"What are you doing here?"

Being stationed, several of the dog's subordinates came forward to see the situation.

"Give it back to my husband."

"Return my son, you Su's estate return my son."

"My husband is an employee of Su's real estate. When something goes wrong, don't you ask Su's real estate more about it? Are you still human?"

The scene was full of noise and confusion, and all kinds of mourning voices were heard frequently.

Seeing that the situation is not easy to deal with, they just want to inform ah Gou, but at this time they see Xia Jue and his party come down.

Xia Jue came down and saw several high banners at first sight.

"Su's real estate murders my husband for money."

"Su's real estate is cold and heartless. Is it natural?"

"What's the situation?" Xia Jue asked ah Gou.

Ah, how does the dog know what this is, but one thing he can be sure is that these are the families of the employees who died last night.

"Mr. Xia, these are the family members of the employees. I don't know what they want." Ah, the dog answered truthfully.

Xia Jue didn't ask any more and walked directly to the crowd in front of him.

"Mr. Xia, brother dog, they are new here too. We are trying to drive them away." Several of his subordinates were afraid that Xia Jue and ah Gou would be dissatisfied with them.

"What are you doing?" Xia Jue asked the crowd directly.

"What are you doing? Our family all work here in your Su's real estate. All of them have accidents overnight. Dare you say it has nothing to do with you?"

"Yes, it must be that you Su's real estate didn't want to pay wages. That's why you did such a heartless thing."

"That's right, a company that's killing people."

They all scolded angrily.

"Listen, our attitude towards our employees is just like that of our relatives. How can our employees be so cruel? Don't listen to rumors." Cried Xia Jue.

"What's the use of talking here? Ask the person in charge of Su's real estate to come out. I want to have a good talk with him about this. What should we do now?"

"That's to say, let your general manager Su come down. We all depend on my husband to support us. Now that my husband is gone, what should I do?"

"I'm the person in charge. Su's real estate will be responsible for your family's affairs. You can compensate as much as you want. Ah dog, let the personnel department come down." Xia Jue said.

After a while, the manager of the personnel department came down.

"What's the matter, Mr. Xia?" The HR manager was also surprised to see so many people crying at the scene.

"Their families had an accident yesterday. What should our company do? Xia Jue asked the personnel manager.

"Mr. Xia, strictly speaking, it's none of our company's business, because it was already off duty at that time, and it's not our company's responsibility to deal with any accident that happened to the employees when they were off duty."

"You see, you see, it's starting to pass the buck."

"Yes, the black heart company, it seems that as the rumor says, this Su's real estate is trying to deduct our family's wages, which is the only way to do this."

"Su's real estate is a mess. We need to find the media to decide for us."

After listening to the manager of the personnel department, the family members began to get excited.

All of a sudden, these people were excited, and the HR manager was also surprised.

He said so in accordance with the rules and regulations of the law, and did not say anything wrong.

"Well, please don't quarrel. I announce that each of your family members who died can get a sum of compensation from the company. The amount of compensation is 5 million yuan. You can go to the finance department to get it after you deal with the affairs. Now, let's break up. Don't make any more trouble." Xia Jue was a little impatient.

When the families heard that there were five million yuan in compensation, they immediately stopped making noise and thought.

About a few minutes later.

One of the family members raised his head and said, "how can 5 million be enough? Our children are still young, and the elderly need money in all kinds of places, at least 20 million."

"Yes, at least 20 million, or we will have nothing to do with your Su's estate."

"Yes, 5 million is too little. 20 million is reasonable. If we want it or not, we will find the media to decide for us."

The lions began to talk to their families.

Although Xia Jue is not bad for this amount of money, he is not a fool.

If they are allowed to be slaughtered by the family members of these employees, there will be nothing dignified about Su's real estate in the future. Maybe many employees will have to use this as the capital to blackmail Su's real estate.

So this precedent can't be opened.

"It's only 5 million yuan. If you like it or not, if you don't want to leave, you don't have a cent. If you look at them and don't leave within 10 minutes, according to the manager, it's an accident for the employees to make their voices when they leave work again. It has nothing to do with our company." Xia Jue said to several people stationed at the door."I see, Mr. Xia."


"Shameless company, it's not over to give 20 million to the Ministry."

The family members are still making trouble, but Xia Jue has no time to pay attention to him and leaves directly.

The mansion of Lu Jun, chairman of Matsushita group, is located in the provincial capital near Jinhai.

This place has mountains and water, beautiful scenery, very suitable for people to live in.

Of course, the luxury houses here are also very expensive. All the people who can live here are the dignitaries of China shipping.

As he is in the period of "war" with Su's real estate, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, Lu Jun is not ready to go to the group office before winning or losing with Su's real estate. He plans to remote control the group's affairs here.

"Mr. Xia, it seems that Lu Jun is also afraid of death. He hired so many bodyguards." Far away, the dog found Lu Jun's mansion full of bodyguards in suits.

"It's just useless work." Xia Jue said without expression.

Ah, the dog nodded.

If this guy is smarter, he can live longer. But he dares to jump out in front of Mr. Xia and play this kind of trick. It's too long for him.

Ah, the dog also sighed for Lu Jun with some regret.

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