"Mr. Chen, are you going against us?" Li Da looks grim.

"If people don't offend me, I won't, that's it." Chen Taichang said lightly.

"Very good. Being a running dog of Su's real estate has no good end. I hope you don't regret it, Mr. Chen."

Both sides had already said this, and there was nothing to talk about, so Li Da stood up and pushed the door.

Just as Li Da was going out, he happened to see Xia Jue coming out of the elevator with ah dog.

It is the so-called enemy meeting is particularly jealous.

However, the atmosphere is a bit strange. The two sides just looked at each other, and no one took the lead.

Xia Jue has eavesdropped on his conversation with leader Huang and others, so naturally he knows what Li Da is doing here, and he doesn't know.

Ignore him.

Xia Jue walked directly from Li Da to Chen Taichang's office.

After entering the elevator, Li Da immediately made a phone call to inform everyone that the people from Su's real estate had come to the provincial TV station to make everyone ready.

After Xia Jue entered the office, director Chen stood up immediately.

"Here you are, Mr. Xia." Chen Taichang was a little uneasy.

Because Su's real estate had such a big scandal today, director Chen subconsciously thought that Xia Jue had come to ask him to find a way to clean up Su's real estate.

But now all the comments are bad for Su's real estate. He has no way at all. He can only let the people at the bottom think of a way to make the reputation of Su's real estate no worse.

"There's something I need your help with." Xia Jue directly took out a tape and threw it on the table.

"What's this?" Mr. Chen looked at the tape curiously.

"Listen and see." Xia Jue said faintly

when Chen put the tape into the radio.


Chen Taichang Bian then heard about the conspiracy of Huang's leader Li Da and others.

"It was these guys who did it." Chen Taichang said with feigned anger.

"Is there any way to get my Su's estate clean now?" Asked Xia Jue.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia, with this tape in hand, it proves that these guys are responsible for everything, and Su's real estate is just framed."

"Good." Xia Jue stood up and went out.

At noon.

The midday News revealed a news that shocked the provincial capital.

The headline of the news is: "several leaders and the boss of Lida real estate have planted and framed in order to suppress their competitors."

After the broadcast of the provincial TV station, almost all the people in the provincial capital heard the dirty recording of Li Da and leader Huang.

For a time, the real estate circle in the provincial capital is about to come, and people are in danger.

In a teahouse.

One luxury car after another stops at the door,

then Li Da and a group of bodyguards walk down from the car and enter the private room of the teahouse.

When you enter the private room, you can see that leader Huang and others have already returned.

"Mr. Li, we...

" don't talk yet. " Li Da interrupted, then looked at the two men beside him: "check."


The two men nodded and then took out a set of equipment that seemed to look for something in the compartment.

About five or six minutes later, a man said to Li Da, "Mr. Li, there is no eavesdropper."

After being confirmed, leader Huang spoke angrily.

"How the hell did our conversation at Lindo Hotel leak today?"

"Yes, what to do now? The key is that this bastard, director Chen, dares to go directly to the news without informing us of such a big event. After this time, I must let him go." Another leader spoke angrily.

I don't know why.

Li Da thought of the scene when he saw Xia Jue on the provincial TV station today.

He faintly felt that this matter was closely related to Xia Jue.

"Now is not the time to investigate this matter. At present, the provincial TV station is constantly waving the flag and shouting for Su's real estate, throwing all the dirty water on us. How should we deal with it?"

Li Da's face is very uneasy, because he thinks about Huolin group. Is Li Da real estate going to be the next Huolin group?


No matter what method is used, it must not be tolerated.

Li Da has made up his mind.

"Mr. Li, today you went to find that bastard, director Chen. What did he say?" Huang asked.

As the saying goes, the problem still needs to be solved by the people who tie the bell. In the final analysis, it still lies with the provincial capital TV station. Therefore, leader Huang thinks that the problem should be solved from the provincial capital TV station.

"He has a tough attitude. He almost stands on the side of Su's real estate. It's hard for us to start from him." Li Da talked about today's situation."Hum, this bastard, what good has Su's real estate given him? It's worth his great efforts to deal with us. He doesn't want to offend us. Can he still live in the provincial capital safely?" A leader in the private room gave a cold hum.

"I think we'd better run away with the money now, or we won't be able to leave when we want to." One of the leaders was scared.

That recording almost announced their secret transactions of power and money in front of the public. Even if they have a hard relationship in the provincial capital, I'm afraid they can't resist the pressure of public opinion.

Of course, leaders Huang and others understand this name.

Just let them give up the power here to leave, they still can't accept it for a while.

Hearing these guys want to run away, Li Da cursed in his heart.

A few of them can run away with money.

But how does he run.

He is engaged in real estate, with a share of assets in real estate and land, unless he does not want these real estate and assets.

Just when a few people hesitated.

There was a commotion outside.

"We are from XX Bureau. Come here and ask Li Zong and some leaders to follow us to investigate. Get out of the way."

"What XX bureau? Mr. Li is not here. There are no so-called leaders here. You are in the wrong place."

"Damn it, how can the people of XX bureau come so fast? It's not in line with common sense." Leader Huang was shocked and anxious to hear the voice from outside.

But it's just a recording. With their complicated interests in the provincial capital, the people in XX bureau can't be so anxious to attack him when they are not completely finished, because the people in XX bureau are not clean.

But now the XX bureau not only started, but also locked their position to arrest people.

If we say that there is no premeditation in all this, leaders Huang and others don't believe it.

The quarrel outside is becoming more and more intense, which is a torture for the leader Huang and others in the bag.


Leader Huang can't stand it.

"Mr. Li, let them in."

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