Chapter 129 Su Changqing's reluctance

Xia Jue came to the temporary office building of Su's real estate after breakfast.

"Mr. Xia, they were blocked by a group of people. They just called me for help." Ah, the dog came up and said.

"Where is it?"

"Listen to him in the mall of Red Mansions."

"Go." Xia Jue spat out a word.

Before long, ah Gou and Xia Jue came to the Red Mansion shopping mall.

At this time, people in the shopping mall are constantly running out, as if something happened to their hair.

Xia Jue immediately went in with ah Gou and others.

"Well, if you want to kowtow to each of our brothers here, we'll let you go."

"Ha ha ha ha."

In the shopping mall, a large group of people surrounded the white treasure, which is constantly canceling.

"Why, I haven't thought about it. I tell you, our brother's patience is limited. If we don't show it, we'll do it."

"Ah, ah."

As soon as the man said this to Bai Bao, he heard a series of screams coming from behind him.

"What's the matter?"

"Brother chicken, there are several people coming in behind."

"A few people, then you can take care of them. Why are you so scared?" I don't know why.

"Brother chicken, that guy is really good at fighting. We can't stand it any more."

"Waste, so many people here can drown him by spitting. What's the use of him fighting any more."

"Bang bang."

Chicken elder brother just finished saying this, two younger brothers flew in front of him, chicken elder brother startled.

After brother Ji settled down, he found an ugly man coming with several people behind him.

"Waste, it's a group of waste. Just a few people can't clean it up." Chicken brother scolded again.

"A group of rubbish, where people dare to hinder my Su's estate?" Xia Jue looks at brother Ji coldly.

Bai Bao and others were very happy to see Xia Jue, thinking that this time they were finally saved.

But when he saw Xia Jue coming with ah dog, his heart fell to the bottom.

Xia Jue's background is terrible, but now there are so many people on the other side. What's the use of this.

"Oh, so you are the person in charge of Su's real estate. You've come just in time. Brothers, cut him off for me."

Brother Ji gives an order, and all his subordinates rush up to Xiajue immediately.

"Bang bang."

It's just a group of stragglers. Xia Jue basically punches one by one. In five or six minutes, Xia Jue has already knocked down dozens of them.

Bai Bao and others, who originally thought that today's situation was very bad, were stunned when they saw this scene.

"Baoge, Mr. Xia is very good at fighting." Said one of Bai Bao's men.

It's more than fighting. It's the God of war. Bai Bao can't be calm for a long time.

Even if Mr. Xia's background is terrible, he can still fight like this. How can others live? Fortunately, Bai Bao is with the right person.

Before long, all the people around Baibao were cleaned up by Xia Jue, and they kept falling on the ground and wailing.

"Chicken... Chicken. Brother chicken, the value of this guy is not human." Chicken brother next to a man's legs can't help shaking.

Brother Ji is not blind. Naturally, he saw it.

The reason why Sifang and others have made him come here is that he is in a dilemma.

But if I had known that Su's real estate was supported by such terrible people, I would not have dared to kill him, but now it's too late to say anything.

"Come on, who sent you here." After cleaning up the rotten fish and shrimps, Xia Jue comes to brother Ji.

"It's Mr. Fang." Chicken elder brother has been scared to break gall at this time, where still dare to conceal.

After knowing the main emissary, Xia Jue no longer cares about the things here and turns to leave.


in a villa area in the provincial capital.

"Mr. Su, what do you think of this villa?" A sales girl respectfully introduced.

"Well, that's a good set." Su Changqing takes out a gold card from his pocket.

"Thank you, Mr. Su. Thank you, Mr. Su." The sales girl went through the formalities happily.

Since Su Changming and his son came to the provincial capital, they began to plan for a comeback.

But after planning for a period of time, they found that no matter what business in the provincial capital has been firmly held in the hands of the provincial capital, it is very difficult for them to get involved.

After a period of ideological struggle, they finally decided not to travel in this muddy water, and it's good to be a rich man in peace of mind for a lifetime.see.

After thinking about this, Su Changqing and his son immediately came to the villa area to buy a villa, intending to make it the place where the Su family settled down in the provincial capital.

"Dad, in fact, I think it's good for us to live like this now. The money my aunt gave us is enough for us to live a comfortable life. There's no need to worry about so many things any more."

In fact, Su Junhao's idea is very simple.

He now has a lot of money in hand. Even if he is not as beautiful as those powerful children in the provincial capital, it is enough for many people to flatter him.

Su Junhao is right.

But Su Changqing was somewhat unwilling.

He is different from Su Junhao.

At his age, what he should play has already been played. Money is really something out of his life. What he values is his status and status.

When he was in Zhonghai, he had a lot of scenery, especially when he was on the list of Wang family. At that time, the Su family said that he was the most powerful person in Zhonghai.

Now look at the present.

It's just like a stinking rat who lives on idly. No one will know him when he goes out on the street. No matter how rich he is, what's the use.

The culprit of all this is the ugly capital.

If not for the appearance of that ugly monster, their su family might be the most powerful family in China now.

Think of this Su Changqing regret.

Regret should not have picked back such a monster.

But now it's done. It's too late to say anything.

"Hello, are you Mr. Su?"

At this time, a woman came in with a man carrying a video camera behind him.

Su Changqing and Su Junhao were on guard when they saw them.

"What do you journalists want?" It's because they don't want to catch up with Su Changqing.

"We want to interview you.."

"get out, get out, who let you in." Su Changqing immediately scolded.

At first, they were disgraced enough. Now these reporters want him to face the whole country. How can they bear it.

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