"Well, it's not up to you to say whether you can afford it. There are five minutes left now. If you don't stop business, you'll be responsible for the consequences."

Chen Guang was instructed by the leader, so he was not afraid. So now, how can he be easily frightened by Tang Quan's words.

After Chen Guang finished, he saw that Xu Kai was still apathetic, and his face suddenly sank, "issue a ticket."

Next to Chen Guang's hand heard immediately took out a document, and then signed a number to Chen Guang's hands.

"It's too little. Give me another zero." Chen Guang throws it back to his subordinates.

Soon, his men handed over the documents to Chen Guang.

Chen Guang took a look and left it on the table.

When Xu Kai saw the number on the document on the desk, he had the heart to kill.

Because it's five billion.

Five billion.

It's a bit shocking.

"You dare to play with me, do you believe I can't let you out of this door?" Xu Kai slapped on the table.

Without fear, Chen Guangsi took out the phone and dialed a number.

"Be prepared to take coercive measures."

In a moment.

Xu Kai and Tang Quan heard one car after another coming at the door, and then a group of people rushed in.

Xu Kai and Tang Quan look very ugly.

Because at this time, where can Tang Quan and Xu Kai not know? Chen Guang clearly came prepared.

"Go to Mr. Xia to explain the situation." Tang Quan said.

Anyway, they have tried their best. At present, Chen Guang makes it clear that he will not give face, and they have no way. Xia Jue can't blame them too much.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan are eating in the box when Xu Kai and Tang Quan directly push the door and come in.

Seeing Xu Kai's look, Xia Jue understood that something must have happened, otherwise Xu Kai would not be so reckless.

"You eat first, and I'll go out." Xia Jue motioned to them not to worry, and then followed Xu Kai and Tang Quan out.

"Mr. Xia, I'm Tang..."

"what's the matter?" Xia Jue didn't wait for the other side to speak and finish, then directly interrupted him.

"Mr. Xia, they..." Tang Quan explained what just happened one by one.

After listening, Xia Jue understood.

It's probably those guys who are playing tricks in the dark again.

But they can think of a disgusting way to drive themselves out of the hotel.

"You are the guest here, right? Pack up your things and leave. This hotel has been ordered to close down." At this time, several of Chen Guang's men began to rush people in the hotel.

"Get out of the way." Xia Jue was right in front of him, so Xu Kai was confident.

"Oh, even if you don't listen to orders, you dare to swear. Come on, take coercive measures."

"Compulsory measures, I'll force your mother to throw them out to me." Xu Kai said to the security guard in the hotel.

"It's president Xu." Several security guards came to these people.

"It's wrong. Go to the lobby and call someone."

"Mr. Xia, this..." Tang Quan knew that this was not the way to go on.

"Who is in charge of these people?" Xia Jue asked.

"It's the leader of Fang Guanfang." Tang Quan said carefully.

Xia Jue nodded, then picked up the phone, dialed a number and ordered a few words.

Next to Xu Kai, looking at Xia Jue's words in the conversation, he was surprised.

The leader of Fang Guan is a high-ranking leader in the provincial capital. He has to bow and smile when he sees him. But now Mr. Xia is ready to do something to him?

To be honest, Xu Kai has no idea about it.

He only heard Tang Quan say that Xia Jue's origin was very big, and he didn't know how big it was.

Tang Quan was not so surprised as Xu Kai.

Because a few days ago, he received a phone call from a leader in Kyoto, saying that he should deal with Mr. Xia's affairs well.

This leader is a leader at the core of Kyoto. Even he came forward to help Mr. Xia.

It can be imagined how powerful the power behind Mr. Xia is.

At present, Fang Guan is just a leader of the provincial capital, not the core leader of the provincial capital. It should be easy for Xia Jue to deal with him.

Xu Kai's men and the other party's men had a conflict. After a while, Chen Guang personally brought people to Xia Jue and others.

"What's the matter, Xu Kai? You dare to fight my people. Come on, take coercive measures for me." Chen Guang greets the people behind him.

"Where are so many mad dogs coming from? Drive these guys out and don't disturb our celebration party." Xia Jue orders the dog and others."Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog also came to Chen Guang with people.

"What are you doing? Do you want to get in the way of business? Do you know who we are?" Chen Guang threatened loudly.

"Whatever you are, get out of here." Ah, the dog started with a crowd.

"Against Xu Kai, Tang Quan, you dare to take this group of people to resist the law violently. You don't have good fruit to eat."


at that time.

In the office of a department in the provincial capital.

Fang Guan just came back from playing golf with Li Da.

After returning to the office, Fang Guan can't wait to open a box that Li Da gave him.

I saw piles of banknotes piled on the box.

At the beginning of this year, there are about ten million.

"Ha ha, Li Da is generous. It's just a small matter." Fang Guan said to himself with a smile.

Just as he was laughing.


A bunch of people broke in.

"What's the matter? Who are you?" Fang Guan suddenly stood up.

"We are from XX Bureau. Now we suspect that you are suspected of corruption and abuse of power. Please come with us." The leader looked at the box full of banknotes on the table

when he heard that the other party had reported his identity, Fang Guan hurriedly covered the box.

"What about XX bureau? Have you asked your director about such a big matter, or do you make your own decisions?" Fang Guan calmed his mind.

He has a lot to do with the director of XX Bureau. The other party can't move him without saying a word, so he thinks these people must have been instigated by someone.

"This is the investigation order signed by our director in person. Come with us." The leader took out a certificate.

"This, this... This is impossible." Hearing the order signed by the director of the other party, Fang Guan began to panic.

"Are you going to come with us or are we going to 'please' you?"

"I'll go with you." Fang Guan knows that he can't get away with anything today, so he has to go with them. Anyway, he still has some cards.

"By the way, your men, let them all go directly to our bureau."


here, Chen Guang, who is preparing for a fight with ah Gou and others in Baoli Hotel, suddenly receives a phone call.

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