Chapter 125 rip off

in fact, Xu Kai didn't want to go through this muddle.

He is also quite dissatisfied with the arrogant and domineering second generation of Li Guangwu. He dares to make trouble in his hotel.

Making trouble is making trouble. He was beaten all over the place to find his teeth. It really disgraced his father.

But since it happened here in his hotel, he can't think that he didn't see anything.

Otherwise, if Li Guangwu had an accident with him, he would not be like Li Da. That's why Xu Kai came forward to plead with him personally.

"Give you face? Who are you? When they come to make trouble, you don't come out. Now when we clean them up in turn, you will jump out. You Baoli hotel really know how to behave. " Ah, the dog sneered.

Ah, how can a dog not laugh.

Before Li Guangwu brought the crowd to make trouble, Xu Kai pretended to be deaf and dumb. Now he has gained an advantage. When he is about to clean up Li Guangwu, he stands up.

As long as you stand up and save Li Guangwu, I think Li Guangwu's family will owe him a favor.

But if you want to give yourself to the other party, naturally, dogs will not give the other party this opportunity.

"What the hell are you talking about? Do you want to die? " Xu Kai didn't say anything. The bodyguard behind the other party couldn't help hearing this.

Xu Kai stretched out his hand to signal the bodyguard to be quiet first.

"Brother, now that you are in the provincial capital, you have offended the Li family. You must be new here. You don't understand what the Li family means in the provincial capital. If you let him go, I will help you reconcile. What do you think?" Xu Kai said without expression.

"It's just the Li family, a provincial capital. Is it worth making peace with Mr. Xia? Hold him down for me." Ah, the dog smiles.

After the subordinates heard ah Gou's words, no matter how Li Guangwu was, they directly covered his limbs.

"Ah, ah."

Li Guangwu screamed.

I saw that his legs were directly broken by the iron bar of ah gouyong.

"You're going to die. I won't let you go." In pain, Li Guangwu still issued a threat.

Here, Xu Kai didn't expect that the dog was so decisive. He didn't want to talk to him more, so he started directly, which made his face gloomy.

"Well, in this case, I have nothing to talk about, but you are not welcome in my hotel. Get out of here." Xu Kai felt that he didn't have to save face for them.

"As far as I know, we are real money, paid the room fee, Mr. Xu, is that how your hotel does business?" Ah, the dog is staring at Xu Kai.

what has the final say? "Sorry, this is the provincial capital, my hotel. I have the final say. I will refund the room price for you, no big deal." Xu Kai said with indifference.

"Mr. Xu, I hope you don't regret your decision now." Ah, the dog turned and went into the hotel.

After waiting for the dog to leave, Mr. Xu said to the bodyguard: "send Mr. Li to the hospital quickly."

Ah, the dog came to Xia Jue's room and told the story.

"That's what they're really saying. They're driving us out of the hotel?" Xia Jue confirmed again.

"Yes, Mr. Xia, that's what Xu Kai said. He said that we are not welcome in his hotel. Let's go."

"Don't pay attention to him. Let's have a rest now. I'll solve this problem."

"I see, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog turned, closed the door and left.

"Why don't they go without notice?" Xu Kai in the lobby asked manager Huang who came down.

"Mr. Xu, we have informed them of every room, but they didn't say anything at all." Manager Huang said helplessly.

Hearing this, Xu Kai's face sank again.

The reason why he resolutely drove these people out here was that they didn't give him face, and the other reason was that he was afraid of the Li family's questioning.

After all, it happened in their hotel. Although he wronged him, it's hard to ensure that the Li family won't get angry with him.

So now he is ruthlessly driving these people out in order to give the Li family a name certificate and show that he and the Li family are standing together.

So in any case, these people can no longer stay in their hotels.

"Let the security guard go up and rush by force!" Xu Kai gave a death order directly.

"Yes, Mr. Xu." Manager Huang did not dare to disobey Xu Kai's orders, so he had to take a group of security guards upstairs again.

"Ding Ling Ling."

After manager Huang left, Xu Kai's phone suddenly rang.

He picked up the phone and was surprised.

Because the person who called him was Tang Quan.

Tang Quan is a leader of the provincial capital, who is responsible for managing these hotels. Xu Kai usually gives him some benefits to avoid being stumbling by him, but he doesn't know why the leader calls him so late."Leader Tang, it's so late. What can I do for you?" Xu Kai answers the phone.

"Xu Kai, I received a report. I heard that your hotel operated maliciously and drove out the customers after receiving the money. Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Xu Kai was secretly frightened.

Isn't that what he is instructing manager Huang to do now.

It's just that the other party actually brought a lawsuit to the leader of Tang Dynasty. Moreover, the leader of Tang Dynasty didn't care about their previous friendship and seemed to come to ask questions.

"Leader Tang, misunderstandings, misunderstandings, how can our hotel do such a thing? It's like this. We suspect that these guests are lawbreakers, so we are ready to give them money back and let them go elsewhere. We didn't say that we charged them to drive them away." Xu Kai quickly explained.

"What lawless elements, I warn you, you'd better not do this, otherwise I'll let all your hotels close down immediately." Tang Quan threatened.

Hearing Tang Quan's words, Xu Kai finally understood.

It turns out that Tang is all here to blackmail.

It must have been those people who just called the Department of the Tang leader to complain, and the Tang leader just knew about it. Then the Tang leader took this matter and asked him to make use of it.

To understand this, Xu Kai can't help but secretly scold Tang Quan for being a greedy bastard.

However, even if the other party makes it clear that he wants to come and knock him off, he can't help it. He's just a businessman. If the other party wants to punish him, he can't compete with the other party. He can only recognize him by holding his nose.

"Leader Tang, are you free tomorrow? Come to my hotel to play mahjong. I've asked some of our old acquaintances to come."

Every time to give the Tang leader benefits, Xu Kai will choose to ask the Tang leader to the hotel room to play mahjong.

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