Chapter 127 Li Da's accusation

almost every customer has his own taste, and they have to make breakfast according to the customers' taste. When they are busy, they are suddenly yelled, and the chefs are upset.

"You think this hotel is owned by your family. If you say 15 minutes is 15 minutes, why don't you do it?" A grumpy cook couldn't help it.

"That is, you think... Mr. Xu, why are you here?"

Just as another chef wanted to make an effort, he suddenly saw the faces of the guests. Isn't this Xu Kai, the manager of the hotel? Why did the manager come here by himself?

"You are right. I really own this hotel. Remember, you only have ten minutes now. If you can't do it..." Xu Kai left this sentence and left.

the first provincial people's hospital.

At this time, Li Guangwu was lying on the bed, and his feet had been cast.


A dignified man came in with a large number of bodyguards.

Li Guangwu was a little ashamed when he saw the visitor. Unexpectedly, his father Li Da was shocked by this incident.

"What's the matter? Who did it?" Li Da has a dignified face.

"Dad, I don't know. That guy is still in the Polaroid Hotel, but he has a lot of people around him."

"Baoli hotel?" Li Da was suspicious. "Call Xu Kai for me." Li Da said to the Secretary beside him.

"Yes, chairman." The secretary took out his mobile phone and quickly found Xu Kai's number and dialed it.

In the dining hall of Baoli hotel.

A group of cooks rushed to finish Xu Kai's request in ten minutes.

A cook summoned up the courage to come out with a plate. Suddenly, he saw Xu Kai coming in a hurry, and his hands shaking with fear.

"Here you are." Xu Kai ignored him and grabbed the plate in his hand.

After taking the meal, Mr. Xia Kai asked him to put it on your table

The cook's jaw almost fell when he saw the scene.

Originally, he was still curious why Xu Kai came to the kitchen in person. Now it seems that he made the ugly young man come early.

But I can personally trouble Xu Kai to condescend to do such chores. What kind of identity is this young man.

"Ding Ling Ling."

Xu Kai's phone rings.

He picked it up and saw that it was Li Da.

Xu Kai, who Li Da called, was not surprised. His son was made miserable in front of his hotel. It would be strange if he didn't come to ask for blame.

"Li Dong, what's the matter?" Xu Kai answers the phone and pretends not to know.

"Well, what else do you ask me? Don't you give me an explanation for my son's big accident in your hotel?" From the other end of the phone came the voice of Li Da asking a crime.

"Xu, it's none of your business. It's none of my business."

"I live in your hotel. If you don't give me an explanation, we'll see." The threat in Li Da's words is shown unscrupulously.

Hearing this, Xu Kai felt bitter.

This is why he insisted on driving Xia Jue and others out of the hotel last night to give Li Da an explanation.

But everything was disrupted by a phone call from Tang Quan.

But now he can't be on Li Da's side any more.

"Li Dong, let's put it this way. Your son provoked Mr. Xia first. He deserved it." Xu Kaisheng was afraid that Xia juiting would not hear him, so he deliberately raised some decibels.

"Mr. Xia? Well, you Xu Kai, since there's nothing to talk about, let's get to the bottom of the story. " Li Da hung up directly.

"Cancel all the cooperation with Xu Kai." Li Da's face was uncertain.

"Yes, Mr. Xu."


Office of the chairman of Huolin group.

Xu Dong's secretary came in.

"Chairman, it's arranged. The old luster will definitely take the bait this time."

"That's good. This bastard dares to fight me. I'll ruin him." Xu Dong said with hatred.

Provincial TV station.

A large number of young and beautiful girls in professional dress walked in.

Soon after, the girls went into a conference room one by one.

"Good. You can go back and wait for the notice." In the meeting room, a man took notes in a notebook with a pen.

After the girl got up and walked out of the meeting room, the second girl came in again.

At this time, Chen Taichang, who is in the office, saw the girl on the computer. Immediately, he picked up his mobile phone, edited a message and sent it out.In the conference room, the man in the examination received the message, then looked up to the girl and said, "Congratulations, your interview passed."

"Really?" The girl looked very excited when she heard this.

"Well, but our director has to personally check whether you are suitable for this position. Now please go to the director's office first." The man continued.

"The director wants to see me?" After hearing this, the girl became more excited: "where is the director's office, please?"

"Come with me, please." The man got up to lead the way.

The man took the girl to Mr. Chen's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Go in." The man said to the girl behind him.

The girl looked a little uneasy, but she walked in slowly.

The real girl is much more moving than in the mirror. When Chen Taichang saw it, he almost couldn't help himself.

"Good director." The girl asked shyly.

See the girl this pair of shy appearance, Chen Tai Long blood and spray a few minutes.

"Come on, sit down first." Mr. Chen stood up and pulled out the chair for the girl, which was quite gentlemanly.

"Come on, don't be afraid." When the director saw that the girl still had some problems, he pulled her gently with his hand.

"Yes, director." The girl is just a little uneasy. Just sit down.

"I think you are very suitable to be the host of the weather forecast program in our provincial capital," said Chen.

"Really, director, can I really do it?" The girl got excited again.

"Yes, but I think you should be more motivated." The director put his hand on the girl's lap.

"Director, what are you doing?" The girl shrank in fear.

"Nothing, if you don't want to."

"I..." the girl looked a little embarrassed: "director, I'd like to, but I don't like to be in this place."

"Well, let's go out now." Mr. Chen is very anxious.

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