"Our son was killed, Wuwuwuwu." Third aunt is too choked to stop.

The third aunt said this, and the people in the field were too surprised to speak.

Zhou Yuan, the head of the Zhou family, has such a son, and he has been cultivated to be the heir of the family over the years. If he is killed in this way, the whole Zhou family will have a huge shock.

At the same time, people were also thinking about who dares to do so, even the young master of the Zhou family dares to kill him.

After all, Zhou Yuan had mastered the boat of the Zhou family for so many years, and his mentality and determination were far beyond the ordinary people's ability to compare, so he was soon relieved.

After breathing, he suddenly became angry.

"Tell me what's going on."

Before the third aunt sent someone to transfer to Zhou Yuan, Zhou Yuan was in a meeting. Later, she came to the family to transfer, so he didn't know what happened to his son.

Third aunt too choking words also can't say, at this time third aunt too close bodyguard came to the cause and effect of the matter to explain.

"Bastard, people from the provincial capital dare to attack my Zhou family. Are you tired of living?" Zhou Yuan looks ferocious to the table.

"Master, the other side has people from the Wu family as helpers, and one of them, Xia, is a terrible person. Our people can't resist it." Third aunt too close bodyguard said.

"Old four, you should bring some people over. It's better to catch them alive. I'll let them know that they regret it." Zhou Yuan said to a man behind him.

"Yes, sir." The man nodded and walked out.

When the man, who was called Laosi by Zhou Yuan, arrived at the scene with a large group of people, the scene was in a mess, and Xia Jue and others disappeared.

Lao Si called Zhou Yuan.

"Master, I'm not here anymore."

The man in the manor conference room put down the phone and said to the people.

"Start a relationship and find these people at all costs."

"Yes, master." People in the conference room got up and went out.

Once the Zhou family's machine works, it will be extremely terrifying, so Zhou Yuan doesn't worry that these people can fly.

"now, Mr. Xia... >" The dog in the car asked.

Xia Jue is also thinking.

Fang Shao is dead now. It is impossible to cancel the reward.

What should we do to deal with it?

He went back to the company and killed all these outlaws, which may make them retreat.

However, this is just a bad policy. There is no shortage of Desperado who are not afraid to die and want to make money.

Even if he frightens them now, maybe in the future, the employees of the company will have an accident, which will make him very troublesome.

Otherwise, find out the organization that helps Fang Shao to offer a reward, and ask the organization to cancel the reward. But Xia Jue also knows that this kind of organization will not cancel the reward lightly without employers themselves.

This is an industry credit problem.

If Xia Jue asked them to cancel it, it would be Xia Jue who would kill them and force them to comply.


Just as Xia Jue was full of thoughts, the car he was sitting in seemed to have been hit by another car from the side.

The other party's car has been sitting on the roof of Xia Jue to the wall of a house, which stopped.

Then many vehicles came to Xiajue and others, and a group of bodyguards came down from the car.

"Ah, dog, wake up." Huge impact let ah dog into a coma, Xia Jue kept shaking ah dog's head.

"What happened, Mr. Xia?" Ah, the dog woke up in a daze.

It seems that we are blocked.

"Bang bang."

As soon as Xia Jue's words came to an end, two bodyguards with two iron bars smashed against the windshield, and the glass debris shot around in an instant.

Seeing this, Xia Jue directly kicked the door open, and the two bodyguards who were close to him didn't react for a moment. They were shocked out by the recoil of the door.

Xia Jue walked quietly from the car, and then he patted the glass residue on his body and sorted out his clothes.

"Are you Xia?" Ma Jue's bodyguards stood in front of the four secret roads and gave way.

Xia Jue didn't speak, just looked at each other coldly.

"Don't talk. Bring it up to me." The fourth big hand waved.

Old four words fall, ah Dog bring of hand and Wu family three people are all tied up.

"The brothers of the Wu family took them to one side to entertain them." Although the three men of the Wu family are Xia Jue's subordinates now, they are also members of the Wu family. Even the Zhou family can't fall into the face of the Wu family at will, so Lao Si signals his subordinates to take them aside first."Yes, fourth brother." Several bodyguards took the three members of the Wu family to one side.

"Don't fight. I've got all your men. You're the only ones left." Old four hands cross, drama abuse of looking at Xia Jue.

"Let go of me."

"If you have seed, you will kill Laozi. Eighteen years later, you will be a later Han Dynasty."

"Don't worry about us, Mr. Xia, and clean up these bastards."

Ah, the dog's men are struggling frantically.

"I dare to be crazy when I'm dying. Kneel down."

Heard the old four's command, grabbed a few people under the dog and directly kicked on the knee of the dog's back foot.

"I kneel down to your mother." Ah, one of the dog's men struggled to bite the bodyguard at the back.


The bodyguard was pressed on his hand by the hand of ah Gou. He felt a little pain. He didn't care so much. He took out a dagger from his waist and stabbed him wildly.

Before long, the hand was covered with blood and fell to the ground.

"Gangzi!" As soon as his consciousness was restored, the dog came down from the car. Seeing this scene, his eyes were almost splitting.

Here, the dog's men who were caught were all excited.

"I'll fight with you."

"Mr. Xia, avenge us."

A group of men struggled against it.

"Let them be honest, and don't kill them any more. These are the culprits who killed Zhou Shao. We have to take them back and let the master calm down." Old four speaks.

At Lao Si's command, the bodyguards who wanted to draw knives stopped.

"Are you going to do it yourself or let me do it?"

"You Zhou family, there is no need to exist now." Xia Jue's manner didn't change at all, and everyone could see what he was thinking. However, people seemed to be a little cold when they heard this.

"Toast, no penalty. Give it to me. Remember, the master told me to live." The fourth big hand waved.

"Go ahead."

A group of bodyguards tore their voices and attacked Xia Jue.

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