Leader Huang knew that he could avoid the first day of junior high school but not the 15th.

Since the other party is determined to arrest people, as long as they are still in the provincial capital, they can't escape.


with leader Huang and others being taken away by XX Bureau, the provincial TV station is adding fuel to the flames again, and this matter has been thoroughly pushed to * *.

A few hours later.

The provincial TV station temporarily broke in the news, saying that Huang and others confessed to the incident. As for the previous remarks about Su's real estate, they accepted bribes from Li Da's real estate.

So far.

When the truth came out, Su's estate was cleared.

In a conversation room of XX Bureau.

An elite looking man in a suit and glasses raised his watch and looked at the time.

Soon after.

Li Da, who had changed into a pair of clothes and handcuffs, was brought in.

Li Da's face was very gloomy at this time, and he seemed to want to eat.

"Mr. Li."

Seeing Li Da coming in, the man in suit and glasses got up to say hello.

Li Da nodded slightly and sat down.

"Please go out first. I'll have a talk with my client." The man said to several people nearby.

As a lawyer, he has the right to do so, so several men didn't say much and left directly by pushing the door.

"Mr. Li, after the exposure of the recording incident, those people below us also took the opportunity to stir up trouble. The annoying reporters of the provincial capital TV station searched everywhere for news reports that were not good for us. It's very difficult." The lawyer shook his head.

"These bastards." Li Da clenched his fist. "What's going to happen when you're drunk like that?"

"Mr. Li, this..." the lawyer is a little hard to say.

"Come on, things have come to this point. What else can't I bear?"

"Well, Mr. Li, in the final analysis, you are only a crime of bribery and secretly manipulating the market. I estimate that you will go in for a few years, but Lida real estate will...

next, the lawyer will not say that Lida has already understood.

I'm afraid that he Lida real estate can not escape the fate of Huolin real estate, and the biggest beneficiary must be Su's real estate.

"Su's estate." Li Da gnashed his teeth and read out these words.

"Since you don't want me to feel better, then I don't want you to feel better either. Help me to publish a reward outside and kill an employee of Su's real estate. The reward is 1 million, 5 million for the manager and above, 10 million for the senior management, and 1 billion for the president."

Li Da hates Su's real estate to the bone.

Because he now all these are caused by Su's real estate, Su's land destroyed him all, so he wants to let the people of Su's real estate to carry on his back.

"Mr. Li, there's something wrong with it. You can live a comfortable life with the money you've earned over the years. There's no need to fight with the people of Su's real estate." The lawyer exhorted.

"If I lose Lida real estate, what's the difference between me and death? Since I'm all dead, I'll take these bastards from Su's real estate to accompany me to die." Li Da's face is grim.

"All right, then." At this point, the lawyer has nothing to say, so he can only do it according to Li Da's instructions.

Su's real estate office building.


A black car was parked in the library.

Then a woman came down from the car. It was Wu Yiyi who was clearly framed by Huang and others.

See Wu Yiyi back.

Xia Jue and Wu Yiyi standing at the door began to applaud.

With the leadership of Xia Jue and Su Yihan, other employees of the company applauded one after another.

Seeing all this, Wu Yiyi's eyes turned red.

She didn't expect Xia Jue and Su Yihan to welcome her back downstairs with the company owner.

Wu Yiyi went to Su Yihan and lowered his head and said, "President Su, Mr. Xia, I'm sorry I didn't do well enough."

Wu Yiyi said that of course it was the previous incident.

Although her personal freedom has been limited since the incident, she can also know how much impact the incident has had on the company.

If it wasn't for Mr. Xia, she would never be able to get out again, and the company would be doomed.

So it makes her feel a little embarrassed to see that everyone respects her so much.

"No, it's not your fault. The company is proud of you. You set an example for us." Su Yihan quickly comforted.

"Yes, no matter what you do, as long as you work hard for the company, we Su's real estate will not treat you badly. I announce that the company will pay you 5 million yuan plus year-end bonus every year." The summer Jue of one side also opens a way.

On one side, both the top and bottom employees of the company were shocked when they heard this.Even if you increase your salary by 500, the year-end bonus will be great.

After eating Huolin group, everyone knows that Su's real estate will definitely prosper in the future. At that time, the year-end bonus will be astronomical.

So how can they not be shocked.

However, shocked at the same time, they secretly made up their mind that no matter what dirty work the company had in the future, they would try their best to make some contribution to the company and get dividends like Wu Yiyi.

Wu Yiyi was so excited that she wanted to cry.

I didn't expect that this time, even if she didn't finish her work, she even got such a generous reward. She has planned to use her life to repay the kindness of the company in the future.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia. Thank you, Mr. Su." Wu Yiyi's eyes turned red and bowed his thanks.

"Well, let's go back to work." Seeing that things are almost done, Su Yihan says to everyone.

"By the way, Yiyi, would you like to go back and have a rest for a few days first?" Su Yihan is worried that Wu Yiyi is frightened by today's events. This time, he proposes to let her go back and have a rest.

"No, Mr. Su, it's just a small setback. I can't be hit." Got the company's gift, Wu Yiyi at this time full of energy, where there is time to go back to rest.

"Well, let's go up. I'm afraid Lida real estate is about to end. We have to make a good plan."


At the door of the office building of Su's real estate.

At this time, two young people with colorful hair came over.

"What do you do?" Two security guards at the door immediately came to inquire.

"Well, we have something to tell you." One of the young people said.

"What's the matter?" Asked the security guard.

"Put your ears in." Said the young man.

Hearing this, the security guard was a little suspicious, but he did it.

"Well, I'm here to take your life." After saying this, the young man took out a spring knife from his pocket and stabbed the security guard in the abdomen.

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