Another security guard was frightened by the sudden scene.

No, but he soon recovered.

The first thing I've come back to do is run.

But the two young men who had planned for him didn't let him run too far. They ran after him and stabbed him to death.

After stabbing the two to death, the two young people took out their mobile phones and took a few photos before leaving.


this way, the dog is drinking tea with a large group of people in the security department.

Suddenly a man sitting on the screen staring at the monitor yelled.

"Brother dog, there's an invasion."

Hearing this, the dog threw the teacup aside and quickly came up to the screen.

When he got close to the screen, he just saw the scene of two young men chasing the last bodyguard, and he was furious.

"Copy a guy to hurry down, his mother these two son of a bitch incredibly dare to break ground on too old head, I see they live impatiently." Ah, the dog took a group of his subordinates down the stairs in an angry elevator.

But when ah Gou came down to the door of the first floor with a group of hands, where were the two bastards at the scene.

"Go and see how they are." Dog ordered to go down to see the situation of the two security guards.

"They're not angry, brother." One of the men said after the inspection.

"Asshole, I'm going to skin those two assholes." Ah, the dog is so angry.

It's like slapping a dog in the face when they attack their employees at the gate of Su's real estate.

"You go to monitor, find out these two bastards for me, and I'll report this to Mr. Xia." When ah Gou finished, he stepped into the front door of the company.

when he got to the top floor, ah Gou knocked on the glass door of Su Yihan's office.

"Come in." Su Yihan said lightly.

"Ah dog, what can I do for you?" Seeing that the dog came in, Su Yihan asked.

"Mr. Su, let me talk to Mr. Xia." After that, he went to the sofa with Xia Yijue.

"What's the matter?" Xia Jue on the sofa didn't even open his eyes.

"Mr. Xia, something happened..." ah Gou didn't say it directly, because Su Yihan was nearby, and ah Gou knew that Xia Jue didn't want Su Yihan to worry too much about it.

"Go out and talk." Xia Jue heard ah dog's tone and knew it was unusual, so he opened his eyes and got up from the sofa and went out.

Xia Jue and ah dog come to a deserted office.

"Mr. Xia, two security guards downstairs of our company were killed." Once in this office, the dog can't wait to speak.

"Oh? When did it happen? " Xia Jue had some accidents.

"Just now, two young people, one with a spring knife." Ah, said the dog.

"Do you know who it is, and what's the motive?" Xia Jue squinted out of the window.

To tell you the truth, Xia Jue was a little puzzled about it.

He's not sure it's for himself.

It's nothing to do with the two security guards of Sufi.

"I don't know yet." Ah, the dog looks uneasy.

He did not know whether Xia Jue would blame him for his incompetence.

"Take me to the surveillance first." Xiajue walked out of the office.

They took the elevator and went to the security department on the seventh floor.

"Mr. Xia."

"Mr. Xia."

Ah, the dog's men say hello when they see Xia Jue coming.

"Bring out the monitoring and show it to Mr. Xia." Ah, said the dog.

"Yes." One of his men immediately knocked on the keyboard of his computer.

Before long, a picture appeared on the screen.

What Xia Jue saw was two young men chasing a security guard. Soon the security guard was overtaken by them, then kicked to the ground, and finally stabbed to death.

"Didn't you say they were both stabbed to death, and there was another one?" Xia Jue asked curiously.

"The other one was stabbed to death in front of us. We didn't get the specific picture from the monitor at the door." Ah, said the dog.

"See if we can find the surveillance images of the two men who have just contacted." Xia Jue said.

"Mr. Xia, we've asked people to look for it. There should be a monitor next to our company building to capture that picture." Ah, one of the dog's men made a noise.

"Found it, found it." Just as the hand had just finished speaking, a voice came.

"Hu Yan, have you found the monitor?" Ah, the dog looks at the man running back.

"I found brother dog. He has sent it. I'll open it now." Hu Yan immediately opened a software and started a video.

The picture in the video is just the picture of two young people meeting with two security guards.When people see the man in the picture to deceive the security guard and then suddenly make a move, people in the field clench their fists.

"Find out these two guys and pry them open to see what their purpose is." Xia Jue doesn't believe that they will come to the gate of Su's real estate for no reason and kill two security guards just for fun. They must have a social purpose.

Maybe someone wants to take advantage of this to give himself a bad impression.

"I see, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog left the company with a lot of people.


at the same time.

In the rooftop of a building in the provincial capital.

The young man who had killed two security guards at Su's estate appeared here.

After a while, a man with sunglasses and casual clothes also came up.

"I heard you two killed two employees of Soxhlet estate?" The man with sunglasses said.

"Yes, brother Xing, we killed two security guards at his door. Here's a picture. Have a look." One of the young men handed over his cell phone.

"Well." The man in sunglasses nodded and turned away.

"Well, brother Xing, where's our money?"

The two young men were anxious to see each other turn away.

"Wait, someone will bring it up to you." The man with sunglasses left without looking back.

"Ah Kuan, do you think they will keep their promise to give us money?" A young man asked anxiously.

"What are you afraid of? Brother Xing will give it if he says he wants to. How dare he not give it to such a big matter? Let's go to report him if the ministry gives it to us." Said the young man.

"So it is." Hearing this, the young man was relieved.

"This is your reward." At this time, a man came up with two boxes and put them on the ground, and then he would not leave.

Two young people took the box and opened it. They found that it was full of red money. They were very happy.

"If you get rich, brother Kuan, it's one million to kill one employee of Su's real estate. It's easy to make money."

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