But how can a person from a provincial capital have the strength to let the Wu family serve him?

Who the hell is this guy?

However, no matter who the other side is, since he has chosen to fight, as the saying goes, he will not stop until the other side takes the initiative to make peace with him.

Because his Zhou family is not vegetarian.

The war between the two sides lasted ten minutes.

It can be said that they are evenly matched.

Although there are many people on Zhou Shao's side, there are three martial arts experts on the other side. No one can help.

Just then, he saw the ugly man sitting on the chair all the time and stood up.

Here, Xia Jue sees that he can't open the situation in the field, and he doesn't want to delay any longer. He plans to solve this group of rotten fish and shrimps by himself.

He twisted his neck and knuckles, and Xia Jue joined the battlefield like a tornado.

"Ah, ah."

Where Xia Jue went, there must be a series of shrieks, and then a group of people and horses fell down.

However, in just one minute, Zhou Shao has fallen dozens of famous horses.

By Xia Jue's interference, the balance in the field was instantly broken. Ah Gou and others immediately took advantage of the situation, and soon the other party's men and horses were pushed back by them.

When Zhou Shao saw this scene, his eyes were almost staring out.

This NIMA, this guy or human?

Like a monster, his men don't have any fighting power.

"Zhou Shao, this guy is an absolute master." The tall man beside Zhou Shao looks at Xia Jue who is killing wantonly.

"Isn't that bullshit? I'm not blind. Are you sure you can deal with him?" Don't make a sound.

"Zhou Shao, I'm afraid I'm not his opponent. In order to avoid any accident, I suggest you leave here first."

Hearing this, Zhou Shao set off a wave in his heart.

As one of his subordinates for so many years, Zhou Shao naturally understood his character.

He is very proud of himself. No matter how powerful a person is, he is rubbish, and he has done it.

Zhou Shao has never seen anyone he can't deal with.

Today is the first time I've heard such words from his staff.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Zhou Shao didn't say much. He turned around and walked towards the door. He wanted to leave this dangerous place first.

Xia Jue naturally thought about Zhou Shao's action, and he didn't care about the situation of these people in the field, and directly attacked Zhou Shao who wanted to run.

Zhou Shao was scared out of his wits when he saw this scene. If he was caught by the evil star, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The tall man has been staring at Xia Jue's action. Seeing that Xia Jue chased Zhou Shao, he jumped out immediately.

"Hum, if you want to move Zhou Shao, you should pass me first. Zhou Shao, go away quickly." Although the tall man thinks he is not the opponent of Xia Jue, it is not easy for Xia Jue to put him down easily.

"Let me try how many kilos you have." After the tall man finished, he rushed directly to Xia Jue.

Xia Jue didn't even look at him. He swept towards the tall man with a whip leg.

Seeing this, the tall man crossed his arms to form an X-shape and tried to block Xia Jue's whip leg.

But when his arms touched Xia Jue's whip leg, he felt that Xia Jue's whip leg was pressing down on him like a heavy weight.


A floor under his feet couldn't support the weight, and it broke.

Then the tall man couldn't carry the whip leg and knelt down directly.


The knee of tall man is mercilessly kneeling to hit on the broken floor below, immediately blood crosscurrent.

So far.

The big man set off a storm in his heart.

The strength of this ugly man is terrible.

Originally, he thought he could compete with the other side even though he was not as good as the other side. Unexpectedly, he couldn't even take the other side's move. It seems that he overestimated his strength.

Thinking of this, the tall man was not satisfied. He desperately wanted to stand up, but his legs seemed to lose consciousness, and he would not listen to him any more. He could only kneel in the same place.

See a move to solve the tall man, Xia Jue no time with him again too much entanglement, directly toward the direction of Zhou Shao escape chase out.

Zhou shaokan was relieved to run out of the door.

This guy is really terrible. He almost died here today. It seems that this matter needs to be considered in the long run.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly his ears were keen to hear a sound of footwork coming from behind.

Zhou Shao subconsciously looked back and saw that he was out of his mind.

Damn it.

How can you stop this bastard from eating noodles today.In Zhou Shao's heart, he scolded and looked at the nearest car.

Just as he got into the car and wanted to start running, a hand came through the windshield.

"Pa la."

The windshield broke, and Zhou Shao in the driver's seat subconsciously protected his face with his hands.

Xia Jue directly grabbed Zhou Shao and carried him out of the window.

"Let go, Laozi, let go." Zhou Shao is struggling madly.

Xia Jue naturally pays attention to him and directly carries him back to the room.

In the previous room, Xia Jue solved more than half of his subordinates this week. Naturally, the rest are not the opponents of Wu family and ah Gou.

So when Xia Jue came back with Zhou Shao, all these people had been solved.

"Zhou Shao..." the tall man kneeling on the ground saw that Zhou Shao was caught by Xia Jue, and his eyes were full of reluctance.

"Li Mian, I really spent so much money to support you as a waste." The tall man didn't give Zhou Shao time to escape. Zhou Shao naturally hated him so much.

"I..." the tall man went under his head.

It's not that he's too useless, but that the ugly man's strength is too terrible. It's just that he doesn't want to explain to Zhou Shao, because he can't listen to Zhou Shao's current mood.

"Sit down, Mr. Xia." Ah, one of the dog's men moved a stool behind Xia Jue's butt.

Xia Jue was not polite. He sat down and said, "your proud cousin has become a prisoner in my hands. What else do you want to say?"

"You..." Fang Shao glares at Xia Jue helplessly.

"Don't be wild, you dare to touch my hair, I'll let your family die." Zhou Shao is more excited.


As soon as Zhou Shaogang finished his sentence, he was slapped in the face by ah dog.

"Everyone said that to Mr. Xia after they were caught. Do you know how they are now?" Said Zhou Shao sarcastically.

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