Baoli hotel.

"Congratulations on our Su's real estate entering the provincial capital." Su Yihan smiles and raises his glass.

"Here, to President su."

"Double Mr. Xia."

All the people in the company are a little excited.

It's a step out of the door for Su's real estate to settle in the provincial capital. It's not possible for Su's real estate to develop into a national well-known enterprise in the future. As the backbone of the company, they naturally feel honored.

However, in the excitement of the celebration, a group of uninvited guests broke into the Baoli hotel.

Before, because Xia Jue called him, Xu Kai personally came to the hotel to arrange the celebration banquet in order to show his greatest respect.

But at this time this group of uninvited guests burst in, Xu Kai certainly can't let this group of people disturb Xia Jue their elegant interest, so immediately stopped out.

"What do you do?"

"I'm Chen Guang from XX Bureau. Your hotel fails to meet more than a dozen standards. Now we're going to order the hotel to close down for rectification. Let the guests who eat here and the guests who live here leave as soon as possible." Chen Guang took out a document.

Xu Kai took the document and looked at it.

After watching it, Xu Kai looks angry.

Most of the hotels in the provincial capitals that fail to meet the standards in this document exist. Why do you just look for his Baoli hotel?

What's more, Tang Quan is following his hotel. Why do these people dare to come here to find fault?

Xu Kai didn't understand.

"No matter what bureau you belong to, our hotel is under the leadership of Tang Quan. If you have any questions, you should go there first and ask the leadership of Tang Quan." Xu Kai said impatiently.


I give Tang Quan so much money a year. What's the matter with Tang Quan? How can he let others touch his cheese.

"What is the leader of Tang Quan? We are sent by the leader of Fang. You said that the leader of Tang Quan has no right to intervene in this matter." Chen said with a sarcastic face.

"You..." Xu Kai glared at Chen Guang.

"Hurry up, I'll give you half an hour to clear all the guests in your restaurant. If I can't, I'll give you a ticket and then take compulsory measures." Chen Guang seems to be sitting on the sofa after watching Xu Hua.

"Damn it." Xu Kai glared at these arrogant guys, then went to one side and dialed Tang Quan's phone: "leader Tang, what's the matter? Why do people from XX bureau come to my hotel to find fault?"

"No, it's not? Why didn't I get any news? " Tang Quan on the other end of the phone was obviously surprised.

"Leader Tang, you should find a way to solve it. Mr. Xia took the assets of Huolin group with his company today and is holding a celebration banquet here. If you are harassed by these guys later, it will be troublesome." Xu Kai worried said.

"Mr. Xia, I'll hold a celebration party right away." Tang Quan hung up in a hurry.

After putting down the phone, Xu Kai sits on a chair and confronts Chen Guang.

Chen Guang saw Xu Kai in no hurry and showed a sneer. Then he raised his watch and pointed to it.

Of course, Xu Kai knows that the other party is reminding him to pay attention to the time, but Tang Quan has come in person now, and he has no fear. Then he hugs his hands on his chest and looks at them indifferently.

About ten minutes later.

A man in a Chinese tunic came into the door of the hotel.

Seeing this man coming in, Xu Kai immediately stood up and welcomed him: "leader Tang, you are here."

"Well, where are the people?" Asked Tang Quan.

"There it is." Xu Kai pointed to the sofa.

Tang Quan went to the sofa immediately.

"Lao Chen, it's you." After seeing Chen Guangzhi, Tang Quan said hello with a smile.

"It turned out to be leader Tang. I don't know what to say today, but he blew you here." Chen Guang also responded with a smile.

"Ha ha, I heard Xu Kai say that you came to say that there are more than a dozen standards in their hotel, isn't it true?"

"Leader Tang, the document is here. You can have a look at it for yourself." Chen Guang points to the document on the desk.

Tang Quan picked up the document on the desk and looked at it.

A minute or two later, Tang Quan gave a cursory scan.

The above dozen or so substandard standards are all nitpicking things. Basically, no hotel can be 100% perfect, and this has been reviewed by his department. Now Tang Quan believes Xu Kai's words, and Chen Guang and his party are just looking for trouble.

Think about it.

Tang Quan turned his head and whispered in Xu Kai's ear, "go and prepare some money to test what they mean."

Hearing this, Xu Kai was a little upset.

He gives Tang Quan so much money every year.

Now Tang Quan not only doesn't help him solve the problem, but also asks himself to give them some money.In case these two guys come here to suck blood, who can stand it.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Xu Kai still gritted his teeth and agreed. If he didn't settle the trouble, it might make Xia Jue, who is holding a celebration banquet, unhappy.

It wasn't long.

Xu Kai came back with a bag in his hand.

"Leader Chen has suffered a lot, but there is no respect for him." Xu Kai passes the bag to Chen Guang.

Chen Guang takes over Xu Kai's bag without expression, and then goes to fight in front of everyone.

People instantly saw Li Miao's piles of banknotes.

Chen Guang immediately took out his mobile phone and took a few pictures of the money in the bag, and then took a few pictures of Tang Quan and Xu Kai.

Seeing this, Tang Quan realized that something was wrong.

"Lao Chen, what do you mean?" Tang Quan frowned and said.

"It doesn't mean much. It's just that you bribe us in public. It's a big crime. I'll hand in the evidence." Chen Guang said slowly.

"What do you mean, asshole? Do you believe that I can't make you see the sun tomorrow? " Xu Kai is not a vegetarian either. How can he bear being pushed on his nose like this.

"And threatening us, that's another charge." Chen Guang shook his head.

"You fuck..."

just when Xu Kai wanted to have an attack, he was stopped by Tang Quan with a gloomy face.

"Chen Guang, do you have to?" Asked Chen Guang of the Tang Dynasty.


"Do you have to shut down Baoli hotel?"

"Yes, it's not negotiable." Chen Guang said in a determined tone.

"Chen Guang, maybe you don't know who lives in this hotel now. You can't provoke this person. If you drive him out and annoy him, you and your boss will be ruined." Tang Quan squints at Chen Guang.

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