Chapter 128 make a fool of Su's real estate

"Cao Zheng, I'll take the new host out to get familiar with the business system of our TV station. If you have anything to do, I'll deal with it when I come back. Especially when it comes to Su's real estate, don't make decisions without authorization." After walking out of the office, Chen Taichang said to a man.

"I see, chief."

After leaving the TV station, director Chen took the girl straight to the hotel to open a room.


after a cloud and rain, Chen Taichang contentedly lit a cigarette.

"Yes, come to the TV station tomorrow." Director Chen pinched the girl.

"I hate it." "The girl said:" the director, I have something else to go home first The girl offered to leave.

"Go ahead." Chen Tai Chang smiles.

Chen Tai Chang is too old to do this kind of thing. He took another two hours off to put on his clothes and return to the TV station.

Not long after returning to the office, the secretary brought in a bag.

"Director, this is from Huolin group just now. They said they would hand it over to you." Said the secretary.

Huolin group?

Don't you fight with them? What else do they give him?

Mr. Chen is a little puzzled.

"Yes, I see." Chen took the bag, opened it and saw a memory card.

What does Huolin group do for itself?

Forget it. Let's see what it is first.

Think of Chen Taichang to insert the memory card into the computer.

Soon, a picture appeared on the computer.

It's the picture of him and the girl in the hotel before.

Seeing this picture, Chen Taichang's secret is not good.

"Ding Ling Ling."

At this time, the telephone on the desk rings and director Chen answers it.

"Mr. Chen, ha ha, are you satisfied with what I sent you?" Xu Dong's happy laughter came from the phone.

"Xu Jie, you son of a bitch, how dare you cheat me?" At this time, Mr. Chen didn't understand. He was set up by Xu Jie. He said that the girl who came to interview just now was arranged by Xu Jie.

"Chen Taizhang, don't talk nonsense. It's just that someone reported you as a female subordinate, and the evidence just fell into my hands.

Tut Tut, the head of a famous TV station has such a scandal. If it comes out, it will be lively. "

"What do you want?" Chen taichangming knew that he was put on the other side, but he couldn't help it, which made him feel like eating a fly.

"What do I want to do? I want to say that from now on you will be a dog of Xu Jie. Do you agree?"


" as a dog of Xu Jie, I naturally want to know how to share the worries for my master. I'll give you a personal task now. If you finish it well, you'll have nothing to do. You'd better be your director. If you have nothing to do, you can dive for a female subordinate or something. If you can't finish it, you know the consequences. "

Chen Taichang would not be willing to be manipulated like this, but now he has to follow Xu Jie's advice and go five ways, otherwise he will be ruined.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Look, that's right. If you are obedient, you will be safe.

First remove all the advertisements of Su's real estate, and then let your reporters bring out some scandals about Su's real estate, so that I can stink them to death. " Xu Jie said gnashing his teeth.

Originally, this advertising space belonged to Huolin group. It was because of Su's real estate's interference, and because of Chen Taichang's obstruction, that it became Su's real estate's.

Hearing the other party's request, Chen Taichang felt bitterly.

Su's real estate is covered by Mr. Xia. He managed to make Mr. Xia calm down and keep his position. Now he's going to provoke him. Isn't that a dead end.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry for your request." Chen Taichang gritted his teeth and said.

"It's hard for me to obey?

OK, I don't want to force you, but you have to think about your wife and children. After your scandal goes out, you have to think about what will happen to them.

Think about the way your child is ridiculed for going to school. Think about how your wife will deal with her husband's parents when she comes back to her mother's home. " Xu Jie understated these words, as if to say another unimportant thing.

"Xu Jie, don't push people too hard. At the beginning, you sent me two million yuan and asked me to help you jump in the line for the advertisement of Huolin group. It's a big deal. I'll blow this up and everyone will burn jade and stone together." Mr. Chen is in a hurry.

"Hum, the jade and stone are burning. You think too much of yourself. Explode, explode quickly. Do you think this little thing can have any impact on our forest group? That's it. I don't have time to write with you." Xu Jie hung up directly.


Chen Taichang lost his soul and put down the phone, and then his hands kept holding the hair, very crazy.About ten minutes later.

He picked up the phone tremblingly.

"I promised. I just hope you can keep your promise after I do it, otherwise I won't let you go."

Offending Mr. Xia is nothing more than losing the position of director. If Xu Jie really breaks the news, he will not only lose his position, but his family will be discriminated by others in the future. Therefore, director Chen made this choice

"that's right, don't worry...

before Xu Jie finished speaking, director Chen hung up the phone, he said Xu Jie didn't want to hear his face.

A few minutes later, Cao Zheng came in.

"Director, are you looking for me?"

"What's the matter with the Soxhlet estate?"

"Director, according to your instructions, everything is going on in an orderly way. Now we expect to add a few more ads at noon after the prime time advertising in the evening, and we also plan to go to the headquarters of Su's real estate for an interview. Ok...

" OK, stop all the advertising supply of Su's real estate immediately, In addition, let all the reporters at the bottom go out to dig out the scandal of Su's real estate as soon as possible. Even if they can't, they should make up a few for me. They must stink Su's real estate as soon as possible. "

When Cao Zheng heard this, he was as numb as a cucumber. For a long time, he couldn't come back.

He couldn't figure out why the director's attitude towards Su's real estate changed so much.

It's clear that they must make the most of their efforts to publicize Su's real estate, and they must thoroughly stink Su's real estate the next moment. What's the matter?

"Do you understand my phone?" Chen Taichang was already very upset, but now he roared out.

"I see, director. I'll do it right now." Cao Zheng has no time to investigate this problem. He has to finish the task assigned by director Chen first, otherwise he won't have to do it.

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