So for once and for all, Lu Jun must die today.

"Then there's nothing to say. Kill me. Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I paid 8 billion yuan in an intermediary agency. All the 8 billion yuan is used to offer a reward to the employees of Su's real estate. As long as I don't stop, the transaction will continue." Lu Jun looks like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Damn you."

"I'm going to cut him off."

Ah, the dog and others saw that Lu Jun was dying, and they were so angry at the threat that they wanted to teach him a lesson.

Xia Jue waved his hand to show everyone not to be restless. Then they put out their anger.

After everyone was quiet, Xia Jue picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

"Help me find out when the family of Lu Jun, chairman of Matsushita real estate, went to the United States."

"There's no need to check. I can tell you that they took the flight to the United States at 6 o'clock this morning, but what if I told you, where do you think the United States is? It's not something you can do with money." Lu Jun sneered.

One side of the dog heard Lu Jun so arrogant is also a sneer.

With his understanding of Xia Jue, since Xia Jue is still calm now, it proves that Xia Jue is absolutely sure to annoy Lu Jun, and he can't wait to see Lu Jun's silly eyes.

"That's good. It saved me a lot of trouble." Xia Jue picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Lord." A husky voice came from the other end of the phone.

"At six o'clock Chinese time, there is a flight to the United States, on which there is a group of people named Lu Jun's relatives, who will be dug out in half an hour."

"I understand, Lord. I'll do it now."

In fact, Lu Jun is right. In the United States, he really can't stretch his hand so long, but it's a pity that he didn't expect to have another identity.

That is, he is the Lord of the Dragon hall.

There are all kinds of intelligence agencies in the Dragon hall. It's very easy to investigate a few ordinary people.

However, this is the first time that he has used the power of the Dragon hall to deal with his private affairs since he entered the secular world.

Although he is the Lord of the Dragon hall, it does not mean that the Dragon hall is his personal property. In addition to the Lord, there are many masters in the Dragon hall, which is why Xia Jue is not willing to use the power of the Dragon hall.

"Half an hour, how about a day?" Lu Jun was amused by Xia Jue's big tone.

He has many friends in the United States.

He had told these friends to find a hiding place for his family. He didn't believe that Xia Jue could find out where his family were in such a short time.

To say the least.

Even if Xia Jue's people really find the address of his relatives, his friends are not vegetarians. The United States is not as strict as China.

What weapons do you want there? What weapons do you have? Xia Jue's men can turn the world around.

Xia Jue ignores Lu Jun's sarcastic tone and lies on the sofa waiting.

Time went by.

When the twenty third minute came, the telephone on Xiajue's desk rang.

The ring of the telephone makes Lu Jun's relaxed heart suddenly tense.

There's no real accident, is there?

But how can it be? Don't scare yourself.

Lu Jun kept comforting himself.

"Lord, I have found them, but they are closely protected by a group of people. What should I do now?"

"Take him." Xia Jue did not hang up, but put the phone on the table.

"Yes, Lord." Xia Jue didn't hang up. Naturally, the people at the other end of the phone didn't dare to hang up. This is to show respect for Xia Jue.

"Bang bang."

The other end of the phone began to hear a lot of noise.

“EnemY;Enemy。” There were shouts of English coming from the other end of the phone.

This English ah, dog and others do not understand what it means, but as a real estate group's chairman how can not understand.

The man on the other end of the phone is shouting that there is an enemy invasion.

Did Xia really find the place where his family lived?

If that's the case...

damn it

What are these assholes for.

Thanks for giving them so much money, this group of rubbish.

The more Lu Jun thinks about it, the more frightened he is. He keeps cursing in his heart.

Now he can only pray that the people at the other end can resist, otherwise it will be over.

Just as he was praying in his heart, a sentence from the other end of the phone made his heart rise to his throat.

"Lord, these obstacles have been solved. How do these people in the room deal with them?"Xia Jue put his head in front of the mobile phone: "open the video."

"Yes, Lord."

Soon, the video was turned on for convenience.

The video was blurry at first, but after the person at the other end picked up the mobile phone and swung it to the right, the scene came out instantly.

I saw a group of men and women, old and young figure suddenly showed.

After seeing these people clearly, Lu Jun's psychological defense line was completely defeated, and he fell to the ground.

He didn't seem to understand how Xia Jue did it. It was the United States.

How can he stretch his hand for such a long time, solve so many difficulties in such a short time, and seize his family? What kind of means is needed to do this?

Lu Jun, who was elated before, is now depressed. Ah, dog and others feel very happy and almost don't want to laugh.

If you dare to threaten Mr. Xia, you really don't know what to do.

"Well, would you like to talk now?" Xia Jue looks at Lu Jun.

Even so, Lu Jun did not make up his mind to give a reply at the first time.

Because he knew that if the reward was cancelled, he would die.

No one wants to die. Naturally, he doesn't want to. He still has money to spend. How can he be willing to let him die like this.

He is now extremely regretful, extremely regretful against Su's real estate.

If he had learned from those who left Fang Shao last night for the first time and did not want to fight against Su's real estate, he would not have come to such a situation now.

But there is no regret medicine in the world.

No matter how much he regrets now, it won't help.

"Take the red one out." Since Lu Jun is not willing to give a reply, there is no need for Xia Jue to be polite.

"Yes, Lord." One of the people in the video immediately went towards the child.

"What do you want? Don't touch my sons. Let them go." Lu Jun sitting on the floor saw this scene and immediately became angry and roared.

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