"Yes, how can you be like this? People's flowers have offended you."

The people around her pointed out that suzhenyi suddenly made such a rude move.

"It's none of your business. I'll cut off your tongue." Suzhenyi scolded fiercely.

As soon as they saw that suzhenyi was so fierce, they did not dare to say more and left one after another.

Xia Jue, Su Changming, I will tear your family to pieces.

As she walked, suzhenyi took out the phone and dialed a number.


The phone is through.

"Husband, do you know I was almost killed just now?" Suzhenyi immediately cried.

"How can it be? The two brothers Wu Qian and Wu Yi are with you. Who can kill you?" There was a husky voice on the other end of the phone.

"Wu Qian, Wu Yi and their two brothers were killed."

"What When I heard the phone, my hair made a surprised voice.

"How can this happen? Didn't you go back to your provincial capital? How could there be such a powerful figure in your provincial capital? Who did you provoke?"

"It's like this..." suzhenyi told us all about what happened just now.

"Hum, according to rang, I dare to bury my situ family with you. What you said about Xia Jue is very big. Wait, I'll go to the Wu family and ask them to send some experts to see how powerful the Xia Jue you said is."

"Good husband." Suzhenyi was delighted to hear that.

Because she knows what kind of existence Wu family is.

Wu family.

It's a mysterious and huge family in Kyoto.

This family is different from other powerful families.

Other families rely on doing business and investing in various industries to maintain the family's expenses and interests, while the Wu family relies on renting the family's children to the powerful nobles as bodyguards to protect their homes.

Children of Wu family.

All of them have extraordinary strength.

It's no exaggeration to say that one is against 100.

Kyoto's dignitaries are proud to have children of the Wu family as bodyguards.

But if you want to let the children of Wu family be your personal bodyguards, you can't just have money.

The Wu family will also see if this person and his family are worth sending their children. If the Wu family thinks that this person is not worth making friends with the Wu family, no matter how much money they pay, they will not be able to invite their children.

In Su Zhenyi's opinion, although Xia Jue has extraordinary skills, as long as he is sent by the Wu family to be a real master, he must be dead.


"are you going back to Zhonghai now?" Xia Jue asked Su Yihan.

"Well, two days later, the industry of Huolin group began to be auctioned. This may be a good time for our Su's real estate to enter the provincial capital, so I have to go back and prepare for all kinds of work." Su Yihan said.

"OK, I'd better stay in the provincial capital. We'll meet again in two days." Said Xia Jue.

"Well." Su Yihan nods and then goes back to Zhonghai with Su Changming and Fang Xiaoqin.

After su Yihan and others leave, Xia Jue returns to Baoli hotel.

"What's happening to the major groups today?" After returning to the room, Xia Jue immediately found ah Gou and asked.

"Mr. Xia, these guys are much more honest today. No one will come out to harass us when we send out advertisements and flyers in the street." Ah, the dog replied.

Xia Jue nodded.

In fact, Xia Jue is killing chickens and respecting monkeys.

I think these people should stop for a while after they know his power.

"While they don't harass us now and make things bigger, I want to let people in the provincial capital know that our Su's real estate officially entered the provincial capital real estate industry at the auction two days later." Said Xia Jue.

"I see, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog turned and left.


at the same time.

In a villa somewhere in the provincial capital.

One luxury car after another came in.

Dense bodyguards swarmed into the living room of the villa with the provincial real estate industry.


A car stopped.

Fang Shao and Jin Yuan walk down from the car.

After that, the bodyguards surrounded and escorted Fang Shao and Jin Yuan into the villa.

"We have increased a lot of bodyguards now. It seems that they are scared by the ugly people of Su's estate." Standing beside Fang Shao, Jin Yuan looked around.

"No one can be afraid. The chairman of Tangtang Huolin group died so inexplicably, and Huolin group collapsed overnight. No one wants this to happen to himself." Fang Shao responded.

"That's true, but I don't know what Li Da is looking for us to do." Jin Yuan asked again.

"I'll see later." Fang Shao said no more and went in directly.Villa living room at this time gathered dozens of people, these people are now the provincial capital real estate industry big and small people.

"Here comes Sifang international."

"Eh, why did Fang Shao come? Didn't his father come?"

People are surprised to see that Sifang international has only come, Fang Shao and Jin Yuan.

As the sponsor of this conference, Li Da saw Sifang international coming, and they were also dissatisfied.

However, adhering to the friendship of the host, he stood up for the first time, and the DPRK welcomed him less.

"Nephew Fang came to pull, didn't your father come?"

"Oh, my father is not feeling well. I'd better deal with it. If anything happens, my father says I'm in charge of Sifang international." In order to dispel Li Da's worries, Fang Shao directly indicated the power he carried this time.

Hearing this, Li Da looked much better: "come on, sit down first."

After everyone sat down, Li Da looked around and said, "I think we all know about Huolin group?"

Hearing Li Da's words, people nodded with different looks.

"I believe that none of you will believe the nonsense of the provincial TV station?" Li Da looks at the crowd.

"Needless to say, it's about Su's real estate. It's about Su's real estate." Fang Shao is the first to speak.

"That's right. I didn't expect that Su's real estate didn't show mountains and water. He solved Huolin group decisively with his hand. It's not necessarily a downfall for us."

"Mr. Li is right. Such a big Huolin group has been solved by Su's real estate. We have to make a response. Otherwise, we may have to fight with Su's real estate next." Lu Feng, President of Matsushita real estate, has a gloomy face.

"That's right. That's why I'm calling you here today. We can't let Su's real estate show off in our territory. We have to drive them out of the provincial capital and teach them a lesson."

"What do you think Mr. Li should do?" Fang Shao looks at Li Da.

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