Chapter 167 get to Kyoto

Chapter 167 get to Kyoto

"don't worry about him. He can't run. Let's solve these suspects first." Xia Jue said calmly.


Time of day.

Xia Jue, ah Gou and others have cleaned up all the suspects, leaving only Fang Shao to escape.

At the same time.

Some cafes, restaurants and milk tea shops outside the office building of Su's real estate are full of people.

A large part of these people have been looking at the office building of Su's real estate, as if they were looking for prey.

But not for long.

There are some people sitting on their cell phones.

After seeing the message, some people got up and left.

"Brother Wu, I don't know why some people left." Su's real estate security department, a man with a telescope looking at the situation outside.

"Regardless of them, as long as they dare not break in, Mr. Xia will solve the rest." He said in a hurry.

After a while.

Some people in coffee shops and milk tea shops began to lose their seats.

They stood up and came out, then "as if nothing had happened" to the side of Su's real estate.

"Brother Wu, some people can't help it." Said the man who had been observing.

"Then I'll kill some chickens and respect the monkey." Wu Kaifu looks cold, and then out of the security department.

with the help of some irrepressible people, more than a dozen people who want to get rich have come to the door of Su's real estate, but they still dare not act rashly, just stand at the door and look around.

Coffee shop, restaurant, milk tea shop, the rest of the people are still staring at this scene.

These irrepressible people are helping them to find out the bottom of Su's real estate.

As long as they find that the security of Su's real estate is not strong, then they will rush to kill and make a fortune.

"What do you mean After Wu Kaifu came down, PI xiaorou looked at the dozen people with no smile.

"It's not interesting. Just look around." One of them responded.

"There's nothing to see. Please leave." Wu Kai said in an unquestionable tone.

Hearing this, more than a dozen people standing at the door looked at each other. They all saw the reluctance in each other's eyes.

Then a dozen people took out a spring knife from their pocket and attacked Wu Kaifu.

"I don't know what to do." Wu Kaifu sneered, and then quickly welcomed him.

"Ah, ah, ah."

These ten are just rotten fish and shrimps who just want to get rich and have no ability. They are not Wu Kaifu's opponents. They are soon cleaned up by Wu Kaifu.

Wu Kaifu in order to play a deterrent effect, the hand is extremely fierce, these guys will be broken limbs.

"Throw these guys in the square opposite." Wu Kaifu, in order to let those who are still watching in the dark see the tragedy of these people, so that they will have more worries and will not dare to harass them easily.


A kind of people carried the dozen guys to the opposite side.

Sure enough.

A dozen people who dare to sit down and follow are no longer willing to move.

"Brother Wu, some of them have settled down." His subordinates observed the situation on the opposite side again.

Wu Kaifu nodded, which was expected.


in a manor in the provincial capital.

Xia Jue and others came out from inside.

It's already afternoon.

"Ding Dong."

Xia Jue mobile phone to a message, he picked up the phone a look, above is an address.

This guy is really fast enough to run to Kyoto.

But no matter how far he goes, it's useless.

"To the airport." Xia Jue said to the dog.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, dog and others immediately started the car to the airport.

On the plane, Xia Jue was a little worried and gave Wu Kaifu a call.

"How's it going?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Xia. I've shocked them. They don't dare to do it again."

"I'm going to Kyoto to deal with something. Before we call you, don't let the employees go back, just stay in the company." Xia Jue is worried that if these employees leave the company, they will become fat sheep in other people's eyes.

"I see, Mr. Xia. I'll let you know."

An hour later, a plane stopped at Kyoto airport.

Xia Jue and a group of people came down from the plane.

"Let's take a bus to No. 1 of Xicheng water village." Said Xia Jue."I understand."

Kyoto is extremely prosperous, and vehicles are also extremely congested. It was only half an hour later that people arrived at the place designated by Lu Xiajue.

"Who are you?" Several bodyguards at the door saw that Xia Jue and others were coming, and they were on guard.

"The one who wants your life." Ah, dogs and others have been doing this kind of thing all day. Naturally, they are familiar with it.

Before long, several bodyguards at the door were relieved.

What happened at the door could not be concealed from the people inside, and soon a large number of bodyguards broke out.

In the manor.

As soon as Fang Shao arrived in the capital, his aunt prepared the manor for him to settle down.

At this time, he was on the phone.

"It's a bunch of shit. What are you afraid of? They hide in the company and go into the company. What's the reward if they don't want to make money?" Fang Shao was so angry when he heard that Su's real estate had not killed him so far.

"Fang Shao, they have experts there. Just now, a group of people went to test them. They broke their limbs and threw them out. The brothers didn't dare to be careless."

"Waste, so many of you, if you rush up, how can the other party be more powerful? As the saying goes, if you want to make money, you have to fight for your life."

"Less square, less square." Just when Fang Shao called again, Jin Yuan came in with a flustered look.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Fang Shao is angry. He is dissatisfied with Jin Yuan's appearance.

"They... They're coming."

"What, who killed you?" Fang Shao was a little surprised.

"It's the people of Su's estate." Jin Yuan said.

"No way." Fang Shao roared out.

Not long after they arrived in the capital, the other side came after them.

How did they do it so accurately?

Fang Shao couldn't understand what he thought.

"It's really Fang Shao. Let's run, or it will be too late." Jin Yuan is really worried.

After Jin Yuan said that, Fang Shao calmed down.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he understood that there was no need for Jinyuan to cheat him.

"These bastards, how on earth did they do it?" Fang Shao's teeth cackled.

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