The man nodded: "your son Su Changqing and your grandson Su Junhao were killed in the villa in Nanwan. The murderer is unknown."

After hearing the man say this, Su Jianwei is as old as ten years old, looking at the ceiling with two eyes.

"We'll try our best to track down the killer." The man then left.

After several men left, Su Jianwei had endless hatred on his face.

He has nothing to do here in the ward, so he can only watch TV here all day.

He has a clue about what happened from yesterday to today, and now he thinks it is his good granddaughter's son-in-law who did it.

But even if you know it, what can you do.

He is just a powerless old man with half his life left.


He also has a daughter.

Su Jianwei came back.

He had to rely on his daughter to get revenge.

After thinking for a long time, Su Jianwei finally made a decision.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

An hour later, an old man about sixty came in.

"Sir, are you looking for me?"

"Ah, drunk, although you and I are not master servant relationship now, but I want to ask you to do me a favor, can you do it?" Su Jianwei said in a voice.

"The master is very kind to me. No matter what I am asked to do, I will do it." Ah, come back drunk.

"Good. I have a letter and it's for Jane. Go to Kyoto and give it to her for me." Su Jianwei sent out a letter.

"I see, sir. I'll take the fastest flight to Kyoto."

Su Jianwei nodded and said, "I haven't eaten bamboo for a long time. Can you buy me a few Jin?"

Ah Zui was stunned when he heard Su Jianwei's words, but he nodded.

"I'll buy it for you."

After ah Zui left, Su Jianwei stood up from the bed.

Then he took the elevator to the top floor of the hospital.

Standing on the top floor of the hospital and looking down, even Su Jianwei, who has lived for such a long time, inevitably has some ripples in his heart.

But he knew he had to, or he couldn't stir up suzhenyi's anger.


Su Jianwei sighed.

When he was dying, he felt that everything in the past was gone.


He closed his eyes and jumped.

Just bought bamboo back ah drunk heard a huge noise.

Then he heard someone shouting to jump off the building.

All of a sudden, he thought of Su Jianwei's abnormal actions. He quickly surrounded the crowd.

His hands trembled when he saw the man on the ground.

It was su Jianwei who jumped off the building.

"Don't worry, master. I will finish the task you told me." Ah, drunk and tearful.


Su Changming, Fang Xiaoqin, and Su Yihan all learned about it and came to the provincial capital as soon as possible.

In the provincial hospital, Xia Jue met several people.

No more words

Su Changming and others walked towards the mortuary.

After seeing Su Jianwei for the last time, several people came out.

Su Changming's eyes have turned slightly red.

Although he and Su Jianwei have broken off the father son relationship, after all, blood is thicker than water to raise his father, no matter how Su Changming would not like to see Su Jianwei end up like this.

Su Yihan quietly pulls Xia Jue to an empty stairway.

"Does this matter to you?" It was su Yihan who frowned and questioned.

"It's nothing to do with me. I'm not so cruel to an old man." Xia Jue denied.

"What about Su Changqing and Su Junhao?" Su Yihan asked again.

"They deserve it." Xia Jue didn't deny it.

"But... No matter what, you can't kill..." Su Yihan still can't accept it.

After the news last night, although Su Yihan also hated Su Changqing and his son to the bone, Xia Jue subverted her thoughts with such extreme means.

"If we don't solve them once and for all, sooner or later they will come out to make trouble like yesterday, and you don't want this kind of thing to happen to Su's real estate in three days? So it's better to do this directly. "

After hearing Xia Jue's words, Su Yihan still wants to refute, but after thinking about it, he finds that Xia Jue's words are really right, and he has no reason to refute them


just when Xia Jue and Su Yihan are discussing.

A group of people came into the hospital.

Among them, the leader is a woman with sunglasses. This woman is suzhenyi who came directly from Kyoto after learning the news.Su Zhenyi and her party came to the morgue door and saw Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin at the door. However, Su Zhenyi ignored them and went directly into the morgue.

About two minutes later, suzhenyi comes out of the mortuary and stops in front of Su Changming.

"Pa pa."

Su Zhenyi raised her hand and slapped Su Changming twice.

Su Changming is awakened by Su Zhenyi's slap.

"Suzy, why did you hit me?" Su Changming looks at her puzzled.

"Why did you hit you? It's cruel of you, Su Changming, to force your father to death and murder your brother and nephew. " Suzhenyi sneered.

"I didn't force my father to death. As for Su Changqing and Su Junhao, it's better to die, so that they don't always harm people here."

When Su Jianwei died, Su Changming was still a little sad.

As for the death of Su Changqing and Su Junhao, he has no feeling at all.

The father and son's speech last night was all about killing their family. If Xia Jue didn't solve it, their reputation would be rotten and they would become the role of everyone.

"I didn't kill my father. What's this Suzy took out a letter.

Su Changming took the letter and read it.

After reading this letter, Su Changming's face suddenly became angry.

This letter is about Su Jianwei and Su Changqing. After they came to the provincial capital, they lived a low-key and honest life. They wanted to live a life free from the world. It was su Changming's family who had to kill them all, forcing them to have no way to go. So Su Jianwei jumped out of the building and killed himself. So how could su Changming not be angry.

"Nonsense, when are we going to kill? It's su Changqing who wants to kill us first." Su Changming tore the letter to pieces and threw it on the ground.

"Whatever you say, I'm going to support the unfilial son my father taught me today." Suzhenyi raises her hand again and wants to draw it on Su Changming's face.

"What do you want to do? It has nothing to do with Changming. Don't beat people so indiscriminately." Fang Xiaoqin next to him immediately reprimanded.

"Get them for me." Suzhenyi doesn't like to talk nonsense with them, and directly orders the men behind him.

"Yes." Several men immediately started to catch two people.

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