"Su's real estate is giving us a bad impression. He is telling us that learning from Li Da is our end." Fang Shao has understood the meaning of the destruction of the Li Da family.

"Ah, what should we do? Let's take back the reward."

"Yes, let's take back the reward so that they won't do us any harm."

"Yes, we're just asking for money. We can't take the whole family's life to fight with him."

You guys are starting to get scared.

"In that case, we might as well hand over the group and provide for the aged with money." Fang Shao looks at the crowd discontentedly.

"Anyway, I don't want to play any more. Even if the group is gone, I still have a lot of money. I'm happy. If my life is gone, it's really gone." A group boss turned around and left. He didn't want to play with these people. He had to cancel his reward.

"I won't play either."

"I'm gone, too."

After the boss opened the door, the leaders of the sacrificial group left one after another.

"Well, who else wants to leave now?" Fang Shao looked around.

"Anyway, Matsushita real estate is a business empire that I have worked hard for many years to create, and I will never give it up." Matsushita real estate directors grow up to have a momentum to fight.

"Yes, the provincial capital. This is the land we have worked hard for. No one can take it away from us." Another group boss said.

"Fang Shao, what do you think we should do now?"

"This matter must have an effect, otherwise Su's real estate will not be so desperate. I suggest that we increase the reward and let the international killer organizations join in. This time, either they or we will die." Fang Shao also has a momentum of breaking his bridges.

"Yes, fight with them."

"Damn it. I can't let him take this cake by himself."

Seeing that everyone was united, Fang Shao finally had a smile: "this period is destined to be an extraordinary period, so I suggest you hire more bodyguards to avoid being attacked by Su's real estate."

In fact, it goes without saying that the bosses of these groups cherish their orders more than one. Since they heard that the Li family had been destroyed just now, they were ready to pay a lot of money to hire more bodyguards.


he has made up his mind to fight with Su's real estate. Fang shaogen couldn't sleep and just waited for the news.


In the early morning, Jin Yuan came to his villa.

"Fang Shao, in one night's time, we can be sure that we have killed more than ten employees of Su's real estate." Jin Yuan said.

"That's good. Let the family members of these employees know that it's Su's real estate that wants to embezzle their company or something. In short, find some reason to pour this basin of dirty water on Su's real estate first, and let them be in a mess."

Hearing this, Jin Yuan's eyes brightened: "Fang Shao, this move is OK. I'll do it now.

I arrived at the company in the morning.

Xia Jue and Su Yihan made a statistics, and something shocking happened to them.

Overnight, there were more than ten employees in the company who couldn't come to work.

One by one, we found out that these people were stabbed to death last night.

"Xia Jue, tell me what's going on?" No matter how stupid Su Yihan is, he knows that there must be a big problem in the company, otherwise he could not have killed so many people overnight.

Xia Jue knew such a big thing, Su Yihan would not give up, so he simply said: "it is estimated that the real estate tycoons in the provincial capital made it."

Hearing this, Su Yihan understood immediately.

It seems that these guys can't help fighting when they see that Su's real estate is in the limelight these days.

What Su Yihan didn't expect was that these people were so unscrupulous that they could even use such extreme means as killing people.

"These bastards, how dare they do this..."

"you have to know that shopping malls are like battlefields. For them, moving their interests is like killing their parents. Naturally, they can do anything they want." Xia Jue said to Su Yihan.

"Well, let's talk to them and discuss the distribution of interests, so they don't have to do such extreme things." Su Yihan worried said.

"You can't talk to them. They are all vampires. The more you talk to them, they will feel that you are bullying them, and they will be more unscrupulous at that time. In the future, if anything happens, they will threaten us with this move. What shall we do then and compromise with them?" Xia Jue said in a tone of teaching.

After hearing Xia Jue's lesson, Su Yihan thinks so.

In this case, compromise means to be soft. Soft means that these guys have the means to threaten Su's real estate. At that time, they will only have Su's real estate.

"And now what?" This matter can not be negotiated, so Su Yihan has nothing to do."Let me solve it. You should first inform the employees who have come to the company not to leave the company for the time being." Last night, Xia Jue had already killed the chicken of Li family. Unexpectedly, the monkeys were not afraid. He didn't mind killing them.

After the dialogue with Su Yihan, Xia Jue comes to the security department.

At this time, there were not only ah Gou and others in the security department, but also Wu Jia and others.

Because the Wu family and others were injured by Xia Jue a few days ago, they have not recovered until now. In view of this situation, Xia Jue directly recruited them to take up the company.

"Have you heard the news? Are there any other guys out there offering a reward to our company?" Xia Jue said to the dog.

"Mr. Xia, other things are not clear, but it is certain that people from shangsong real estate and Sifang international must have participated." Ah, the dog replied.

"That's good. Let's go to his person in charge to have a talk. Wu Kaifu, you'll take your Wu family and sit here. The other three will follow us."

Ah, although the fighting capacity of these people is pretty good, they are only equivalent to ordinary people. If they meet some top bodyguards, they will be a bit stretched. So in order to save some energy, Xia Jue decided to take some people from the martial arts with him.

"Understand Mr. Xia, Wushan Wutian Wuzui, you follow Mr. Xia." The order of martial law restoration.

"Yes." Wu family and others replied.

Just when Xia Jue and others were talking in the security department, cars stopped at the door of Su's real estate building, and then many people began to pour down.

These people drag their families to the gate. Some people pull up banners, and some people put all kinds of paper money and candles in front of the gate. After all this, they cry at the gate.

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