"I don't think we should fight separately now. We should unite the front, gather all the resources and strength to deal with Su's real estate thoroughly, and suppress the arrogance of Su's real estate first." Li Da said.

Hearing this proposal, everyone was silent and secretly analyzed the gains and losses in their hearts.

"I agree with President Li's proposal." Fang Shao was the first to say.

"I agree."

"I agree."

All the people in the field spoke out one after another.

Seeing the recognition of so many people, Li Da had a smile on his face.

"Very good. At the auction ceremony of Huolin group industry two days later, I expect that Su's real estate will definitely make a big contribution here, just as we wanted to bid for the land under Shangnan real estate as a stepping stone to enter the real estate industry of China shipping.

We should first give up the action of dividing up Huolin group, and work together to turn away the opportunity of Su's real estate to enter the provincial capital. As for the rest, let's talk about it slowly. "

"OK, we Sifang international listen to President Li." Fang Shao was the first to speak.

"We also listen to Mr. Li in Matsushita real estate."


in the Provincial Airport.

A private plane landed slowly.

Then five men in black clothes with a word "Wu" engraved on them stepped down from the plane.

Five men got off the plane and headed for a cafe in the center of the provincial city.

After arriving at the cafe, one of the men took out a picture and went back and forth to look for it.

In a few minutes.

They found suzhenyi in a corner.

"Madam, we are sent by Mr. situ. My name is Wu Kaifu. These are my brothers." Wu Kaifu, a man in black, introduced Su Zhenyi.

Suzy nodded. "Do you know what you're here for?"

"Yes, Mr. situ's family has told us." Wu Kaifu nodded.

"Go ahead and let me know when you're done." Suzy took a sip of her coffee.

"Yes, ma'am." Wu Kaifu walked out of the cafe with four people behind him.

Xia Jue didn't mean to hide his whereabouts, so it's not difficult for Wu Kaifu to find Xia Jue.


Wu Kaifu and others locked Xiajue in Baoli hotel.

Five people walked into the hotel.

Among them, Wu Kaifu came to the front desk and asked, "is there a man named Xia Jue here?"

Due to the special account of Xu Kai, the whole Baoli Hotel pays special attention to the trend of Xiajue.

In front of this front desk heard in front of this person asked Xia Jue's news, immediately secretly vigilant.

"What do you want to do with Mr. Xia?" Asked the front desk.

"You don't have to worry too much about it. You just need to tell me which room he is in." Wu Kaifu said without expression.

Hearing Wu Kaifu's tone, the front desk is on guard. She plans to call Xu Kai and ask how to deal with the current situation.

"Brother Fu, why do you talk so much with her? I don't believe she doesn't say it if I give her some color." A companion behind Wu Kaifu grabbed the woman's hand at the front desk.

"Ah, what are you doing?" The front desk woman screamed at the sudden action.

The bodyguard at the door came immediately after hearing the sound.

"What do you people do? Do you want to die if you dare to make trouble here?"

"Bang bang."

The bodyguard just finished his words and was knocked down by several men in black.

Seeing that the prisoners' flies had been cleaned up, Wu Kaifu turned his head and looked at the front desk kindly: "dear, tell me which room is this Xia in?"

The front desk was so scared that he didn't dare to hide: "Mr. Xia is in 888 presidential suite."

Wu Kaifu, who got the news, ignored her and turned to go upstairs.

The other men in black followed him closely.


The elevator door is open.

Wu Kaifu five people came out.

After five people came out, they were found by Bai Bao's men who were talking and laughing at the door of a room.

"What do you do?" Asked one of Bai Bao's men.

Because this floor is all wrapped up and their people live in it, they are instantly on guard when they see Wu Kaifu's new faces.

Wu Kaifu did not pay attention to the questions of these men, but walked towards the 888 presidential suite where Xia Jue lived.

Several subordinates see that these people seem to be looking for Xia Jue, and they quickly catch up.

"That's Mr. Xia's room. What do you want?"

Hearing this, Wu Kaifu stopped, then turned his head slightly.Several people behind him understood Wu Kaifu's meaning and immediately turned around to prepare to solve these people.

Where are the opponents of the Wu family? Three or two of them are solved.

After solving these people, the five came to 888 presidential suite.


Wu Kaifu kicked the door open.

When he kicked open the door and went in, he found a man sitting on the teahouse in the distance.

An ugly young man.

The ugly young man slowly doubled his freshly brewed tea and took a sip, as if he was not surprised by their arrival.

After taking a sip of tea, Xia Jue zhe put the cup on the table, and then said without raising his head, "tell me, who asked you to come?"

Wu Kaifu and others were angered by Xia Jue's calm appearance.

It's clear that they are here to make trouble. Now Xia Jue is not flustered at all, as if he is determined to eat them. How can they bear it.

"Hum, you are a man who is so rampant when you are dying. I'll make you die more happily later on." Wu Kaifu said coldly.

"There are many people who want me to die, but I'm still alive today. Why do you say that?" Xia Jue raised his head slightly and said, "that's because they are all dead."

"Well, I'll engrave your last words on your tombstone. Do it." Wu Kaifu called out after he finished.

After hearing the order, four people beside Wu Kaifu rushed up to Xia Jue.

See a few fast toward him, Xia Jue unhurried picked up the tea cup on the table, and then a wrist wave, the cup toward one of them whistling away.


One of the Wu family members in black smashed the cup thrown by Xia Jue.

Seeing that the distance was almost over, Xia Jue stood up slowly.

Then the four Wu family members saw a shadow whistling towards them.

A bang.

One of the Wu family members was blown away by Xia Jue before they could react and smashed on the LCD TV on the wall.

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