don't know if you can give me a face and let him off?"

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