"This... This"

the rest of the Wu family were shocked by Xia Jue's sudden action.

The other three men in black didn't dare to be careless. They quickly dodged to one side and kept some distance from Xia Jue.

"Sure enough, I have some skills. No wonder I can abolish Wu Qian and Wu Yi." At this time, Wu Kaifu began to look at Xia Jue.

The man in black who was blown away by Xia Jue also stood up tremblingly.

Xia Jue was surprised to see that the man could still stand up, but he seemed to think of what he had just said.

"Are you from the Wu family?" Asked Xia Jue.

"So what? You killed my Wu family. No one can save you." The Wu family is famous. Xia Jue didn't find it strange that he had heard of Wu Kaifu.

"It's just a few rotten fish and shrimps from Wu family. You dare to trouble me. Why don't you come here?" Xia Jue sneered.

"Hum, you are also worth letting us tongge out... How do you know our tongge?" Just as Wu Kaifu wanted to retort, he suddenly thought of this problem.

Wutong can be said to be the most outstanding among the younger generation of his family. He made a great reputation in the international battlefield a few years ago. Now he is the existence of national treasure and the future leader of Wujia.

"Let him explain to me what the situation is. I want to hear him say that the Wu family is against me." Xia Jue said lightly.

"You are nothing, dare to let our brother Tong explain to you and clean him up for me." Wu Kaifu no longer has ink.

With the previous warning, the four did not dare to be careless any more and scattered around towards Xia Jue.

The idea of the four is also very simple.

Even if Xia Jue has some skills.

Even if they can't attack from all directions this time, they can't resist Xia Jue any more.

"Why are you so careful? I don't eat people." Looking at these people as a bastard carefully move not pace, Xia Jue some funny.

The four were enraged by Xia Jue's words again. They didn't slow down any more and rushed up from four directions.

"Bang bang."

There was no accident this time.

The fists of the four hit Xia Jue's face, abdomen, chest and back.

One hit.

Their first consciousness was that Xia Jue would not die or be disabled.

Because they all know how powerful their punch is.

If the ordinary people hit them, maybe the bones would be broken. No matter how strong Xia Jue's fighting ability is, he might be able to bear a blow from four people.

But when their fists stayed on Xia Jue for two seconds.

They felt as if their fists were numb.

It seems like a punch hit on a piece of iron plate, which was rebounded by the strength of iron plate.

"Didn't you eat, just a little bit of strength?" Xia Jue twisted his neck.

When they heard Xia Jue's words, they just woke up.

At the same time, there was a great shock in their hearts.

It's impossible.

Four of them hit this guy at the same time. How can this guy be like a nobody?

Is there a layer of iron embedded in this guy's skin?

Or is this guy's fighting ability at this level?

A few people really can't figure it out.

"Your fists are so boring. Try mine." After that, Xia Jue didn't wait for any response from the other side, so each of them gave them a punch.

"Bang bang."

Four people flew out like shells and smashed the presidential suite into a mess.

"This... How can..." the rest of Wu Kaifu was too shocked to speak.

The four of them are already one of the few masters of the Wu family.

No matter which one they pull out, they can deal with five or six people who are as skilled as Qian Yi and Qian Wu.

But even so, the four of them could not hurt the hair of Xia Jue.

Who the hell is this guy?

It's just a provincial capital. Why are there such terrible people?

Is it...

at this time, Wu Kaifu suddenly remembers the words Xia Jue told Wu Tong to come over.

Does this Xia Jue really know the martial arts of his family?

To know Wu Tong and be so rude to him is at least the same level as Wu Tong.

If it is true that Xia Jue is at the same level as Wu Tong, it is not surprising that he can easily deal with his four companions.

Wu Kaifu, who wanted to understand this, did not dare to act rashly.But the first time I took out a phone and dialed a number.

"Help me find brother Tong and ask if he knows a man named Xia Jue. Go quickly." After calling, Wu Kaifu looks at Xia Jue warily.

See the other party call to ask Xia Jue did not stop.

In fact, the arrival of these people reminds Xia Jue of the Wu family.

Xia Jue knew that the people of Wu family had a special training method, so their children were very good.

It's just that he lacks some experts to protect Su Yihan, Su Changming and the company. Since these people are here, Xia Jue has no reason to let them go.

But the premise is to tame these guys first.

It wasn't long.

Wu Kaifu's phone rings again.

Wu Kaifu takes a wary look at Xia Jue, and finds that Xia Jue doesn't want to do something to him. Then he answers the phone carefully.

"I'm Wu Tong." A voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Brother Tong, I'm Wu Kaifu."

"Cut the crap. Just now you asked someone if I knew a man named Xia Jue. What do you mean?"

"Yes, brother Tong, I really want to ask you if you know this man called Xia Jue."

"What does he look like?"

"Very young, very ugly."


As soon as Wu Kaifu finished this sentence, he heard a voice that seemed that the phone had fallen to the ground. He quickly called out: "brother Tong, what's the matter with you? Are you still listening?"

After a while, the voice on the other end of the phone came back to me, but the voice seemed to have changed a little, not as calm and peaceful as before.

"What's wrong with you... That..." Wutong on the other end of the phone seems to be hesitant.

Hearing this, Wu Kaifu didn't understand.

It seems that Wu Tong really knows Xia Jue.

Not only know, from the voice to listen to Wu Tong seems to this Xia Jue also faint some fear.

Wu Kaifu was shocked by this idea.

You know, Wutong is a famous figure in the international battlefield. How can there be people he fears in the world?

So, what is the sacred Xia Jue?

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