"Help us, honey." In the video, a beautiful woman yells.

"Let them go, I promise, I promise." Lu Jun finally compromised. It's better for him to die alone than for his family.

"Call." Xia Jue said without any emotion.

"Will you let my family go?" Lu Jun is still a little worried.

"Good." Watching Xia Jue ignore him, Lu Jun still has to do so, because only in this way can he have a chance of life.

Lu Jun dialed a number: "cancel the reward of Su's real estate for me."

After the call, Lu Jun began to shiver all over.

It's a reaction to death.

"Let his family go." Xia Jue said to the person on the mobile phone.

In fact, Xia Jue also has some taboos. He is afraid that Lu Jun will play some tricks, so he said this, so if the other party buried something, he would say it earlier, unless Lu Jun is not only concerned about his family.

Xia Jue's words made Lu Junsong relax and wait for death.

Seeing that the other side had not buried any backhand, Xia Jue stood up and walked towards the door.

"Be neat." Ah, the dog left such a sentence for the two little brothers and followed Xia Jue out.

"Mr. Xia, are you going to the guy named Fang now?" The dog in the driver's seat asked carefully.

"Yes, we don't have to worry about dealing with these guys as soon as possible."

"I understand." Ah, dog immediately drove to Fang Shao's house.

At this point.

Fang Shao's villa.

Many bodyguards, like Lu Jun's house, constantly patrol the four directions.

But in the villa Fang Shao is embracing a figure hot beautiful woman to be lingering.

All of a sudden, Jin Yuan burst in.

"What are you doing? Mao is impetuous." Fang Shao, who has been bothered by Su's real estate for so long and finally plans to relax, has been disturbed by Yaxing, so he is very unhappy.

"Fang Shao, something's wrong. There seems to be something wrong with Lu Dong." Jin Yuan said.

"Oh?" Major Fang pushes away the beauty around him.

"Didn't we discuss with them last night, and we agreed to report each other's achievements and status every two hours. Now it's two and a half hours. There's no news from Lu Dong, and we can't get through to him."

Jin Yuan's words locked Fang Shao's brows.

They did discuss it last night.

In order to avoid the tragedy of the Li family being destroyed, they made an appointment with each other. Once an accident happened to one family, they would give each other a wake-up call and let each other have time to make countermeasures, so that the group would not be destroyed.

Now Lu Jun can't get in touch, which is tantamount to reminding him, so Fang Shao starts to worry.

With Lu Jun's security situation, even he can't stand it. I guess I can't stand the attack of the other side here.

To understand this, Fang Shao immediately made a decision: "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Prepare the helicopter. Let's go now."

"Good, Fang Shao." Jin Yuan left immediately.

Xia Jue and his party saw a helicopter taking off slowly when they were a few kilometers away from Fang Shao's villa.

"Mr. Xia, I feel that the helicopter is named Fang. It seems that he wants to run when he gets the news." Ah, said the dog as he drove.

"Just go and have a look." Xia Jue didn't care.

Even if he ran to the ends of the earth, Xia Jue had the confidence to dig him out.

"Cha Cha."

Xia Jue and other vehicles soon came to the door of Fang Shao villa.

Far above, Fang Shao naturally saw this scene.

"Fang Shao, look, they are coming." Jin Yuan also saw the situation below through the window of the helicopter.

"How can such a few people overturn Lu Jun's solid mansion?" Jin Yuan couldn't believe it when he saw a dozen people coming down from the car.

"Ah Sen, don't fly away. Stay here first. I want to see what kind of monsters they are." Fang Shao took out his cell phone after he finished.

"I see, Fang Shao." The pilot of the helicopter is no longer required.

"Old crab, let my brother handle the door. The dozen of them are useless." Fang Shao said to his mobile phone.

"I see, Fang Shao." The bodyguard leader in Fang Shao villa looks at the helicopter above.

He couldn't understand why he was so afraid that he had to take a helicopter to take refuge in the air.

"Come with me, brothers." The bodyguard leader led a large number of bodyguards to the door.

"Mr. Xia, they haven't left yet." Ah, the dog looks up at the helicopter in the sky.

"They'll be gone in a minute." Xia Jue can guess the other party's idea, but he just wants to see the fighting capacity of more than ten of them."Give me brothers." At this time, the old crab came out with a lot of bodyguards.

"Brothers, our sparring is coming again. Let's go." Ah, the dog has obviously taken these bodyguards as the goods for training.

"Bang bang."

The war between the two sides began again.

Ten minutes later, Jin Yuan and Fang Shao on the helicopter finally understand why these ten people can capture Lu Jun's solid mansion.

These guys can fight one by one. It's not too much to say that they can fight one against ten. How can the bodyguards they hire be rivals.

"Fang Shao, what should we do now?"

Master Fang is thinking about this problem.

Fortunately this time, the gang went to Lu Jun first, which made them get a warning. If they came to him at the first time, I'm afraid he would end up like Lu Jun now.

"With this group of guys, we can't stay in the provincial capital. Let's avoid the limelight first, and then increase the reward so that the desperado can slowly consume them first." Fang Shao plans to leave the provincial capital first.

"Where are we going now?" Jin Yuan asked.

"Now go to the airport, let's fly to my aunt's house in Kyoto. When I get to Kyoto, I'm playing with them by remote control."

"What about the industry of Sifang international in the provincial capital?" Jin Yuan's worry is not unreasonable.

Once they don't respond, the business of Sifang international will be robbed by them by means of Su's real estate.

"When the time comes, we don't want to let them swallow up their lives."

"Fang Shao is right, ah Sen, fly to the airport!"

"Mr. Xia, they are gone. Do you want to chase them?" After solving these problems, the underground dogs and other bodyguards looked up at the sky and saw that the helicopter had slowly gone away.

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