"Fang Shao, let's leave this alone. It's too late if we don't run." Jin Yuan can imagine what will happen if they fall into the hands of Xia Jue.

"What's the matter? This is the capital. He has to hold the dragon and the tiger in Su's real estate. I'll call my aunt." Fang Shao is about to pick up the phone.


Fang Shaogang just finished the call, the gate broke, a bodyguard smashed in, has been sliding to the side of Fang Shao and Jin Yuan.

Seeing this, Fang Shao and Jin Yuan subconsciously took a few steps back.

"Run, aren't you good at running?" Xia Jue came over with a slight sarcastic tone.

"Hum, why do I want to run? I don't know who will run later. I admire you. You dare to come to Kyoto with more than a dozen people. You should know that there are people outside and there is a day outside. Don't even know how to die at that time."

Fang Shao has already called his aunt. Her aunt said that she would bring people here in ten minutes at most, so he still has no fear.

"Today, I personally went to the door of so many people. It's your death and your courage. I appreciate you, but it's a pity that you chose to fight me." Xia Jue shook his head regretfully.

"Cut the crap. I tell you, I don't care what other people do, but Sifang international will never be slaughtered by you like this. This time, either your Su's real estate or Sifang international will be left in the provincial capital."

"It's a pity that the rest must be my Su's estate. Let's do it." Xia Jue said lightly.

"Yes, Mr. Xia." Ah, the dog immediately kicked Jinyuan to the ground.

"Oh, please, please." In the end, Jin Yuan is just a part-time worker. If he could be a master, he would have been like Xia Jue, but he couldn't.

"Fang Shao, help me, Fang Shao." Jin Yuan can't stand being beaten by dogs and others.

"Stop it." Fang Shao looks at Xia Jue with a gloomy face.

"Cancel the offer and talk about it again." Xia Jue pulled a chair and sat down.

Xia Jue's words made Fang Shao silent again.

The two sides were so deadlocked that Xia Jue didn't speak any more.

A few minutes later, Jin Yuan's scream gradually died out, because he had been beaten to death.

"Not willing to make a decision yet, my patience is limited."

"Will you let me go if I cancel the reward?" Fang Shao is procrastinating. As long as he takes off his aunt's staff, he will finish the task.

"No, but it can make you suffer less." Xia Jue didn't want to hide at all.

Fang Shao is also slightly angry when he hears the words.

I can't believe that this bastard is not willing to be perfunctory with him.

"OK, I'll call right away." Anyway, he has made up his mind to delay time, and Fang Shao has never thought of taking Xia Jue Xu as an example.

Fang Shao picked up his mobile phone and began to ink.

"What are you doing, trying to delay?" Ah, the dog is dissatisfied with his slow action.

"No, I'm looking for the number." Fang Shao saw the urge and dialed a number.

At this time, outside came a bustling sound of footsteps.

Hearing this voice, Fang Shaoru came to the rescue, and his face relaxed a lot.

"Go outside and see what's going on?" Ah, said the dog to one of his men.

The hand nodded and ran out.

"I said, how can you speak so well? It turns out that you have moved the rescue troops." Hearing the voice outside, Xia Jue guessed a few points combined with Fang Shao's expression.

"So what? I tell you, since you people have come to Kyoto today, you can't run away." Fang Shao showed a sneer.

Although this group of people are very good at fighting, they can fight with each other.

But his aunt's family is not without experts. When he talked on the phone just now, he already knew the power of these guys. His aunt will be ready to send someone to come.

"Brother dog, Mr. Xia, there's a big crowd outside, breaking in." My men came back to report.

"What a bold man! He dares to touch my Zhou family." As soon as his words were finished, a group of people poured in like water.

"Cousin, help me." Fang Shao saw the person from the opposite come in and asked for help.

"I'll save your mother. Today, even if I'm the king of heaven, I can't save you." Ah, after hearing Fang Shao's words, the dog got angry again and directly kicked him in the belly.

"I'm so brave. I've already been here and dare to attack my cousin. Today you can go out of this door. I'm your surname." Cried a handsome man.

"Bring him up." Sitting on the chair.

Ah, goudang brings Fang Shao to Xiajue.

"If you know the truth, you can save me quickly, so I can ask my cousin to give you a way to live, otherwise you will die." Fang Shao threatened."Click."


Xia Jue kicks Fang Shao's knee, and everyone at the scene immediately hears the sound of a broken bone. Fang Shao also screams.

"Do you think these rotten fish and shrimps can save you when they arrive? It's naive."

"Good, very good. No one dares to say such arrogant words to me for many years. You are the first one. I won't let you die so easily. I will torture you slowly." Fang Shao's cousin looks ferocious.

"Cousin, don't worry about me. Remember to help me kill this bastard's family and bury them with me." Fang Shao's ruthlessness also came up. Even if he died, he would take Xia Jue's family to be buried with him.


"Oh, damn it."

Xia Jue broke Fang Shao's knee again. Even if Fang Shao was still alive, he was useless.

"Damn it, give it to me." Cousin Fang Shao can't stand Xia Jue's pushing his nose and face any longer.

"Bang bang."

The two sides began to fight again.

However, Xia Jue didn't get any advantage this time, because the other side's strength is not weak, and there are a large number of people. If it wasn't for the three men of Wu family to resist most of the offensive, ah, dog and others would have been unable to carry it.

"People of Wu family?"

During the fight between the two sides, cousin Fang Shao finally saw a big "Wu" on the back of three of the men.

"Zhou Shao, the person who can let the Wu family as a bodyguard should have something to do with it." A tall man next to Fang Shao's cousin approached Zhou Shao's ear and said.

Zhou Shao certainly knows.

However, he knew all the dignified people in Kyoto, but he was very strange to the ugly man in front of him. He couldn't remember which person he was.

That's right.

His cousin Fang Shao said that this man was not from the provincial capital.

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