Chapter 138 fighting

Chapter 138 fighting

"why, let go."

Su Changming and Su Changming constantly struggle.

"Why, kill your unfilial son." Su Zhenyi's big ear scrapers were constantly on Su Changming's face, and Su Changming's two cheeks soon became red and swollen.

Here Su Yihan and Xia Jue finally reach a consensus and come back from the stairs to see how Su Changming's mood is easing.

But when they saw the scene in front of the mortuary, they saw a scene that made them extremely angry.

"What are you doing? Let go of my parents!" Su Yihan rushed ahead.

"Two more, get them for me." Suzy looked around.

"Yes, ma'am." Several big Han Dynasty came to Su Yihan with a grim smile.

"Ah, ah."

Several big men were kicked away by Xia Jue before they finished laughing.

"Crap, go up and take care of her." Suzhenyi saw that her two bodyguards were so easily solved by Xiajue, and she was also a little angry.

After suzhenyi's words, another seven or eight bodyguards came to Xiajue. However, suzhenyi had two men in casual clothes beside him, but they didn't move. They still stayed by suzhenyi's side.

"Bang bang."

In less than a minute, the eight bodyguards all fell to the ground.

But they didn't have the chance to howl, because Xia Jue was cruel this time.

Xia Jue so easily solved her so many bodyguards busy, which surprised suzhenyi.

Fortunately, she brought two special bodyguards today.

The two special bodyguards had been her husband's bodyguards before, but now they were transferred by her husband to protect her.

"Ma'am, this boy has some ability. Let's go up?" Two men beside suzhenyi volunteered.

"Go ahead, break his legs first." Suzhenyi light said, as if in order to a trivial matter.

In her opinion, although Xia Jue has some skills, she can't resist her husband's two bodyguards.

Because she had seen how capable they were.

I remember that once she and her husband attended a meeting and met the enemy's encirclement. Later, they defeated nearly a hundred people by these two people, and then they were proud to escape Shengtian.

Two people beat back hundreds of people.

What's the concept?

I'm afraid there are few bodyguards of this level in the whole country.

"All right, let's give it to Madame." After the two men finished, they went face to face with Xia Jue.

"Boy, I admit that you have some ability, but you'll stop here. Kneel down and die, so you can suffer less." Said the man on the right.

"If you want to fight, it's a lot of nonsense." Xia Jue went straight to them.

They were enraged by Xia Jue's arrogance. They thought that Xia Jue must know what regret is later.

The man on the right hit Xia Jue on the head.

Xia Jue gently raised his right hand to block the man's fist.

I have to say that this man has some strength.

Xia Jue estimated that he was at least a little more powerful than Lin Xi.

I just don't know where suzhenyi got these two experts.

"You two have some strength. Would you like to be a security team leader in our company?" Xia Jue asked.

After Lin 11's death, Su's real estate lacks a master to be in charge.

As for ah dog, although they have been trained by him to have a certain strength, but this strength is only relative to ordinary people, if they encounter a powerful role, they still have a little insufficient to see.

"What did you say?" The two men doubted whether they had heard the wrong thing.

This guy wants to be a security captain in his company?

"I said if you would like to join us as a security team leader." Xia Jue repeated again.

"Ha ha ha ha."

They finally believed that they had heard right.

"You really treat yourself like a scallion. Let's go to your company and be a security team leader. Can your company afford it?" The man on the right drew back his fist and sneered.

"Since it can't be used for me, then go to die." Xia Jue said after a punch toward the right side of the man hit.

"To die." The man on the right gave a sneer, and then also waved his right fist. He planned to have a hard fight with Xia Jue.

"Bang", followed by a scream.

The man's right fist was blurred.

"It's... it's impossible." The man on the left was shocked by the scene.

Of course he knew the power of his companion's fist.It's no exaggeration to say that even a hard stone brick can be smashed by his partner's fist.

But I didn't expect to be hit like this by this ugly man.

How powerful is the ugly man's fist?

"Second brother, what to do now." The man on the right who was injured by Xia Jue leaned in front of the man on the left.

Up to now, they don't know that Xia Jue is such a fool.

Xia Jue has been playing pig and eating tiger.

In fact, it can't be said that they are playing as pigs and eating tigers. They can only say that they have underestimated Xia Jue before. They didn't expect that Xia Jue was such a fierce character.

"Let me try your weight." By this time, the man on the left had no way out, even if he knew that he might not be Xia Jue's opponent, he had to be tough.

The man on the left didn't choose to fight against Xia Jue. He took out a sharp knife and stabbed Xia Jue in his belly.

When his knife was three inches away from Xia Jue's belly, Xia Jue kicked him on the head as fast as he could.

The man signaled the danger and withdrew the knife to one side.

In this secular world, there are not many people who can avoid Xia Jue's move. Unfortunately, this guy is not willing to use it for himself. Otherwise, he can cultivate it. Xia Jue says it's a pity.

After flashing to one side, the man was still afraid. Fortunately, he flashed quickly for a while. Otherwise, alas, Xia Jue would not die and become a vegetable.

However, after a tentative move, the man has no desire to fight, because he knows that he is not the opponent of Xia Jue. If he goes on fighting, he may be here today.

After realizing this, the man turned to suzhenyi and said, "madam!"

Suzhenyi is not blind. Naturally, she can see clearly the situation on the court, but she is surprised that her two ace bodyguards are not the opponents of Xia Jue. How can Xia Jue be so powerful?

"Enough, Xia Jue. That's the end of the matter." Suzhenyi's face was calm and she made a sound.

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